What's the probability of picking 7 in a set between 0 and infinity?

What's the probability of picking 7 in a set between 0 and infinity?

Other urls found in this thread:

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=is iota a 7?&rawformassumption="ListOrTimes" -> "List"
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=7 = \iota + 3.5 + 3.5



1 in infinity.

is the probability 0 for picking any number at all?
if so then that means you can't actually pick a number from the set

axiom of choice btfo

either u do or u dont

That depends is the big or small infinity?


Everyone itt is retarded. The correct answer is that it depends on the probability distribution you choose

But is the infinity big or small?

does that make a difference, isn't it 0 anyways?
I would guess it's small infinity since it's all the natural numbers

It's irrelevant

You can't have a set between 0 and infinity. A set must have a beginning and an end, but infinity does not end.


Well this is a horrible thread

>[math]\mathbb{R}[/math] equals the real numbers
What a grand definition. Not circular at all.

Don't be daft. The set of all successor ordinals and the first limit ordinal is pretty much "from zero to infinity." The set [0,infty] on the extended real line is "from zero to infinity".

aucune, presque sûrement

1 over 7 to infinity

If there are a billion people in a lottery and someone is selected at random, each person has a one-in-a-billion chance of being picked.
It you're selecting from an infinite set of integers, each integer has a one-in-infinity chance of being packed. That's zero.

There's also a zero chance of picking any finite subset (say, any number between 10 and a trillion) out of infinity.

Why did you ignore the part that actually defines it?
There were only two sentences you had to read, was the first one really so much work that you had to stop there?
Not that it's the best explanation in the world, but real numbers are in fact all the numbers you can put on a number line. A better definition would just be to reference the least-upper-bound property.

Probability doesn’t apply to infinity in this way.

I know because it’s what David Deutsch says in his book and he’s my kind of authority.

Lol i clearly misread i meant 1 over positive infinity

For the one that picked it; 100%.

It's ϵ.
ϵ*ω = 1.

[math]- \frac{1}{12}[/math]

wouldnt it be 1 over -1/12 which is -12

Infinity isn't a number
You can't make calculations with pure

Infinity is not a number, that's like asking "what's the probability of picking 7 in the alphabet"

Pure concepts

Probability 0 doesn't mean that the event can't occur.

This question is literally week 1 probability theory, go read a book

This, only makes sense that it's 0.000...1
Whether or that equals 0 depends on how you look at it, that's why there's really no point to these infinity threads.
In fact, I propose we give a name to people who make redundant threads about the properties of infinity.
Maybe call them "infinitards"?



Hyperreals though

What's your probability distribution?

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=is iota a 7?&rawformassumption="ListOrTimes" -> "List"

7/7 times, i times as many characters as you want now.

7 = \iota + 3.5 + 3.5

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=7 = \iota + 3.5 + 3.5

The only correct answer.

>Probability 0 doesn't mean that the event can't occur.
Please tell me you are trolling.

Oh, so all other English speakers have become 'programmed' by text they've read. All paper became psychic paper. Just doesn't work on Simon.

Hi humans! I command you from my seat!



While this is true, from the perspective of probability theory there's no way to distinguish between "impossible" and "occurs on a measure zero set."

Not if you keep posing, as opposed to 'shitposting' as 'Anonymous' on an 'information aggregation service'.

My brain will eventually decode just 'everything' guys, sooo get to scrubbing.


I'd rather me a mathematical brony than a mathematical skeleton.

lets try it out:
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, ...

seems like 1