Global warming exis-

>global warming exis-

Other urls found in this thread:,68.78,671/loc=14.073,74.206

kill yourself brainlet

Kill yourself brainlet

The Arctic is leaking,68.78,671/loc=14.073,74.206

>local fluctuations are representative of the global mean

>sci actually belives in the climate change jew

/pol/ here. Kill YOURselves

You claim to hate jews but you'll believe whatever the Koch brothers or fox news tells you to?

is a live weather map
seeing is believing

Not to mention /theirguy/.

They only hate the jews when it's convenient. Otherwise they're "white and based" because they happen to align to /pol/'s opinion. Despite the fact they could be acting as subversive agents by /pol/'s own logic.
And yes, /pol/ is one person, thanks for asking.

I don't know if this is bait or you're just too braindead to understand climate is not simple and linear

It's blazing hot in Europe right now Goyim. Hotter than Ever.
The snow & cold in Italy are just an Illusion, it's your imagination Goyim.
Now pay your Carbon taxes (except India & China)

As someone who loves frigid temperatures, snow blizzards and storms, I welcome this change. Global warming can't happen soon enough

>Confirmation Bias based on anecdotal evidence

It's sad that this thread pushed other thread out. We really need to think about ways to improve Veeky Forums

>And yes, /pol/ is one person, thanks for asking.
Ha! Finally, an emergent consciousness out of a collection of shitposts. That nobel is going one way, baby. Better not try to tack on some gooks who were doing "parallel research."

Ok mr. unbiased and unpolitical scientist. Shall we also send billions of $ to 3rd world shitholes to help them cope?

Climate scientists predicted in the 1990s the planet would be like venus by now

Funny how their predictions dont come true and always change

It's funny that now Mass media is saying that the cold & snow in Italy was caused by Arctic (((warming))).


it's funny how italy usually never gets snow

This is officially top 3 most retarded sentences I've read on Veeky Forums.
Is this one of the burger delusions that Italy = Sicily, I'm genuinely trying to understand. Italy has fucking Alps, no snow my ass.

Is it global or arctic warming then? Can these (((scientists))) make up their made already?

I'm so painfully ashamed of my countrymen. It just has to be an American, though.

>checks 311

Old biz here how can we make money off this? Can we trade carbon credits or something?

Rome isn't in Alps.

Alps are further North in Italy's border with Switzerland and Austria.

Rome is in the Middle. Sicily is in the South.

What I never understood about the Jewish global warming conspiracy is; wouldn't that hurt profits for the elite Jewish overlords that control the energy sector?

Once the big freezer has lost its albedo, there won't be this amount of cold to spare.
Enjoy while you can.

Sounds delicious.,68.78,671/loc=14.073,74.206

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Jews own oil companies. Yet Jews fund environmentalists ironically with the profits of the oil companies owned by (((them)))selves.

Why they do that?

I guess that CO2 is tied tightly with the Industrial production.
If you generate manufacture goods you have to generate CO2 as result.
Taxing CO2 is an indirect way to tax Industrial production.
By taxing heavily Western Industry, West can't compete well with the China & India's low prices.

Can you teach how to make rainbow gay color on Latex senpai?

Niggers, probably.


right-click >> show math as >> tex commands

thanks senpai.

Thank you fellow redditor for that pointless explanation!
If you only weren't a nigger and could read the conversation chain.

By that time i'll be dead anyways, so frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Snowfalls are rare and highly unusual in Rome.
Snow didn't fall every year in Rome.
The last snowfall was 6 years ago.

didn't know septuagenarians read Veeky Forums

haha! dumbass

20 years ago It was predicted that New York would be underwater 10 years later.

Nothing happened. Summer is hot & wnter is cold as usual. Arctic melt in summer then freezes again in Winter.

Alarmists and scare mongers should shill less & stop spreading misinformation.

>gulf stream


Seriously though, how fucked would all of Europe be if the Gulf stream changed course?

>2018 a Veeky Forums shitposter predicted a miracle would happen and this trend would magically change

>gulf stream shut down

This is why we need net neutrality.

>We really need to think about ways to improve Veeky Forums
I mean, keeping /pol/ in /pol/ would cause an immediate improvement in the quality of Veeky Forums

[citation needed]
You know deniers are full of shit because they have to invent strawmen to beat. You never seem to see them arguing against a prediction that climatologists actually made...

20 years ago It was predicted by Al Gore (Bill Clinton's Vice President) that New York would be underwater 10 years later.

Al Gore is a high rank left wing US politician not a Veeky Forums shitposter.

>always change

learn to read, idiot

>Predictions never chan--

yes, the 3% of scientists exist...
so what?

>Warns Hare: "I don't believe
that the world's present population is sustainable if there are more than three years like 1972 in a row."

Only 1972 was fine and they are morons. The only thing that happened was the Russian did a shit job with grains. Farming skyrocketed from 1970 onward. Russian had to buy grain for the USA to support their people and cattle. The latter of which they had an explosion of farming, but relied to heavily on their grain without any sort of buffer.

>Time Magazine
Try again retard.

>winters won't be a thing within the next 50-60 years
wow you truly are RETARDED

Northern US and Canada deal with harsh winters every single year. Don't know why you think we would be "fucked up" by it.

you're retarded if you think you'll live to 130

That "send them money" policy was proposed seeing how a lot of third world shitholes will only get shittier. The middle east already imports half their caloric intake and they've built dams all over the place to divert the little glacier water there is to farming and consumption, while those developing shitholes are usually the ones that go full carbon and oil because they can't afford cleaner and cheaper ways to produce the power they have to double each year. So, let them be or even ban them from building power plants, you'll get droves of immigrants. You think Europe's refugee problems are big now? Imagine that but world wide and with bigger numbers.
Shilling clean development projects is cheaper and more sustainable than building walls and training militias to fight the immigrants.

>That "send them money" policy was proposed seeing how a lot of third world shitholes will only get shittier.

While I'd love government to stop funding gibs and welfare and dump it all on research or infrastructure, SpaceX won't solve the demographics side of the global warming.
Want a better world? develop Africa, that'll drop their growth rate overnight. It doesn't even have to be "send them food", it's been demonstrated that food aid destroyed most of the local food producing capabilities.

Farming will be shit for a while until they get more cold hardy cultivares. Spain's greanhouse sea will get far far larger than it is now. Food prices will skyrocket for a while. That's just 1 thing. It just depends on how long the growing season will be after that.

Why isn't this discussed?

A lot of people don't seem to understand this. For the human race to advance, third world countries (mostly Africa) need to advance too with the help of first world countries.
Yes, we have established that third world countries have lower IQ. /pol/ loves to circulate videos that show mass immigration is terrible in the long term (which is true), but they don't do anything with that information besides "muh high IQ better than urs shitskin, u need 2 go back". Finding a solution is complex and going to be expensive, but I'm pretty sure not helping them develop is terrible in the long term also. Not even mentioning that developing Africa will actually raise their overall IQ over time.

>We send food to areas affected by drought because they won't be able to grow as food.
>drought continues (at this point without aid many people would try migrating and most would die)
>We decide to keep sending aid until drought is over
>Drought caused by centuries of 1st world countries burning fossil fuels
>1st world /pol/fag "muh muney"

I honestly could be a brainlet, but how can Trump not be bought? Like how do they rule out an actual businessman as not being bought by "the powers that be"?This is a genuine question btw, I'm not even baiting.

>accurately measuring global temperature


don't be silly, the chosen one is obviously incorruptible

what if the same method and quality of instruments have been used for the last 100 years at exactly the same places to make those measurements and they all have been reporting higher temperatures overall, even with their calibration checked?

Global warming causes colder weather

t. scientists

>it's getting so hot, we're freezing!
climate science everyone

So will warming cause ice age?

it does not make sense.

>The cold front has struck Europe as the Arctic is experiencing record heat, with repeated readings above freezing in the dead of winter.

Climate science is now more Political Ideology than Science

>global warming? pah, look how cold it is right now in these inhabited human cities!






We're heading for a massive ice age!

We're heading for large scale warming!


We're heading for climate change! Anything goes!

Smart people: You've just been measuring the weather all this time dumb fucks and making ridiculously useless predictions

>We're heading for a massive ice age!
>warming, climate change!

Think of a bath tub with water. Height of water at a certain spot is analogous to the temperature at a certain spot on earth.

Global warming = average height of water
Climate change = how splashy the surface is

the terms aren't conflicting, you can have a local cold snap even if there is a faucet pouring more water into the tub, raising the global average water level.

>the terms aren't conflicting, you can have a local cold snap even if there is a faucet pouring more water into the tub, raising the global average water level.

All you're doing is describing how the weather works.

Do you know it's practically impossible to measure global temperature? You would have to measure every nook and cranny of the earth to get an accurate temperature. It's a complete fraud to call it an average global temperature.

most of the places where measurement has been taking place for a century and a half have all been reporting higher temperatures consistently, are you proposing that the exact places not covered by any of those stations have been getting cooler at the same rate as the measured ones have been getting hotter? because that's the only scenario in which temperatures would be stable on average, but then of course you'd have to explain why some specific places have been getting hotter and other places have been getting colder for no reason

>measure every nook and cranny of the earth
Don't Lewd Earth-chan !

>taking place for a century

Oh yeah I bet it was very accurate in the 1800s/1900s.

Have these older temperatures been scientifically confirmed as legitimate or are they taken on faith?

>/pol/ here

user the first thermometers were invented in the 1700s. More primitive ones before that.

This isn't like the Bible, there's no faith in measurements.

thermometers are LITERALLY the bible, you have no argument

The data is definitely accurate because we say it is. To understand how absurd of a statement it is to say they know it's accurate you need wrap your head around the infinite variables involved in taking a "global" temperature. Answer me this, how large of an area has been covered to produce this "global" temperature?

What do you mean there's no faith in measurements? Instruments can malfunction, they can be used improperly, their readings can be recorded incorrectly, or they can simply be made up and you'd be none the wiser.

>I believe global temperature measurements dating back to the 1800s and earlier are accurate. That's called science.

Global warming causes more extremes in weather, for now.
Once the arctic regions heat enough we will no longer get these freak cold events.
do you even know how they determine this temperature data from a long time ago? it's not that complicated and has nothing to do with "thermomter readings" recorded by some nigga a few hundred yrs ago

>implying you can convince a retard with logic

>Global warming causes more extremes in weather

Ohhhhhhh, how convenient. Making this shit up as you go along. What next? Global warming killed JFK? Global warming hacked Clinton's emails? Global warming created the universe? Oh no wait, that was more down to global cooling, pay no heed.

Fuckin' gibberish the lot of it.

Science is public databases and methodologies.
Feel free to pick at the details.
- The data and software used to produce these reconstructions are publicly available
- The software has been successfully tested outside of NASA and CRU, and it works as advertised
- Similar results can be obtained using different software and methods

Who knew climate would be so complicated.

Have another beer and pass out at the sofa as usual.

>the end of the titanic just rose 20m, how could it be sinking?!


I don't want "reconstructions", are you mad?

>Something is complicated therefore it's true

It's usually the opposite.

beats shitposts any day, all day

Yeah, it strangely turns out that when you get higher high pressure zones you also get lower low pressure zones and their attempts to equalize can be more dramatic.