I'm not convinced water is actually water

What is water ?

I'm not convinced water actually exists as we explain it in science - science can only partially explain what water is

Water is in fact an interdimensional magical fluid which can potentially give the drinker supernatural powers, however it has to be activated (properly).

This occurs during Quantum Tunneling of water molecules, where they traverse to another alternate dimension, and bring back energy orbs that supercharge human cells

this would explain a lot of mythologies as well, about the Gods, which were actually just human beings. Consider that we ourselves are mostly made of water, therefore, take on the supernatural powers of water , and we ourselves become interdimensional enlightened beings, the Bodhisattva, the Buddha

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Could be a fun idea for a fantasy novel. You could even try out modern day where someone unlocks this and we have mundane/everyday magic.

When you electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen, which flask does the magic wind up in? Gotta be somewhere or recombination would just yield mundane non-magical H2O molecules.

This is going to make the homeopathy nuts happy.

What is air ?

I'm not convinced air actually exists as we explain it in science - science can only partially explain what air is

Air is in fact an interdimensional magical gas which can potentially give the mouth breather supernatural powers, however it has to be activated (properly).

>When you electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen, which flask does the magic wind up in?

It dissipates into the universe. If we ever electrolyze enough water at once to build up enough magic locally, things are going to get weird.

>Gotta be somewhere or recombination would just yield mundane non-magical H2O molecules.

It does, until the water goes back to the other dimension and picks up its magi juju.

>What is X ?
>I'm not convinced X actually exists as we explain it in science - science can only partially explain what X is
>X is in fact an interdimensional magical...

Insta shit-post template.

>I'm not convinced water is water
if water wasn't water then it wouldn't be water you dumbfuck

Op is right because water is a constant equilibrium reaction

I only read the subject btw

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"
As the great Shakespeare would say.
Don't give these homeopathy self jerking trolls the "catch" on the bait they so desperately strive for.

>OP is right
>Water is in fact an interdimensional magical fluid

No, no OP is severely wrong

That's not how your mom felt last night when I interdimensionally filled her with my magic fluid which is at least a third water



you really destroyed me there buddo, i must say

>science can only partially explain what water is

No, water is just 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom that are covalently bonded.

I'm unstoppable

>>This occurs during Quantum Tunneling of water molecules, where they traverse to another alternate dimension, and bring back energy orbs that supercharge human cells
that's a testable hypothesis. Use an unstable isotope of oxygen in some of your water. Put equal amounts of unstable water in two equal containers, one of which has cells, and then measure the radioactivity. If water does indeed tunnel into other dimensions then the radioactivity of the water in cells should be less.

go out and test your hypothesis faggot

h2o h3o+ oh-

One can't exist without the other, it would evaporate in atmosphere.

It's a constant cycle

magick is cooler than science desu
I'm going to drop out and become an arts student

>I'm not convinced water is water

First then this at least is obviously true, that the word 'be' or 'not be' has a definite meaning, so that not everything will be 'so and not so'. Again, if 'man' has one meaning, let this be 'two-footed animal'; by having one meaning I understand this:-if 'man' means 'X', then if A is a man 'X' will be what 'being a man' means for him. It makes no difference even if one were to say a word has several meanings, if only they are limited in number; for to each definition there might be assigned a different word. For instance, we might say that 'man' has not one meaning but several, one of which would have one definition, viz. 'two-footed animal', while there might be also several other definitions if only they were limited in number; for a peculiar name might be assigned to each of the definitions. If, however, they were not limited but one were to say that the word has an infinite number of meanings, obviously reasoning would be impossible; for not to have one meaning is to have no meaning, and if words have no meaning our reasoning with one another, and indeed with ourselves, has been annihilated; for it is impossible to think of anything if we do not think of one thing; but if this is possible, one name might be assigned to this thing.

nice gif btw

>Water is in fact an interdimensional magical fluid which can potentially give the drinker supernatural powers.

You spelled LSD wrong.

LSD is to super power what alcohol is to pick up game. You never really have it, you just fake your way through it enough to convince yourself you have it.

can we please report these threads and move on

this guy pays for a mensa membership so he can be a certified shitposter

go to bed, neo-thales

stay woke, OP
