
What is the error in Maxwell's equations, Veeky Forums?

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It's probably magnetic monopoles, but I doubt it's true.


>Head of biggest aeronautical research company in the world
>/x/ material

Pick one

Why did you ask about Maxwell specifically?
UFO conspirators usually blame Einstein for spreading disinformation.

According to
it was a joke, inserted at the end of a speech, to get a laugh.

"All points connected" sounds like a popsci cross between QM and Shirley Maclaine. Appears he was running late, annoyed by his questioner, and he was saying (as politely as possible) "bug off!"

>Why Maxwell
Because more than a few Lockheed and DIA "whistleblowers" have said as much, and I'm wondering if there may be anything to it. I also remember a few years ago there was a big thread on this board about how Maxwell had his own notation system that may have been poorly translated into standard notation.

>Blaming Einstein
I've never seen any non-youtube ufologist fault Einstein. Usually they cite him for Einstein-Rosen bridges.

Einstein also shot down antigravity and FTL travel. Pretty essential for anyone who believes they were taken to Zeta Reticuli and back over the weekend.

(Before anyone brings up the Alcubierre drive, it IS a theoretical solution to the field equations, but it requires "exotic" matter, which there are good reasons to suspect does not exist. An Alcubierre ship could also double as a time machine..)

WHICH equation doesn't really matter. Maxwell and Special Relativity are linked intimately. Can't accept (or deny) one without the other.

What we call "Maxwell's Equations" today aren't really what Maxwell wrote.

(Oliver) Heaviside did much to develop and advocate vector methods and the vector calculus. Maxwell's formulation of electromagnetism consisted of 20 equations in 20 variables. Heaviside employed the curl and divergence operators of the vector calculus to reformulate 12 of these 20 equations into four equations in four variables (B, E, J, and ρ), the form by which they have been known ever since. Less well known is that Heaviside's equations and Maxwell's are not exactly the same, and in fact it is easier to modify the latter to make them compatible with quantum physics.

>Einstein also shot down antigravity and FTL travel
Neither were his ideas. Why make Einstein into such a meme? He was a great scientist, who made some great theories and discoveries, but he wasn't a Newton type figure. His Nobel Prize was correct.

>Head of biggest aeronautical research company in the world
>/x/ material
I choose... BOTH!

Now go back to you gullible retard.

The error is the no one has read Maxwell's work.

Einstein didn't shoot down any of it, Relativity was pushed through him, that's all.
Now we have ideas like,
>You can't be goin faster than the speed of light eh
When no one is even able to define what the speed of light actually is or why

im not that guy but
>When no one is even able to define what the speed of light actually is or why
???? yes the speed of light has been experimentally confirmed numerous times

as for "why", the speed of light is what it is. that's like asking why we exist or why the permitivity of free space is what it is. it's a property of the universe. in what situation would you ever have an answer to that question?

Sure, measured.
Now what is it and why are you alive?
The situation in which you want that question answered is when you break the speed of light or by pass it completely.

You need to ask if it even is free space that it's travelling through. Is light even able to travel through an absolute vacuum?


I don't know if this is just more of the 'mythology' but I remember an anonymous source quoted in Nick Cook's 'The Hunt For Zero Point' (the pointless hunt) book saying that mainstream theoretical physicists had missed some 'nonlinearly' that exists and that this could be exploited to improve dynamics.

* nonlinearity

You may change your mind if you ever take a real physics course -- something a little more advanced than rolling balls down inclined planes or timing a pendulum.

Incidentally, he got the Nobel for the photoelectric effect because relativity was still controversial at the time. The Committee had been burned already; awarded prizes for work which turned out to be dead wrong.

Lightspeed is just a conversion factor between units of space and units of time. That's not Einstein's work. Minkowski made the connection and Einstein first dismissed it as "unnecessary mathematics" -- but Einstein could not have produced General Relativity later on without Minkowski's geometric reformulation.

Ah, yes. Still waiting for someone to rediscover The Bell or turn up evidence of the Nazi base (with working saucers) in Antarctica.
I keep meaning to watch

>Lightspeed is just a conversion factor between units of space and units of time
That's a bullshit answer that answers nothing.
I'm sick of this handwavy science that has bogged down on people in the past 100 years.

It works. And it's given the correct answers to every experimental test for 100 years now.

You don't like it, feel free to write something better.
Something which agrees with all known phenomena -- not something you whip out of your hyperspatial ass.
Stockholm awaits.

If SR was awarded it would have been split 4 of more ways. GR three or more ways. Things that Einstein gets credit for he didn't come up with:
1. Simultaneity (Poincare)
2. Gravitational waves (Poincare )
3. Space-Time (Minkowski)
4. Gravity is curved space (Riemann)
5. Energy Mass equivalence (several people thought this right after Plank showed heat was discrete).
I have even heard normies give Einstein credit for the Lorens-Lorentz transformation, ignoring the name.

Einstein's work on SR was almost completely synthetic, and while it was great work, he should get only partial credit. He deserves more credit for GR, but still most of the"mind bending" ideas in it were proposed before.

>"take a real physics course!"
>oh, the history I got in my real physics courses were bullshit
just don't go to /pol/, user

>Maxwell and Special Relativity are linked intimately. Can't accept (or deny) one without the other.
Not true, you could have another field theory respect SR but not feature Maxwell's equations, another gauge theory for example.

The opposite could be true too.

>He deserves more credit for GR, but still most of the"mind bending" ideas in it were proposed before.
Einstein was the one who actually brought those ideas together. For example, Riemann thought about gravity from curved space, not curved spacetime, which was Einstein's development. He was the one who, just after his 1905 SR paper, started formulating the equivalence principle, from which GR is derived (you could just state the EFEs alone, but it is the equivalence principle that ties SR, gravity, and locally Minkowski curved spacetime together).

No, Maxwell's theory will always respect SR.
SR is just the symmetries of Maxwell's theory.

>, which was Einstein's development
FALSE. It was Minkowski's development that Einstein didn't even understand originally. Read Einstein's original 1905 paper. Space-Time was Minkowski's development, and the SR you learn in school is his math, not Einstein's.
>The equivalence principle
I false. It took Barbour to actually state GR in relativistic terms. You can determine you are in curved space and not accelerated by a foreign force. It is literally false. Einstein was wrong.

This is incorrect. I am need to go to sleep.

>Einstein was the one who actually brought those ideas together. For example, Riemann thought about gravity from curved space, not curved spacetime, which was Einstein's development.
I will say this is majorly overblown. The same people who believed Minkowski to be correct knew of Riemann. Einstein was not brilliant to combine the two. That was a natural and easy step.
>He was the one who, just after his 1905 SR paper, started formulating the equivalence principle, from which GR is derived
He gets credit for putting this together, but his logic wasn't great and wasn't truly relative.

There. I fixed my previous post and can go to bed.

fucking retard

Tom Van Flandern's explanation of gravity was interesting skip to 8m40s

not necessarily maxwells equations...

sounds a little bit like entanglement... maybe thats the key...

>(Before anyone brings up the Alcubierre drive, it IS a theoretical solution to the field equations, but it requires "exotic" matter, which there are good reasons to suspect does not exist.

They've actually created exotic matter. Still hope for intersellar travel


He forgot to carry the 1

No they haven't. If you read properly you will see what they are talking about is a quasiparticle.

The polariton is still classifiably "exotic."

Although I wasn't much informed on the definition of quasiparticle. I'll look that up

Okay, so, you're right, sir!

>The key to generating negative mass particles was the use of an ultra-thin semiconductor made of molybdenum diselenide.

That coming before the use of quasiparticle in the article may've had my mind more attuned to believing in it as a particle.

It's not a real particle though. It's as real as an electron hole.