Fractal Geometry/Dimensions

Can fractal geometry and dimensions lead to a Theory of Everything (TOE)?
Is the multiverse theory correct?

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The Multiverse/Timeline theory:
Basically it is the theory there is a universe with its own timeline for every possible event/action from the beginning of time until the end of time. Thus there are infinite yous branching back and splitting from you every instant until you were born (ie one of them never drew a first breath). You can look back and remember your life and your decisions to know who you are, but with other choices you would have been a different person. Future Proves Past. The you of 2 days ago is proven by the you of today, and the you of two days ago and the choices you made in those two days created the you that you are today.
An alternate you that made a different decision 3 days ago disproves the you that you remember two days ago; as they do not remember that you of two days ago because that you never existed their timeline. This is the how what Q said works – Future Proves Past.
One of the ways to visualize this is a tiled tv or video screen with a different similar image on each tile; and each tile is an instant in time for all of time. Now behind each tile cascaded behind is an infinite number of windows of all possible events at that moment in time. Let’s take it one step further; if you spun that image 90 degrees out of the TV it would show how each event is connected to each and every other moment in time and how it affects them.
Can those multiverses be interacted with or perceived or experienced? If so then time effects would work both ways as it would affect our past by changing it. Do those multiverses influence or local universe? Could the fractal dimensions of physics actually be these multiverses perceived not 90 degree but as say 0.333 degree or 24.8 degree?

If you draw and X and Y axis on a piece of paper they are at 90 degree and you have length and width. But if you want depth you must draw and axis at 45%. Technically that axis is a 0.5 degree dimension as it is not set at 90 degree. Yes I understand this is just a tool we use to perceive 3-D in a 2-D plane, by doing this we can shift our perspective to see a cube in a 2-D drawing. Think about that; we can use a partial dimensional view to visualize a higher dimension. Most of us do not know how to do that beyond four dimensions. Partial or Fractal dimensions are basically dimension seen/perceived at a 90 degree angle. Try this draw axis’s 6 or 9 or 12 of them equidistance’s from each other and gaze at the page; you can choose which two or three jump out at you that are the X, the Y, and the Z.
It has been proven that these fractal dimensions to influence our 4-D reality from static to how ferns grow. So far it is kind of random for us to find the influence and interactions, and some just call it a mathematical representation. I do not understand the higher math but it seems like all of a sudden in math a multidimensional (fractal) equation just coalesces or clicks into a 4-D answer and it answers a real life question.
What If our tech is beyond what we think? Physics changes all the time, Newton did, Einstein did and from that one we got nuclear power and bombs. What ifbehind the scenes they found a new way to look at the world that allows dimensions to be spun and placed in the way to make length basically irrelevant (a fractal dimension), or time? Distance would eliminate any problem with

Fractals are just dimensions raised to a power that represents a fraction. I.E. the 2/5th dimension is a fractal plane.
I don't know of any practical uses for fractals outside of geometric convolution but hey, maths has always been a field that continues to surprise me. So possibly.

Furthermore, I doubt a theory of everything would be explainable using fractals haha.

Each Circle is an axis and all circles pass through the center of the outside circle. All that appear to not to do so are seen in a ‘orbital’ pattern (see electron orbital patterns ie Hydrogen). This is a hypersphere of dimensional axises. We can perceive but 4 of them as full dimensions. The rest are perceived as fractal or partial dimensions and primarily mathematically.

Our universe exists on the bubble surface of the 4-D hypersphere. Our actual perception of the axis of our existence is from the outside not from the inside. From the surface of the bubble not the inside of the bubble. Thus the above very symmetrical pretty and easily explained pattern becomes on my theory the Mandelbrot set.
Like the colors on the surface of the soap bubble do we actually perceive the true grandeur of our universe. Why because we do not view it from the inside but from a small 4 dimensional point of view at the periphery, the outside, the shine on the bubble. Granted the point of view is still the center in a 4-D hypersphere but we cannot even easily grasp this and that our world mirrors this back to us by how electrons orbit and how ferns grow.

>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

I just watched this and it gives me more ideas. But what really hit with me is that the movement of perceptive (moving relative to something) changes the perception of that something.

I will certanly take a look thanks.

That will take some time to slog through but I may sure learn some things.

Fractals are just graphed out complex numbers, every iteration increases the complexity of the number

Are the strings in string theory just the resonance/vibration of the fractal dimensions, and the math problems just a perspective issue about the point of view of the observer? Or is this math even possible; I figure it is as we can figure shadows and rotate an object and zoom in a program easily.

But they predict static to how beaches and coastlines are,and how many plants grow.
Thus there is evidence that the fractal geometry and chaos theory has validity.

Hi there
Are you still claiming that you're god or did you finally grow out of that?

No I am not god.
I can't even do the math :)

I figure once you add every soul in the universe and a little git more then you are close to God.
That is my opinion.

I mostly ask questions.
What if this increasing complexity of numbers is a map?

What if the numbers are more probability fields than anything else?

ok one picture per post some one tell me if this image that is what I figured for surface of the hypersphere can be interpreted as the mandelbrot set.

>Can fractal geometry and dimensions lead to a Theory of Everything (TOE)?
look up scale relativity

warning: may be a meme / elaborate troll / utter crackpottery


Well it appears there are people with much more knowledge of physics have worked on this and still have gaps.
The Scale relativity places scale of perception in with velocity relativity. Thus the difference in scale must be known and no math to figure out the difference in scale.
"An important consequence is that coordinates are not numbers anymore, but functions, which depend on the resolution.[14] For example, the length of the Brittany coast is explicitly dependent on the resolution at which one measures it."

Intuitively I think it may be valid but reserve judgement.

Thus if time is relative this theory says scale is relative. Mass and Gravity are also relative in the equation. So all is about the relative difference in perspective? I know science does not like this as it is not rock solid - it is relative to your point of view.

"As above, so below"
--Neil "DeGrasse" Tyson

Radio antenna optimisation among many things, they are all throughout things you come across in life.
This documentary is a must watch for absolutely everyone

Nobody knows, as if anybody gave as shit

>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

Yea but calculating anything there would fall outside of computational possibility so it's sort of pointless in terms of practicality...

But they do calculate and predict with fractal/chaos theory form turbulence to biology

The fact that fractals show up everywhere in nature implies some sort of fractal underpinning to our universe. It is intuitive to deduce that there may be fractal dimensions that hold our 4D space together and define how our world operates.

Are Fractals the underlying field in the Unified Field theory?

Sorry that video was more philosophy than math. But with math underpinnings.

Oh hey a fractal thread.

My totally-unsubstantiated-but-possible-you-guys view is that fractals arise from computations of bisimulations, and that fractals fascinate mathematically-minded people because they operate on the logic of coinduction, which appears mysterious due to being fairly obscure outside of computer science and higher mathematics (very informally, if you've heard the phrase "simple rules give rise to complex behaviour", then the rules are described by traditional induction, while the 'give rise' part is described by coinduction).

I am not sure I get exactly what you mean but are you talking
strange attractors?

from chaos theory?

>Strange attractor [edit]
>An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure
Sure, I guess?

Though if I were to be (a very tiny biy) more precise I would characterize fractals as a layperson's synonym for coalgebras, in light of the following one-liner:

>Coalgebras appear naturally in combinatorics as describing ways one can decompose objects into other objects of the same type.

source: and 10 seconds of googling

zn+1 = zn2 + c

funny speaker
But does point out some discrpancies in physics. I figure most think he is a crackpot.

He is implying that boundary conditions of space (the vacuum) is what create matter. The and each has it's own scale of boundary conditions.

They approximate, they do not calculate.

the picture on the left is an unfinished flower of life, idk if you drew it. But yeah, the overlapping circle formation is super deep in esoteric designs (and ancient architecture), it is why the masonic symbol is a compass and a level.

fractals aren't just any equation, they are self-iterative. The seed/fruit of life pattern forms due to precision in repetition of a perfect shape at perfect angles.

check out the relationship between pi and phi (very strong)

Is the flower of life defined as a self similar pattern?

yes. the flower of life is an extension of the seed of life, which starts with only one circle and is made through additions of the same circle at geometrically "perfect" points aka: where the circles bisect each other.

the flower is an extension of the seed, the same circles extending the grid. The fruit of life forms from those thirteen circles, and if you take a ruler from the center of each and connect a line to every other circle's center, you will get all of the platonic solids.

Each geometrically perfect (equal angled and lengthed) shape can be made from the iteration of a perfect circle. This is actually how we could made such beautiful architecture with so few tools

here is a religious depiction of "god" drawing the first circle

perhaps "god" is just a useful heuristic to describe the bounded infinity of self iteration, infinite complexities processed through a simple formula leading to visible patterns of efficient growth. fractals are a really cool topic, same with platonic solids/geometry.

This. All is spinning circles, god is a DJ..

fractal ass mafakas

Thus if the mass we perceive is just boundary conditions of the fabric of space/time; then could we just be seeing the boundary conditions caused by a fractal dimensional framework as mass?


And in the first moment, god created vibration

a circle is a beautiful shape to start with

Does anyone have a universe model I can look at that just includes wave patterns? I would like to look at the universe as just wave and leave out the particle aspect just to see what it looks like.

bounded infinite universe model

That picture is a 4D hypersphere
a hopf figration

opps fibration sorry

Particle/Wave Duality
Picture the universe just as wave.
Space/time basic vibratory pattern

Light waves superimposed.

Matter as wave patterns. Boundary conditions and probability patterns superimposed on the above. The tangle of those waves will show interactions and possibilities of results. I guess that is not as easy as using particles.

I guess the question is:

Is mass the thing that deviates space/time or is the deviation in space/time how we perceive mass?

I thought this was the science and math board, not the dude weed LMAO board. Am I in the right place? Did I wind up on 420chan?

Seriously? Fucking sacred geometry?

I would prefer a more science base to understand if fractals could be actual partial dimensions and not just mathematical constructs. But I have no idea if there is any experiment that can actually prove that one way or another.

its a fractal iteration of a perfect circle bro

metatron's cube works out to be fractal in nature too, it also superimposes nicely onto the mandelbrot set

most likely because efficiency doesn't have a lot of wiggle room. Nature follows these blueprints because its the most efficient and maybe also the most beautiful, as why artists and architects also follow these rules. Maybe we are attracted to efficiency, maybe beauty is attractive because it signifies proper function.

It would be cool if it all did fit. But mathematically does it.
It appears the Mandelbrot set is part of the blueprint of the Universe (Chaos Theory etc). If it is a iteration of the circle then the we should be able to have a formula and then show the blueprints in the universe. I want that bridge and will buy it if shown it. Someone should be able to do at least the formula.

Then a mathematician can see if the figure is equal to the Mandelbrot Set - say on a 4D hypersphere.

what, pray tell, is your definition of a "dimension"?

Dimensions viewed as 90 degree are agreed to be full dimensions (ie our 4D world Length,width,depth,and time). In 2D on a page the third dimension must be placed a 45 degrees and thus to that 2D sphere is a 0.5 or half dimension. etc....

Which god are you not?

you could have just said "i have no idea what i'm talking about", it would have been shorter and more to the point

Then explain as you imply you know more than me prove it please and I will listen and learn.

you can iterate the simple circle pattern until you get the shape of metatron's cube (where you can find all of the platonic solids) which can be further iterated. It takes on the shape of a koch's curve/snowflake.

It is similar.
Would any shape also do the same though (as it was made with a triangle). Isn't it the pattern of iteration that makes the shape?

what is your definition of "fractal"?

fractals exist as physical constructs, they are just mathematically defined in equations that can replicate the physical manifestation of them, see: a snowflake, antlers, a tree, a shoreline, a heartbeat (all fractals)

by the way what program are you using for iteration?

Fractals are self similar patterns iterated or repeated on a smaller (or larger) scale. And I do not deny they do show manifestation in our world. It just seems we are missing the why and how.

in the Mandelbrot set the black portion is the iterations that rapidly go to zero. The colored boundary is the numbers rising to infinity and the color is based on how rapidly that iteration rises to infinity (the velocity of the iteration).

i think the why is efficiency, as in nature makes the most efficient choices for growth, and those choices are self similar and incremental in growth leading to a large possibility in specified complexity.

idk what program was used to make fractals in the picture, sorry

Fractal Geometry does intuitively feel like a blueprint to many natural things in our world. When and if that moves to the blueprint for most or all then 'How' will be the question.

Fractal generating tools (free)

that is not fractal its called a rose

>It is intuitive to deduce that there may be fractal dimensions that hold our 4D space together and define how our world operates
pure autism. fractals emerge in nature because (a) self similar structure requires less information to code, e.g. blood vessels networks and (b) because we're programmed to find patterns and therefore interpret fractals when there isnt anything deep going on

lol this

the rose curve when repeated becomes a fractal through that iteration though right?

like, a sunflower (pinecone, pineapple etc) packs its seeds inside itself in such a way that manifests Fibonacci numbers and efficiency

This one is a 3D fractal rendering program
Incendia free download.

If there's a multiverse then there's an infinite amount of universes that have destroyed this universe an infinite number of times
Of course that hasn't happened, therefore there is no multiverse with infinite realities

logic fail
There are also an infinite number of universes where that has not happened and an infinite number of universes that you caught your slip in logic.

How do you destroy a universe?

fractal geometry has already unlocked so many technological advances. Understanding fractals allows us to accurately model and record nature including our own biology, as well as apply the efficiency of fractals to technology like satellites and microchips


Online fractal generator

mandlebulb is a nice 3D program

Mandlesplit is a nice app for your phone or tablet.

formula for the FOL (not exact fractal)
angle move in Degree and move Radius Render
circle radius 1
1st iteration 180D 1M R
360D 2M R
2nd Iter 45D 1M R
90D 1M R
90D 2M R
90D 1M R
3rd Iter 0 1 R
90 2 R
45 2 R
45 2 R
90 2 R
45 2 R
45 1 R
45 2 R
45 2 R
45 2 R
45 2 R
45 2 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
0 1 R
45 1 R
0 1 R
0 1 R

very cool.
irl on piece of paper with a compass works out the same too

You should note that many things called "fractals" are not self-similar, such as the Mandelbrot set.

mandelbrot set contains itself as a whole inside of it's smaller parts
it is a fractal

The smaller mandelbrots inside it are very slightly different from each other, due to the tiny filaments that attach them to the main body. My point is that self-similarity alone isn't enough to define a fractal.

from fractal foundation "A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop."
I always thought they had fairly simple fomulas too - but I guess that is not part of the definition.
The Flower is not on different scales as initially drawn and not an easy formula - I had to put basically use the L-System (turtle draw) to make an easily repeatable drawing.

The only way that the Flower is actually a fractal is if each ring/iteration is actually a shift in scale (up or down) and just represented on the same scale.

The Mandelbrot set boundaries are the velocity of the change to infinity. That makes it unique. L systems are just repeated patterns changed in scale. Mandelbrot added a new element by analyzing the shift of the iteration number not just repeating the formula.

I Get IT!!!!!!
Mandelbrot analyzed the 2D fractals from the 3D perspective (or 3D to 4D). Analyzing the shift in numbers of the iteration not the fractal itself.

The cross section of the Mandelbrot set is the Julia set. Thus the Mandelbrot is 3D and the Julia 2D. Well one dimension up for the analysis.

So essentially the Mandelbrot set is analyzing each point/pixel and assigning a color to the slope of the line/curve to infinity (all to zero are black). They found all Julia sets in cross section.

Like a topographical map

If I was inside one of these 3d fractal images then the edges of my visiable world appear to be the edges of the universe, however, the complexity of the actual shape could be viewed.

If the universe really is fractal then doesnt that make physics pretty pointless?

No it would still apply. Nothing would really change just that we would understand the system better IMO. Our local 4D space/time is our perception and would not change.

New Idea:
Mandelbrot is analyzing up to infinity.
The black section is down to zero. Would that movement down dimensionally just be a mirror of the outside or would it be more like L-systems?
If you analyzed the slope of the line going to zero and applied a color to that.

Or perhaps the Mandelbrot set is a way to view the L-systems. I will have to see what curve the function makes and then you would have a line/slope to the point it arcs toward infinity. The point could be the color set point and the define the bifurcation in an L-System. Will have to check that to see if Mandelbrot could be shown as an L-System.