A happiness pill is being developed

>a happiness pill is being developed

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(((happiness pill)))

>happines pill
More like slave pill.

ITT: millennials discover that antidepressants exist

>happiness pill
i'd rather take lsd

>happiness pill

lsd is the true happiness pill

antidepressants do not make you happy... they suppress depression

this but if you're not happy in the first place it's not gonna help

How does that mental state and visuals not help with happiness?

It's more likely to draw you further into the fuck you are already stuck in.

really dude?

Different user here.

It's a risk, but with great rewards. As long as you prepare properly, research what's gonna happen, make sure you have an appropriate dose, and take it in a safe environment with people you trust, you should be fine.

From what I've read and experienced, depression is a mental rut thing, similar to addiction (which lsd has shown efficacy in treating as well). When you're under the influence, lsd helps you break out of your mental ruts, if you will. It's not a miracle cure, but it kicks the shit out of the useless pills and hack therapists that populate modern mental health care.

In my experience as someone deeply depressed, it helps a lot. Let me reiterate, be prepared and take it in a safe environment with people you trust. Make sure you start slow.

I'd highly recommend that anybody who is in the same position look into this. Do lots of research. Look into test kits and dosages. Don't be an idiot.

No, it's mostly a meme. I thought lsd would be some serious shit before trying it. It's mostly just curious mindset + visuals. Bad trips like hallucinating scary shit isn't really possible

>Bad trips like hallucinating scary shit isn't really possible
Yes it is. I've seen some shit that is scary on a level that cannot be perceived or described in this reality. Infinite suffering and chaos is all I can summarise it to. Didn't use LSD for months after that. Gave me a nice view on death and suffering afterwards though.

I've done LSD multiple times when I was depressed, I don't think the mood going in isn't that big a factor
>Bad trips like hallucinating scary shit isn't really possible
Good meme

I haven’t had the same experience. LSD is fun sure and I can see how it would be helpful to some people. But often people are so stuck in their ways that they’ll have a “spiritual high” for a few days, come down, and go back to living how they were before.

It took me a lot more than tripping to overcome personal demons and I’d bet that most people will be in the same boat. It took years of CBT and work. I’m very skeptical of any shortcuts.

Can you explain exactly how you hallucinate scary shit or get a bad trip? I've tripped over 20 times with 200-300ug both 1p-lsd and ald-52. The most I've experienced is thinking about how shit my life is, but I've never lost control or anything like that

370ug after a family member had died
Thought I could hack it and didn't think I was as sad as I was about it
I was wrong

I was never saying that it was a magical cure or a quick shortcut. My argument is that it's a useful tool that is underutilized. I should've mentioned in my original post that it allows you to take a cold hard look at your life. A lot of problems are things that individuals simply don't notice, as crazy as it sounds. What does the fish not notice? The water. Tripping in it of itself does not help (imo). It's the contemplation. You have to consciously work through your problems.

Unfortunately, depression is a very nebulous issue. Different people have it for different reasons. It stands to reason that it may not help everybody. I recognize that. I'm arguing for it because it's done a lot for me(it hasn't cured me, but it's helped -- unlike pills, therapists, and white knuckles), and I hope that another Veeky Forumsentist like me can be helped too.

Is anyone else on lsd permanently? I microdose 5ug every second day and see patterns even on off days

5ug is not enough to hallucinate

It is, I definitely see more patterns on 5ug than on off days

Not him but I was going to take a massive shit on your other post but this I can agree with. It is a subjective response you found worked, good for you.

I would; however, like to point out that a side effect of lsd usage is the belief that what you experience while under the influence (such as reflective thoughts) are real. While you believe may have helped you, you should note that that could be a side effect and a person experiencing the opposite to yourself with the same side effect could be hurt more than helped. I would need to see case studies, both large and small, discussing the benefit of lsd as a treatment to depression and the types of depression it is treating, to make a value judgement on lsd


No, it's obvious lsd pattern on grass, wood and stuff

It's a lot more noticeable at night

I'm currently reading a book called psychedelic medicine. It's quite interesting. The doctors interviewed in it seem pretty knowledgeable. Unfortunately I do not have the time to look up studies atm, but I really like how you stick to science.

Unless you mean 5ug/kg body mass that is entirely unlikely. You build a tolerance to it following continuous usage. You're most likely not taking that small of a dose.

I'd be interested in that book. I like psychoactive chemicals and their applications (like mdma and the potential to cure ptsd). I think not giving chemicals the benefit of the doubt really is a shame for most people but it really would need to be in a clinical setting to extrapolate from.
Also that's fair for the citations, it's generally a pain in the dick to search for a paper for a post on an anime board. That said, I have also experienced useful introspective thoughts on lsd (not so much for mescaline or psilocybin) and the afterglow is generally nice.

It isn't. You are under placebo or have HPPD.


I've been waiting for Soma to become a thing, fuck reality I just want to not hate myself.

Bad trips absolutely do exist and they amount to a whole lot more than seeing "scary" visuals. Visuals are honestly a minor part of the trip experience. It isn't about what you see, it's about how you perceive yourself and the world around you. You may even reach a state of mind where you see no difference between "self" and your surroundings.
It's no surprise your first time trying it seemed so minor. During the first trip the headspace and visuals are still novel and probably enough to keep your mind occupied and distracted from the darker side of things. It wasn't until my 3rd or 4th trip that things went south. I haven't touched LSD in more than 5 years, and I doubt I ever will again.

LSD isn't a problem solver, it's a problem identifier.

>Yes it is. I've seen some shit that is scary on a level that cannot be perceived or described in this reality. Infinite suffering and chaos is all I can summarise it to.
Had something similar once, on shrooms, I was basically quietly sobbing while being terrified beyond description. For six hours. I really can't describe it either, imagine pure condensed Lovecraftian fear beyond any you've ever experienced. 0/10 wouldn't recommend.

yeah it's called mdma

It's both and much much more

I was just screaming at the top of my lungs. After that I now have benzos ready if it ever happens again.

Not this dude,

I've tripped many times, but one time a couple years ago when I tripped I had to accept impending death. I had unknowingly had a small reoccuring pneumothorax (partial lung collapse) prior to the trip and while I was tripping, I smoked a joint, and coughed really hard. This caused my lung to collapse a little more, and while sober it would have scared me, but the existential crisis that ensued would not have happened if I wasn't on acid. I started to feel like A. Something was trapped inside my lungs, or B. My lungs were closing up. I basically ended up sitting on my bed for 4 hours staring at the clock and waiting for death to take me. It was unbelievably intense. I've tripped since then, but that will forever remain my 'bad trip'. So yeah, it can go wrong. It can also go really really well.

Damn. This must've been a difficult one. Probably not the best of ideas to abort and take a benzo if you've got a lung issue.

No, LSD does not solve your problems, how you integrate your experience into your mode of thinking is.

What dose of psilocybin did you have? Was it on empty stomach? You probably didn't have enough.

Yeah, I've been reading it a bit more. It's basically a collection of interviews. My main beef with it is that they're not chronological. I'd recommend reading them in order of chronology. It's also not on libgen which sucks.

it helps problem solve your problems yes so yes it does

4 grams, empty stomach. I had carrots and water throughout cause hydration and I tend to clench my jaw. I grew them myself so I doubt it was a strain issue

It's a meme and a shitty psychedelic

I'll show you a happiness pill *grabs cock*

This too.

What is any dopamine releasing drug?