>Hey, I'm a cute and I'm better than you and I'm totally humble about it
Hey, I'm a cute and I'm better than you and I'm totally humble about it
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this?
This, not evryone here follows your stupid instagram whatever trends.
I can't decide if I like her or not
This bitch just literally showed up in my YouTube feed one day. I was pretty sure that would happen to anyone watching Veeky Forums stuff on youtube.
>watching Veeky Forums stuff lf youtube
yea same. watche one video of her and now every recommended became her so I just subbed
>if you can't beat them
desu she seems kinda.. dim
>Klein Bottle hat
>I didn't really like real analysis, it was a bit too abstract for me, didn't have many real applications, and it used a lot of vocabulary I hadn't seen before
Holyshit, youtube has been promoting her cringy videos of her for me for a long time, I cringe only by reading the titles, never clicked on a video and always click " not interested".
This is why women will never be as smart as men
3blue1brown, best Veeky Forums channel hands down
You guys are seriously autistic, you’ve never met a girl who studied physics before? On top of that, she said she regrets it slightly due to all the time it takes
She’s your mirror, Veeky Forums
Shut the fuck up, Rebecca
more proof of your autism Carl, go back to r/incel
is she the one who made the "the is how a mathematics Phd exam looks like"
i remember looking at it and be like "fucking roasty" never watched it
This just shows that even women with talent would rather get e-attention and physical compliments than work on real problems.
>describes Riemann integrals as unintuitive and abstract
literal retard
Her face reminds me of the J U S T guy
Women were a mistake
Fuck off cunt.
Because it is, Lebesgue integral is way more natural and intuitive
just fucking invent external uterus already and get rid of these parasites called women
They cause the downfall of civilizations repeatedly , next ones are germany and sweden
When are your full-time caters coming to take you back to pol?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, is two boards down
Fuck off Elizabeth
I wish I was cute
a no one on youtube making videos with no value or importance
funnily enough she literally just came up on my youtube recommendations and i saw this thread right after watching that her physics exam vid. her tensor portion of her theoretical physics was seriously lacking.
Be Toby
>Physics PhD student
>Cute [math]\pi[/math] girl
>Joint Physics & Math BSc
>Blonde with Blue Eyes
>Very good at Math, physics & Coding
>perhaps the cutest scientist ever
>But more humble than any user on Veeky Forums
>she said she regrets it slightly due to all the time it takes
Being a cs major depressed by the bullying on Veeky Forums, it makes me very happy to keep hearing OVER AND OVER again mathematicians and physicians saying they should have done a cs degree. Do you have source of her saying her regrets?
>>But more humble than any user on Veeky Forums
Except she has a fucking youtube channel, which is all the proof needed to see she's a narcissist. All that education and she's still a basic bitch at heart.
I'll thank all of you to not talk about my future wife.
ITT: Undergraduates who think it’s edgy to hate a woman for being mathematicially inclined but are actually exposing themselves as virgins in the process
I thought this was Veeky Forums.
Looks more like /b/.
What's with all the autistic rage in this thread? If you don't want to watch her, don't. I have to put up with brainlet retard republicans and alt-righters in my recommendations, so you can put up with a completely non-offensive channel.
>Omg why are people mad in Veeky Forums!
I hate youtube pop sci celebrities and I will share that here because I can so fuck you. Maybe some people here hate women so they will share it, or some peple hate /pol/ and alt right like you, and you will share it. There's no reason to feel like your opinion should be respected if you are making a statement in a public space, even if different opinions are not all valid. Fuck off.
You do realize this a complete non-sequitur and what you just said literally says nothing right? Also, fuck your free speech, this is an imageboard not a public place. If you want to shitpost, you know where to go you little fucker.
Mods can do whatever the fuck they want, and blalant shitpost or /pol/ shit is bannable. The point was that they still aren't inherently prohibitted to say shit, so don't act surprises and superior because some edgy kids post stupid shit, on Veeky Forums of all places. And I know yoy know putting your opinion on alt right or whatever is going to further the shitpost. If you truly wanted to do good for the community, you would report the posts/threads, hide it and move on, but you prefer to say shit that obviously has some political (political for Veeky Forums) shit wich probably will make some kid go
>lol libcuck soi boy
Etc etc.
"If you hide their threads they'll go away!" This has literally never worked. All it does is encourages people who don't hide threads to act the same way.
Apparently shes a Googler......
Fuck. The gender discrimination is real.
Just shows that a 'muh physics PHD!' roastbeef can get that kinda job just by interrogating the prisoner.
>shes a Googler
What did he mean by this
Lol I had the exact same reaction.
>Except she has a fucking YouTube channel
Valid point and indicator of narcissism. Especially considering most of her videos are pointless vlogs, however, I should mention, honestly I think virtually every single person on this board, give or take 1 or 2, would have a YouTube channel making dumb vlogs bragging about the prestige of their school if they were attractive or even just attractive enough. I used to be as dumb and immature as some of the people on this board, and I know DAMN well I would have done it.
People on here only don't have YouTube channels because people will call them ugly or poor or something like that.
>mathematicians and physicians
>19 hours
What kind of weakass Unis are these? Probably in Murica
I work at home almost 25 Hours a week
And 5 hours are wasted in crying
You know it.
Most of the CS majors on this board attend shitty state universities where all they learn about is C++ and maybe a little bit of data structures.
I am a CS major in a top 5 university, and it is widely regarded as the most challenging majors. I couldn't even believe it when people said they aren't required to take optimization or graph theory class for their degree.
In only the first 2/3 semesters you finish all of your coding classes and the rest are purely math based classes like randomized algorithms, numerical analysis, formal methods, etc.
Not the other user, but you're absolutely the one in the wrong here. Not everyone will show their dislike of something in a cultured manner, but that doesn't mean they have no right to do so. This way, at least they're being represented.
This is Veeky Forums, known for its contrarian nature. If you only want nice posts, go to some other forum.
>it makes me very happy to keep hearing OVER AND OVER again mathematicians and physicians saying they should have done a cs degree.
I'm sure they'd regret taking CS over math or physics if they took this alternative path. CS is dry as hell
Ignoring your OBSESSION, it's probably because they included CS with Math and Physics so it's bringing down the average.
I don't think truer words have ever been said on Veeky Forums. I literally believe if users here were rich, attractive and had the free time, 100% would have youtube channels where they would brag about their university and their major in completely pointless vlogs.
All people use Veeky Forums for is bragging about university, IQ and major. This is the most obvious thing anyone here has ever said. This thread is barely even science or math related to begin with, its criticism of some attractive university student almost entirely for being attractive and for doing something everyone here would do several times worse.
Kys my man
I have no fucking idea why she appeared on mine too and then kept re-appearing again and again.
I have absolutely no interest in moronic vaginal-niggers who're obviously on the platform to use their looks for views, and not to say anything insightful or relevant.
A real tragic fucking mistake. Pure parasites.
wow dude, calm your /r9k/
she browses Veeky Forums youtube.com
>her other videos showed hard final year physics and math exams
>she wants to meme cs
>shows intro to cs exam
>cute woman is a narcissist
What else is new?
I'd date her
She a CUTE
>honestly I think virtually every single person on this board, give or take 1 or 2, would have a YouTube channel making dumb vlogs bragging about the prestige of their school if they were attractive or even just attractive enough.
Irrelevant. The only point I was trying to make was that her shit smells just like the rest of us to snap the shills out of it and quit worshiping this basic bitch.
>Hey, I'm shilling my irrelevant channel on Veeky Forums and everyone is falling for it
how do you know she goes on Veeky Forums?
Is she our Veeky Forumsfu?
the Veeky Forums official waifu?
I have and they are like CS majors who could have learned twice the physics in 1/4th the time had they actually been capable of giving a shit
I don't get what you guys are on about. She's shy and cute. Imagine her deepthroating your cock and looking up into your eyes. I love her videos and her voice.
"real anaylsis is the theory of mathematics"
wtf did she mean by this? her upper level real analysis course has verbatim the same questions as my freshman year calc class
lol, no
that'd be mathbff girl
>Physics and Beauty
The ego on the this bitch
I'm attracted to modesty
Fuck this whore
The ego of this whore.
>18 hours a week for CS
I'm a woman brainlet and even I don't spend that much time on it. Maybe 10 hours a week?
fuck off Weinstein
I'll tell you right now you're completely bullshitting. I've looked at the curriculum at top 5 universities for CS. None of them require optimization or graph theory. Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, CMU, Georgia Tech, Cornell, ... don't require it. The worst I've seen is that CMU requires some sort of minor, which some people do mathematics; in that case, i could see somebody taking graph theory, but certainly out of interest and not as a requirement.
>Georgia Tech
Literally an elite CS school behind the top 4
What's your favorite item at the varsity, btw?
What's the varsity?
>15 credit hours corresponds to 45 hours preparing
Jesus fuck how retarded are the people who made this stupid fucking infographic? Credit hours literally means AMOUNT OF HOURS PER WEEK SPENT ON THIS CLASS
Nope. At my university, all upper-level electives are 3 credit hours, while the lower levels with labs (e.g. Chem 1 with lab, or Calc 2 with lab) are 4 credits. The upper-levels require more time, but they're just worth fewer credits. At our university, 15 credits in one semester (for your schedule) could drive you an extra 30-50 hours extra of studying. Most schools say you should be spending 2 or 3 hours outside of class for every 1 credit you're taking.
I don't find her attractive at all
I admit I was curious about those videos in which she flipped through exam papers. Anglo exams are much longer but seemingly slightly less difficult than the ones we get in parts of Europe
>watching Veeky Forums stuff on youtube
Fuck off faggot. Unless you were watching lectures and talks, but then why would it start advertising some science youtuber?
>it makes me very happy to keep hearing OVER AND OVER again mathematicians and physicians saying they should have done a cs degree
Yeah, I'm sure that's happened many more times than you've heard CS majors bitching about their own shitty course. Also,
I am conflicted. I want to destroy her youtube channel so the retarded fans get assblasted and her subhuman smug face vanishes, but I also want to see r9k types get butthurt everytime she makes a new video.
not into grownups huh
why are you virgins so resentful
just a bunch of pedos, that's all
The one and only Veeky Forumsfu
her phd thesis
eng majors need not reply to this post.
how many of you here can even read her phd?
>one eye lower than the other
Holy shit. She looks like my mom.
Rose grew up?
she was a qt. F