What nerdy shit do you keep on your desk?

What nerdy shit do you keep on your desk?

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Anime figurines

Books and paperwork.

Anyone know where I could find this solar system desk thing?

>yellow saturn
do not want

Mini figurines of Dumbledore and Snape, a Psyduck for rubber-ducky debugging, and a floppy disk. Comfy tbqh

My grandfather’s prism

10 hours left to buy indiegogo.com/projects/deskspace-handcrafted-solar-system-desk-accessory-space-accessories#/

Raspberry ™ Pi zero © Certified Dust Collector ©

pen, paper and antidepressants

cum rags and dirty dishes

>9 planets


Stupid shape. It isn't a real 4d object. It has no practical use. You have effectively wasted glass and therefore energy without repurposing it it something useful to humanity. Be ashamed.


nobody fucking cares about "advancing humanity".

idealism and optimism got way too fucking drunk one night and nine months later "we need to advance humanity. any resources not diverted to helping humanity in some way are wasted resources" popped out of optimisms dirty, smelly cunt because she's a whore and every dirty smelly no lifer who is "writing a novel" or "needs to work on their music" parrots her at every opportunity. what i find strange is that the type of people who are attracted to nihilism and "bruh there is no meaning" mentalities also believe tons of shit that demands overoptimism. it's almost like they believe those things because they're attractive at first glance and not because they have actually dedicated even the slightest thought to them.

ideological sluts.

You waste food, energy, and oxygen by existing without being useful to humanity, you should be ashamed as well

>writing a novel" or "needs to work on their music"

and how is making a retarded glass 4d object any different?

anyway, nice rant.

Lmao baited

random eppendorf tubes i forget in my pockets

>What nerdy shit do you keep on your desk?

I got all trig identities on a paper on my desk
I probably have them all memorized at this point but I'm too paranoid to not look at it



What's the one on the extreme right?

A kuiper belt marble

same. Bought it, did the thing where you make a flashing LED, thought I was going to freaking automate my entire house, never did anything else with it.

My grandad gifted me a bunch of ww2 booty he looted off of guys he killed. A couple German rings, a locket with someone’s wife in it, and a sextant he got from a ship looting. I don’t know why he gave it to me, but they’re nice desk items that have cool stories.

a kindle with pdfs

Do you hot glue it?

honestly end your life

Your shitposting is also not useful to humanity, you should be studying STEM subjects instead