Elon Musk

Do we like him?

>nigger who escaped africa and made three companies with major breakthroughs
>talks about him only because of dating a fucking hollywood slut
when did this board become fucking gossip shithole?


I personally do, Veeky Forums will call him a reddit-tier capitalist shill but he has privately achieved something the space exploration industry failed to do, reusable rockets and more cheaper space exploration material. Yes it was at the hands of a lot of taxpayers, but it was still overall cheaper than what nasa would have done.

the hype of "sience XD"-people really hurts him.

I personally dont really give a shit about him, but enough to contribute to this thread



I like him a lot. After reading his biography, however, he sounds like a bit of a cunt. Still like him.

how is Musk so thicc?

He has hot gf.
I'd say NO.


>Do we like him?

No, he steals other peoples ideas.

Why do you think he named his company tesla?

Also, he's a russian spy.


Fuck off fake /pol/.

Bezos or bust

ok bust then

Bust a nut on your face bitch ass nigga

>favours 3DPD over beautiful animu wifu.
>literal dog shit.

No. Elon bad.
Bad Elon.

no, he's a scam

I don't care about the cars but he perfected reusable rockets and more importantly made Lithium cells over 20% more efficient.

I don't think he is human, I'm not sure but it looks like he's hiding something.

Time Traveler

I respect Elon. To be running SpaceX, Tesla, and the Boring company (this one seemingly just for fun) is crazy. The man is a beast. Also he was a multimillionaire after paypal got bought out, but instead of just living easy for the rest of his life he went and became a billionaire instead by working on projects that are actually cool.

He lost my and the science community's respect with the car stunt.

Actively introducing orbital debris and possible contamination hazards for simple PR is inexcusable.

Don't worry about it, it wasn't real.