Cognitive enhancing drugs

Do you take nootropics or other drugs? Adderall maybe ?

I want to start taking some because I'm extremely distracted while on class and I always need triple the time to do some work.

worth it?

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ADHD meds taken if you don't have adhd and your brain has not fully developed is horrible for your brain health long term.
Do yourself a favor, print out the notes if they post it, add extra points. Rent a locker, put your laptop and phone in it. Screens distract so don't have them around you

I use a flip phone because smartphones are too distracting for me and I take notes on paper. I think I actually really have add. When studying I doze off very often in thoughts and waste a huge amount of time. But if I go see a doctor I don't think he's going to believe me because I naturally look very shifty.

Not trolling genuinely curious what these long term effects are? I'm a 21 yr old uni student and I do well by myself I'm just a constant procrastinator. So every few weeks I'll take two days out of the week and do some adhd meds to just get a large work load done in less time. Am I still predisposing to risk as I get older?

there's so much more to ADHD than just that. Go to a doctor but if that's all your problems than you're just not motivated and irritable. Go running more often. Chances are you're not getting enough supersize.
significant reduced neuroplasticity. Idk if you're at a risk considering that's the most vague explaination of time between dosing, the dosing quantities and the drug you're taking

ADD isn't a thing. It's now grouped into ADHD and, trust me, you don't want it

Generally I'll take 1-2 36mg alza's(off brand Ritalin) roughly twelve hours apart per cram day. Usually cram on Tuesday's and Thursday's occasionally will cram two days in a row but I try to avoid that. Also I generally only do this every three to four weeks.

you'll be fine. Try to not take them too frequently, it'll seriously affect your temper. As well, mixing it with caffeine or any stimulant will be a nice buzz. However do not, I repeat, do not mix it with alcohol.

adderall would help you significantly with adhd if you actually have it. probs best not to be a hypocondriac but if you feel and can list off examples of being so unstimulated and constantly chasing after random things that give you a feeling of reward you may have adhd. adderall helps because the reason people with adhd do those things is because they have naturally low dopamine and adderall just gives them more so they can work normally. could always give it a shot

it's largely not neurotoxic in the doses prescribed for people and even shows brain revitalization in older adults (
pointed out it may mess with your brain (reduced neuroplasticity) a bit if you abuse it while your brain is developing (low amount of studies on this btw) but at the frequency you're taking them i doubt it'll have any effect on your growing brain. as well taking them too often will downregulate (desensitize) your dopamine receptors so you're going to feel incredibly unrewarded/unstimulated if you take adderall too frequently.

and the actually proven downside to taking amphetamines is the cardiotoxicity which hasn't been researched enough to give an estimate as to how much it fucks up your heart only that it's quite noticeable in people with adhd who took meds daily for years.
^ this study is a good read if you're concerned about the cardiovascular effects and want advice to ameliorate the negatives.
also another user on here brought up the fact that lack of sleep will give you heart problems and this is mediated through a naturally produced waste product called homocysteine. I asked him how much he thought it was responsible for the heart problems seen in frequent amphetamine users and he couldn't say. internet says nothing on this but it may be one of the reasons amphetamines can weaken your heart. avoiding this is just sleeping btw

I appreciate the input. Those days I have went back to back I totally did have an attitude problem the following day too. I'll definitely watch my intake too, thanks again.

interesting information regarding the heart user. I'll definitely look into it. I take lots of mdma and daily vyvanse (plus I have about 400mg of caffeine) and run about 5k daily. So my heart is definitely taking a beating. I'll look more into this and try to find other information.
no probs dude. Also definitely recommend try to remember to still eat, it helps the comedown. Also as far as getting work done if you can get a hook up for vyvanse it's way better. Ritalin < Dex < Adderall < vyvanse. Adderall makes you feel way way more high but vyvanse lasts longer, it's smoother with less comedown and you feel more motivated but less uppidy

here's the proof of what i wrote (message limit) proves that sleep gets rid of homocysteine as well as shows oxidative stress damage is increased from lack of sleep (major component of mdma neurotoxicity) shows a link between homocysteine and the heart problems sleep apnea patients have

as well i was wondering if you've ever done amphetamines and mdma together and would recommend/critique the experience if you have. and in case you didn't know about the interactions of mdma and other drugs: taking an antioxidant (e.g. vitamin c) almost completely negates (if not fully) the neurotoxicity from the oxidative stress of mdma in mice, piracetam potentiates mdma pretty significantly from what i hear, and either ghb or ketamine substantially raise the enjoyment of mdma but also seriously increase the neurotoxicity if you don't care too much about that

People looking into cognition enhancing drugs. Meanwhile, I'm looking into drug enhancing cognitions.

>Amphetamines and mdma
Welp for that I should say I do have ADHD so my reaction to amphetamines is slightly different to avg joe. That said, I have had ritalin with MDMA and the come up was unbelievably rough, I had visual hallucinations on only 200mg of M and the entire trip I was experiencing extremely shaky vision. Honestly I wouldn't tell anyone to do that, it was a bad time. Vyvanse has been much better with MDMA, the come up is less rough and the high complements vyvanse. That said if you take Ritalin, or better yet, vyvanse or adderall the next day it greatly staves off the hangover for the day. I'll keep that in mind about the OJ, usually I drink grapefruit juice. It prolongs the high quite nicely (same with shrooms). Also I take magnesium before and immediate after, as it relaxes muscles so less tooth grinding. 5HTP apparently helps but I haven't found it to be all that helpful. AlphaGPC was a bit better during the hangover.

Also MDMA and Ketamine is super fun. Like, I know it's the worst thing for your brain, but holy shit. It's like being drunk but none of the negative effects of being drunk. Everything is fun, your body feels loose and relaxed, everyone seems pleasant, all the music is great. It's a good time. But if you snort k, make sure to bring gum. The drips are extremely bitter and you'll taste it all night

It might not actually help. If you study with it you ought to take the exam on it because of state dependent learning. Writing the exam will make you nervous though and the stimulants will likely enhance this; your brain works best when you're not anxious/scared.. it's definitely best to be calm during the exam. Even if you don't feel anxious the drugs can cause you to feel "godlike" in some small, but significant, way. Maybe more accurate is to say you'll be overconfident, think you're crushing it and end up having fucked up everything. Food for thought. If you have a project to finish and a fast approaching deadline it would be a more appropriate situation for its use imo.

what a dunning kruger.

I'm looking into enhancing drug cognition

Mmmm... Definitely not a case akin to imposter syndrome.

I think you’re misinterpreting the results of that study. Adderall almost exclusively caused cardiac death in those with pre-existing, non-benign heart conditions, some even further exacerbated by dehydration or strenuous exercise.

I talked to my physician about this, and ended up having to double-check with a cardiologist after being diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia. They both agreed that there were heart conditions that, with Adderall, could lead to a heart attack, but SVT wasn’t one of them.

I also got another EKG years ago, when I was first prescribed Adderall, specifically to avoid an incident like the ones in that study. There was no particular reason to suspect anything back then; the doctor just knew that it needed to be done, since any potential risk would be revealed in the EKG.

i have heard 5htp supplements the day after help the hangover but again i haven't tried. no harm taking them i suppose because your brain was just dumped of serotonin. another point about piracetam btw is supposedly you don't feel even close to a serious hangover after rolling with it and probs taking it the day after too. if you're taking AlphaGPC (choline drug) and think it helps then piracetam would help too as it is a choline drug too

i was more referencing this study
with the comment about cardiotoxicity and the one i linked was more for trying to avoid it. although after looking more into this i am wary about this study considering the journal so i will cede that perhaps it's not as bad as i thought. still the homocysteine (both from your body/brain running faster and less sleep) is not good for your heart

Awesome Ill definitively look into it! Thanks user

i tried adderall, ritalin, modafinil, none of these have any perceivable effects on me at all
modafinil is supposed to get rid of sleepiness, but after sleeping 4h at night and taking it im still extremely tired and have to nap
adderall and ritalin literally do nothing, as if Id taken a sugar pill

Placebo, no effects in healthy adults and extremely limited effects in people with ADHD, feel free to prove me otherwise
>choline supplements
Don't take them if you are a meat eater

Either you did take a sugar pill or you're normie already with high dopa levels, congratulations

Good post, at most eat some magnesium and multivitamine.

no, I almost failed every single year because of procrastination, none of these helped

200mg and even 400mg of modafinil had no effect on me bar giving me diarrhea and making me sad (never seen sadness as a side effect before lol). I was literally tearing up evey night for no reason.

Therein ended my one week relationship with nootropics. I have no _real_ reason to use them but I was just experimenting as is my wont.

Do not touch adderall if you do not have an attention disorder.
Do not touch Ritalin if you do not have an attention disorder.

There are easy places online where you can find more natural mood/memory altering smart drugs without the spacey long-term side effects and dangerous addictive properties. But you probably already knew that. Sometimes you can get the best nootropics even in capsule form.

I started with Piracetam 250 mg, with citicoline mixed in for better absoprtion/no brain fog. You can usually get around 60 pills for $30 so it's cheap. That's mostly for mood/creativity but still helps memory and attention.

But honestly if you haven't tried it yet, I'd go straight for Aniracetam. You can buy it online either in bulk or capsuled, just like Piracetam, only it's a bit more expensive. More importantly, it's entirely safe, stronger, and synthetically designed for nothing but laser focus and memory retention. For me it had mild anti-anxiety effects as well. Doesn't last very long but it's like drinking a ton of espresso with zero jitters or crash. I've tried many others that sucked or worked less, but two 250 mg capsules aniracetam with my coffee each morning during finals absolutely helped me stay on track throughout college. Worth it af.

Piracetam gave me the best two months of my life
>social anxiety gone
>sharp focus
>clear mind
>suddenly remembered my dreams, which I almost never before did
>good mood, more sociable, generally happier than ever
One hell of a placebo, huh?

thanks user, it's noted

From Wikipedia:
>This psychological phenomenon, in which the recipient perceives an improvement in condition due to personal expectations, rather than the treatment itself, is known as the placebo effect or placebo response.
Yes, one hell of a placebo. Let me guess, noopept gave you HD vision?

>gonna quote the definition of "placebo" to make the other poster look dumb, followed by another obvious ridicule
No, I never took noopept.

Also friendly reminder that absence of evidence is not an evidence of absence. There is no conclusive study either way. You can be skeptical as much as you want, no need to be a fucking dick about it though. I'll take my anecdote as an evidence enough when there is no better evidence pointing to the contrary.

>friendly reminder that absence of evidence is not an evidence of absence
that's where you're wrong

Almost got me.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE someone fucking synthesize 4-methylaminorex and 2ce-5eto

literally wasn't saying that at all. i was saying most people say it both potentiates mdma rolls and helps with the hangover, feel free to prove me wrong

4-methylaminorex synthesis is a joke.
>Ephedrine. (can be bought at Popeye's or whatever gym supplement shop you guys have)
>H+ under anhydrous conditions.
That's it. 2 steps.

I've started working to develop a multifaceted white pill (or a "transcendence pill").


I microdose Ritalin occasionally. I'll take 5-10mg a day, and I've found it's really helped my depression, my ability to stay focused, and my ability to think.

then I did some research and found it is often used in conjunction with SSRIs to combat severe depression

then you have other problems that you need to solve on your own. you do realize that even when you take the pills you still have to do the work, right? taking the pills doesn't just immediately make you just start working anyway.

I have ADHD and take ritalin for it, but I didn't start totake it until I proved to myself that I could actually do the work I needed to do without it first. Then when I proved that I started taking it and the results have been fucking spectacular.
