Scientifically, how many rotations must a girl endure on this blue rock before she can consent?

Scientifically, how many rotations must a girl endure on this blue rock before she can consent?

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first menstruation, everything else is arbitrary and stupid

What about tits?
Sometimes they have nice tittays but dont bleed yet.

Your talking about consent therefore rationality is involved, so max range is onset of puberty (10-14) to 25 years old (age of fully matured brain)

So the minimum age would therefore be a matter of optimising (in this case, minimising) for two variables t (time from onset) and r (rationality). So you use directional derivatives to find the conditions for an interior minimum that are both necessary and sufficient.

Or you could be fine with 18 year olds. Just a thought.

>Or you could be fine with 18 year olds
Are you literally a woman?

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No I'm figuratively a woman.

Setting age of consent at menstruation implies that procreation is the only reason to have sex (it's not)

Rationality is ill-defined, and is not a prerequisite for decision-making. A dog can choose whether or not it wants to be petted, and will act accordingly. At a very young age, children are perfectly capable of choosing things they like over things they dislike.

Frankly, there's no reason for the government to be involved in a person's sexual life, except in cases of true rape i.e. sexual activity that one or more parties did not want.

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> At a very young age, children are perfectly capable of choosing things they like over things they dislike.

It's also extremely easy to trick them in their decision by deceiving them with methods an adult would see through immediately, or applying pressure to them because they don't understand/have experience with societal norms and situations.

No one cares if two 14 year olds have sex. But if we're talking "how old do you have to be to consent to sex with an adult" confidence in ability to reason and a body of experience to draw from are vital.

I agree with this anonymously, but if you say something like this in real life prepare to get lynched by crazed parents

Fuck society.

scientifically, thats an unanswerable question

Sure, it's very easy to trick children into wanting something that they wouldn't otherwise want, but the same is true of adults - this fact is the basis for the entire advertising industry. Likewise, while it is easier to trick most children than it is to trick most adults, there are plenty of exceptions.

Besides all that, if it's not illegal to convince children to buy things (e.g. through commercials), why is it illegal to convince children to enjoy sexual activity? What distinguishes sexual activity from any other activity, besides the risk of pregnancy, which is not relevant prior to menstruation or to non-penetrative sexual activities?

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enjoying things is bad, religion has thought us that

Feels bad man. Maybe someday things will change

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There capabilities of reasoning are nowhere near similar. That both can be deceived does not put them on equal footing when it comes to responsible decision making, exceptions don't mean anything when you're attempting to forma general rule.

You mentioned one of the biggest, which is risk of pregnancy, which heavily affects the child's future. The second is manipulation and use of the child for profit. Third is that it's very easy to put a child in a position where they have no recourse against someone forcing this on them, which could even lead to a child lying to police when suspicions are raised. So rather than leave a gaping hole where the child has the same responsibility as the adult, we place responsibility on the adult not to do it and breaching that becomes an offence.

There's no law against 2 children enjoying sexual activity. but as an adult you are both legally and mentally responsible for every one of your actions, whereas a child is not, so you a limited from that.

at least there's 2D, and I will kill everyone if they take it away

But why deny that a child already bears the responsibilities of an adult? Children make decisions that will impact their entire lives all the time. Some children study hard in school, others do not. Some children play video games, others play outside. Sone children pursue romantic and/or sexual interests, others do not. Each decision comes with risks and benefits that will shape their entire future. That's the nature of living, regardless of age. Why does the government attempt to limit this natural right - and responsibility - of all living beings?

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In the process of raising children we do our best to teach them the value of things like work ethic, morality, prudent decision making, because as they grow up we're in a position to provide oversight, and intervene so that poor decisions that they make do not fuck up their lives. We grant them freedom from legal responsibility, because we can provide that oversight, to allow them to learn from mistakes rather than give indefinite punishment.

What you're proposing is a darwinism which the entire point of cooperative society is to mitigate. for the betterment of all and the attempt to give a successful start for as many as possible, we provide that oversight. Take that away and you're dooming children to punishments which they could've had no knowledge to see coming nor experience in coping with.

You fucking asshole, I opened your picture and some old lady was watching my phone, she definitely thinks I'm a pedo

calmly explain to her how our consent laws are bullshit and that children should be able to choose for themselves

Maybe you should trade your old lady in a for a new one.


16, if the partner is 16 or 17

OK, mom

Depends if her spin is a half-integer

Whenever the father is okay with it. Women are mentally children their whole lives, so defining a point at which they're qualified to decide when they're ready is arbitrary and stupid.


>There's no law against 2 children enjoying sexual

In many countries it is illegal, even if not always pursued. Not every country has near-age exceptions.


Scientifically, there is no evidence that non-violent pedophilia is harmful in any way.

Anything else is just due to current societal taboo, because it is considered "icky", similar to homosexuality in the past.

Too old.

old enough to pee, old enough for me
sounds scientific enough

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fuck off Weinstein