Is there is a logical fallacy in the next text?

-I won't be able to know that I'm dead when I'm dead
-I Won't die
-Will mostly try to jump in front of a train tomorrow just for fun

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Why do you assume you won't have knowledge of anything when your physical body de-materializes?

atheist here
plus how can anything that knows that it exist itself know that it exist when it won't exist anymore ?

When you're dead you won't know you're dead.
The people still alive will know you were stupid.
They're the ones who suffer!
If you don't care about them, go ahead and experiment. But be careful to pick a sure-fire method. Trying and not quite succeeding really sucks!

I am so lonely and nerdy anyway
I will somehow try again


This depends on how you view the make-up of a human being. Do we consist of purely physical matter and non-conscious physical laws and processes, so that as soon as the body dies, so does experience, forever. Even in this sense though, it's true that you cannot experience being dead, in the same way you cannot imagine what absolute nothingness is, it's logically impossible.

Or do you believe that humans consist of a physical body that isn't conscious, but also a non-physical awareness that is conscious, which experiences the body and is the sense of self. If so, it would follow that non-physical things don't follow or behave as physical matter does, and therefore cannot "die" like a body can.

Seeing as you're an atheist, you most likely believe you're just an advanced biological robot, therefore


Dunno what happens after death but jumping in front of a train is a shitty way to get there. High chance of failure and extreme suffering, damaging everyone who saw it, fucks over the guy running the train, etc.

I've tried overdosing on insulin numerous times; twice without intervention. The result from overdosing without intervention was that I didn't die. The first time I felt grateful for being given a 'second chance' at life, the second time I overdosed, I felt like everything was eternal.

I don't think there is a death, per se, but I do believe in the eternal expansion of the universe, and that as time progresses, things will get less bad (when I'm in hell).

Also, hell I believe is a real thing. Science seems to support this with the mathematical discovery of what is called a 'heat bath.'

idk man, but if things forever expand, then the heat will expand into that space also, creating less heat.

HELL IS REAL, but I also kind of don't believe in free will, so the majority of us may be destined to it -shrugs- HOWEVER, because the universe will always expand, I think the temperatures will gradually become less, eventually closing in on 0K.

>Doesn't believe in free will
>Thermal reservoir, hell according to science

You are crazy man, seriously

you have to go back

>fucks over the guy running the train, etc.
Only if he’s weak. Most guys are used to it and are happy to get the week’s worth of vacation.

Enjoy. Best case scenario, you die.
Most likely though, you’ll chicken out.

you have to know that you are dead in order for you to be dead?


crazy like a fox

from my point of view not yours
and it's a nice paradox

the claim on line 2 does not follow from any other claim.

for me i wont fucking die !! cant u understand it ? wtf mahn


There's no logical fallacy here. Most likely false assumption but there is no faulty logic here.


I assumed the second line wasn't a conclusion