WHy is pure sugar or liquid fat not addicting?

WHy is pure sugar or liquid fat not addicting?
If they're the addictive ingredients in proc3ssed foods, especially the more sugar.

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Addiction is a (mostly) psychological thing. You like dat shit, it makes you happy, you need more of dat shit.
Only a few substances cause physical addiction - heroin, morphine, etc.
Basically, you need to like something better then anything else to get addicted. You can get addicted to ass-scratching ffs.
Now, why doesn't vegetable oil cause addiction? Because it's a complete crap on it's own.

Your biological programming causes you to actually do like sugar better than almost anything else

No. 'liking something' isn't as simple as tasting and ingesting a particular substance. It is more complex.

I forgot the exact term for it but basically it's like, the more potent food stimulus you eat the quicker it gets old.

The brain responds less to the same foods when eaten over and over again especially without other foods inbetween.

That's why they're sugar treats are so addicting is because they have all these other potent stimulus like flavor extract and sour so they never get old.

Brcuase sugar is
Immediate energy
Fat is an energy store
Your body needs energy
Your body detects energy sources by level of fat, salt, sweet, and sour in things.

There is literally no difference between 'physical' and 'psychological' addiction

they are both downregulation of neuroreceptors


Because your body liking eating because it keeps you alive =/= needing to take something because it's the only way you can have a response anymore.


I wonder if I'm addicted to holding onto my balls? I am always home alone because I have no friends, no job, no prospects and honestly no reason to keep going and just spend most of my time holding my balls, except now I have to stop myself from doing on the rare occasions I am in public. Really activates my almonds.

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Complex flavors are generally preferable. Sugar has an addictive quality, but people prefer to add it to other foods--coffee, oatmeal, yams, etc. The industrial 'added sugar' in foods works the same way. Still, you could argue that people do get addicted to pure sugar in the form of soft drinks, which are hypersaturated solutions that include some complexity of flavor simply to appeal to personal preference.

some monkeys grab their balls when nervous

> you could argue that people do get addicted to pure sugar in the form of soft drink

No you can not, this is the whole point of my question. If sugar-loaded products are so addicting why is pure crystalized sugar -which is much much more sugar than any other product with anything less than 100% sugar in it- not addicting At all?

But I'm white?

how the hell do you eat granulated sugar?

But it is addicting people just don't eat it like that
there are experiments on rats where it's just sugar water

I sometimes stuff my hand down my pants. It's a comfy feeling. Don't overdo it though, or you'll risk decreasing your fertility if you warm them up too much too often.

because your liver can only take so much, and there's a fine line between pleasure and pain the average people don't want to cross

>tfw holding my balls right now

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not as addicting as ur mum's butthole

You'll kill sperm. Unless you're trying to get someone pregnant within the next few months then you're fine.

So it doesn't have any long lasting effect on the testes ability to produce sperm, it's only bad for currently existing sperms? Wew what is the fuss about underwear decreasing fertility then?

It's addicting but not as addicting as foods with less of it in it?

Holding my balls right now

Do you experience an absolutely real physical withdrawal period when not having said substance?

If you do, then chances are it's addicting.

The problem with sugar is it burns fast in the body. This leads your body to want more calories over time. Which ultimately leads to the classic problem: calories in to calories out. The problem with sugar has less to do with actual sugar, and more to do with how EVERYTHING has insane levels of sugar content in it.

The best way to counteract a high sugar diet is to only drink water and eat meals high in fiber. These meals slow-drip the sugar into the body - which makes you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Yogurt is good with this (but not the garbage sugar-added stuff; the sour stuff with actual fruit you put in yourself in it). Also this leads to us to the conclusion of probably not ever drinking a can of soda. Ever.

Addiction is caused by the Brian releasing dopamine and then your Brian will try to get they high again by doing what caused it in the first place.
People who produce too much dopamine are more at risk to developing addiction if I remember correctly.

Must test if you can get someone addicted to holding their balls

i share your vice, user. i do it when i'm nervous.

i held my balls while i was taking my mcat. the one proctor who watched the cameras gave me a super weird look when i walked out...

>ball graspers very common in addict thread

the ride never ends

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My sentiments exactly, my freund

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To answer you're clumsily presented question, certain combinations of fat, sugar and salt cause the VTA in the brain to light up. Before the advent of agriculture, finding calorically dense food was quite a challenge, so our brains were designed to reward us for it when it happened... our brains still know the difference between real food and straight up fat/sugar, though.

For sweet


Welcome to science baby

I get a dopamine kick when I study. Does that mean I'm addicted and need to stop?

I think the reason is evolutionary. I mean sugar is necessary but we didn't evolve in an environment where it'd be available on its own. So we evolved to crave the plants and their tastes that contain it. Or with fats, the meats.

It's not a silly question.
I will present you my case: I was addicted to sugar coca cola, I could easily substitute it with no sugar coke (even if I still preferred the former), no way I could substitute it with no caffeine coke.
That means my dependence was towards caffeine, yet I dislike coffee and I would never use it even when in withdrawal.
So it's a combination between the chemical and the way you are used to take it, not just the substance alone.
Of course if desperate because of withdrawal symptoms I could have used anything that worked, but caffeine isn't heroine, you never reach that level.

Do you feel like you have no choice but to study to get the kick and if you don't do you suffer withdrawal?

ALWays someone with unsolicited fucking dietary advice