Was Tesla really a great inventor and shit as people say or are they just memes?

Was Tesla really a great inventor and shit as people say or are they just memes?

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It's just a bunch of memes and noise. Don't listen to those contrarian hipsters that praise Tesla like some sort of underrated science god.

He an amazing inventor who developed a lot of shit that was pivotal for the new electric age. He had some knacks, and was against some physics we consider correct today, but that doesn't mean he fucking had free energy bullshit.

He was onto something different after 1900.

Monopolar circuits and accumulative current.


Energy is inherently free anyway. Just how it works

inventor and constructor - sure
scientist - not so much

Edison cuck spotted

You're saying the electrical science now is miles ahead of 1897?

He was a great engineer (I would accept calling him a savant) and Edison was a shrewd businessman. Both were human, one was not a god and one was not a devil. Both helped drag the world into the future.
John Bardeen contributed more to the state of the present world than either and I bet you don't even know his name.

Edison is the reason the United States got a fully operation power grid so quickly. Tesla's fantastical dreaming lacked incentive to be carried out, so it would have gotten nowhere. You have to have your Jobs to complement your Wozniak.

Edison was both Jobs and Wozniak. Tesla was Linux.

All the unbelievable shit people talk about Tesla including free energy, long range wireless energy and conspiracy theories are pretty much false or huge exaggerations.

The idea is that a lot of the Tesla scene was polluted with misinformation.
But you can easily just go back and read his available lectures and patents.

Greatest Croatian who ever lived!

Ye I know. Though someone tried to convince me that Tesla patented an atmospheric energy harvesting device but after searching the patent it didn't even belong to Tesla and was just a glorified antenna on a balloon.

We'll that was probably your radiant energy thing, which is just a solar panel except he uses a capacitor and grounds it.

It was that radio waves harvesting thing.

Has anyone here experimented with his Impulse currents?

he was a hack
>muh electricity
old news, Benjamin Franklin already invented it with the kite

Tesla did way more for science and especially technology than memes like Einstein or Hawking ever did.

Bruh did u no that time travel is possible?
Yeah it's like real and shit I swear

Fuck Franklin. Why doesn't that kite get any recognition.

He was a good engineer, and a funny guy (didn't like fat people and land whales and I think he also called Americans a bunch of fat slobs lel). Not a scientist. His reputation forever ruined by conspiratards.

>Engineering isn't science

>(didn't like fat people and land whales and I think he also called Americans a bunch of fat slobs lel)
no wonder he died a kissless virgin

It's sad the death of Hawking has brought out all the retards from other boards here. Please return to your entertainment board we don't care for your opinion and lame baits

contributed very little, considering he lived an age where a lot of great things got invented, and is basically a meme by leftists who see him as the struggeling labourer who got exploited by le evil capitalist edison, or by geeks who think he is le underrated genius just like they are. in 500 years probably nobody will know him.

He literally made a machine that cloned hugh jackman every time he used it


that was Bowie not Tesla you moron

>I don't need tools to test theories, that's gay

t. Mutt
