Why the fuck is this allowed?
For real. I need scientific answers. Which one of my retard ancestors do I blame for this?
Why the fuck is this allowed?
For real. I need scientific answers. Which one of my retard ancestors do I blame for this?
your mom gay
Answer me without memes.
not everyone gets to be a handsome intellectual such as myself
How could this even happen?
My dad could grow a beard. My mom's brother could.
poor genes, not everyone gets the luck of the draw my man, but then looks arent everything so id focus your brain beam elsewhere
Nah. I'm not upset. Thought it would be funny to post while still being science related.
I worry about you fags. Nerd shit is boring as fuck. Should visit /v/ and talk shit about video games.
>this is the current state of Veeky Forums
holy fuck please get off of my board
>nerd shit is boring as fuck
I can feel a new banner coming along.
nice 180
You're adopted.
Are you complaining about your shit beard genetics, shit lip genetics or shit jaw genetics?
don't forget his recessed chin and pencil neck
his shit shit genetics
It's not exactly a lottery ticket but it's salvageable, do cardio, eat less shit from now on.
Guaranteed you neets don't look better
try not being a fat nigger first
I think I'd kill myself if I had such a shitty jawline and chin.
Why is this allowed?
is that you user? you're cute
it's called no sex or excercise ever, you have zero testosterone
Yes, it's me, thanks :)
hahahaha you look like an oblivion npc, lose some face weight and youll be able to pull of those cheekbones
my dad is 6'8, my mom is 6'2 and I'm 6'
you think you have it bad?
I feel like I have low testosterone but even I can grow a full beard and bench 225. You must be some sort of woman
Anything over 6'0 looks awful, anyways.