Is the Black Hole theory wrong?

Entire Veeky Forums is claiming Stephen Hawking's black hole theory is wrong. Can the sages of Veeky Forums explain?

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pol is stupid

inb4 the electric universe retard takes over this thread

>Veeky Forums

cute loli

99.9999% of what's on Veeky Forums (esp. /pol/, /x/, and Veeky Forums) should be taken with a grain of NaCl.

There's no proof black holes even exist, let alone his bs.

there's plenty of proof black holes exist, both in electromagnetic and gravitational radiation

>be me
>want to show my dick to people who I will never meet
>said Nacl instead of salt
>proceed to suck my own dick

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his whole theory is that black holes "leak" hawking radiation because if they didn't they would violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics. It's basically just a guess based on common sense with no actual physical evidence behind it. For all we know Black holes don't actually follow the rules of thermodynamics, or the matter disappears but in some other way. Nobody has ever seen hawking radiation.

The proof there is of black holes is as conclusive as the proof that a liquid is transparent therefore it's water. Go ahead, drink it, i promise it's not pure alchohol.

It's just a theory. Pure conjecture, yet people take it as fact because "muh hawking iz smart"

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Those only behave similar to black holes, but they don't have event horizon, there's no physical process to create it.

bullshit, there's no physical process to prevent it's creation once enough mass is concentrated in a small enough volume

ur mum's butthole is the black hole stephen hawking was talking about

If by small volume you mean Schwartzschild radius, there's no physical process to get enough mass in there.

>there's no physical process to get enough mass in there



Made my day

No, actually it's gravity that makes it difficult because of time dilation.

Do you even know what Hawking radiation is?

only an observer staying outside the black hole will measure the infinite time dilatation

but anything free falling into the black hole will still measure their own proper time normally and will fall through the event horizon within a finite amount of time, even though nothing outside the black hole can ever see it pass the event horizon

you need to change coordinate systems to see what happens for things falling towards a black hole, the infinite time dilatation is because of an improper coordinate system

If black holes don't exist then how can my eyes see blackness?

Stop these generalizations. You can't blame /pol/ for the errors of some /pol/tards.

>infinite time dilatation
That's exactly what I mean: there are no black holes because theoretically they take infinite time to form, which didn't pass yet, and long before that they evaporate due to Hawking radiation.

Well it is very cold in that freezer and it isn't frozen. So I know that it's not water.

did you not read what i wrote? wtf

i said that only observers outside the black hole looking in see the infinite time dilatation
anything free falling into it will not experience the infinite time dilatation, their proper time will still tick normally

the coordinate system from outside the black hole cannot be used to calculate the path of objects free falling towards the black hole, to see what actually happens to them you need to use a coordinate system that's also free falling towards the black hole

>did you not read what i wrote?
It was mostly off topic. Read the thread from the start.

Holy fuck that dude has been polluting this whole board with his aether/electric universe bullshit

>b-but it's off topic
fuck off back to >>>/reddit/

it's disgusting how passing the event horizon and entering a black hole is most often described...
the web says over and over upon entering one would be RIPPED APART.... that the expression used... never is the correct ideation used...

>upon nearing and then passing the event horizon, one would be smashed together, compressed to an unimaginable degree, smashed into the tiniest speck

the entire web says ripped apart... LOL

"hawking lovers"

You fuck off, nobody cares about your falling shit.

stop reading shit sites
the event horizon has nothing to do with being ripped apart, that happens when gravitational tidal forces become extreme
the larger a black hole is, the less tidal forces you experience at the event horizon, for a supermassive black hole you could be falling for a long while after the event horizon before you reach the "kill horizon"

Gravitycuck getting triggered.

dude, you'd be dead as shit long before you get close to the event horizon - you be crushed many thousands of miles from it

depends on the black hole, for supermassive ones you'll have no problem until after the event horizon
gravitational tidal forces decrease by a factor of distance^2, while the event horizon volume just increases with mass

pathological contrarianism

LOL - you're a numbskull

lol, brainlet doesn't even get simple math

The cutest, in fact.

They say that someone would get ripped apart because the force of gravity at your feet(assuming you're falling in feet first), would be orders of magnitude greater than the force of gravity at your head. The process of dying this way is called spaghettification

nobody knows what it is because he just made it up.

Black Holes don't exist son.

Of course Black Holes don't exist in that manner. You can't bend space.

boy are you dumb, let's take a super lightweight example

" If you went to within 3189 km (half the radius of normal Earth) of the Earth-black hole you would weigh 480 lbs! "

let's face it just the tiniest of black holes would crush your toothpick legs 2,000 miles away from it


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Not sure if troll or just retarded.
Object that are traveling along a geodesic aka falling don't experience gravity the way you experience it when you're standing on the ground.
It doesn't matter how powerful the gravitational field is, as long as you're freely falling into it you wouldn't notice a thing until the tidal forces become a factor. It wouldn't feel any different than the weightlessness that astronauts on the ISS feel.

If his Black Hole theory is so right then why is he dead?

Checkmate atiests.

The answer is not to an outside observer and this is due to gravitational time dilation. Before the mass collapses into a singularity, time, to the outside observer, will see it shrink until it reaches the event horizon and then it will appear to stop. What is happening is that as the object gets closer to the Schwarzschild's radius, time will slow down. It's like trying to divide by but you have to do it by steps w/ a number 1/10 of the previous number.

1/1=1, then 1/0.1=10, then 1/0.01=100, then 1/0.001=1000 and so on. You never reach zero because with each step, the interval that you're allowed to go gets smaller.

t h a t ' s w h a t I s a i d !

Neither happens. It would be evaporated by Hawking radiation before reaching event horizon. Cosmic censorship is stronger than previously thought: you don't only not see singularity, you don't see event horizon either.

I am an observer outside a black hole, therefore a black hole should take infinite time to form from my perspective. Thus, black holes should not be able to exist in my perspective, being permanently frozen in a state of coming into existence.

3d pig disgusting

How can a dimensionless point have any mass or hold any kind of information?

Mathematics yields nonsensical results which points to the possibility that the model is wrong at this point.

Did Stephen Hawking claimed god doesn't exist?

It's a shame how 99.9% of them destroy the reputation of the rest.

that's just one dude?


It's pretty simple actually. Black holes don't exist. They're a mathematical anomaly caused by an incomplete theory.

Think about it. Have you ever SEEN a black hole? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. You haven't seen one because nobody's ever seen one because they do not exist.
But sure, you keep telling yourself there's been no direct observation of a black hole. Fucking brainlet

>words words words
>no pictures
Whatever you say, holie.

Just to clear this up: that's meant to be ironic, right?

Sorry, waiting on the RMA of my defective sarcasm detectors so I just want to be sure.

This. I can't comprehend why there are actual smart people, geniuses even, refusing to accept this because "muh math".

>Black holes don't exist. They're a mathematical anomaly caused by an incomplete theory.
meh. maybe, maybe not.

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Isn't it difficult to make out black objects in space?

Yeah only like 100% of them are retarded low iq monkeys, can't judge /pol/ based on that

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>the first such image may appear as early as 2018
guess we'll have to wait and see, it's all speculation so far

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So whats on the other end of the black hole?

Haha, I just love when kids come back from school and try to act smart. Yea, I know it's Saturday. Hawking radiation is thermal radiation, but it's weak enough that it gets lost among the various other radiation sources, like thermal radiation from infalling material. It will be difficult to observe, but as our instruments get more and more sensitive, we should be able to see more and more interesting phenomena.