No offense, but are they going to bury him in his chair? I'd think it would be more natural that way than stretching him out and stuffing him in a box. Normal people spend most time laying down or standing up, so it makes sense to lay them in a coffin. He spent most time in a chair, so I would think it would make the most sense to roll him into a mausoleum or bury him seated.
Hawkins burial
Also, no offense, but I suspect he'll be cremated.
He was an atheist and having your atoms usefully recycled is more sensible than locking them in marble or feeding worms.
Cartoons (some quite cruel, like showing him unable to climb the Golden Stairway into Heaven) have already appeared, and I doubt he'd have appreciated such rigmarole.
A few flecks of Clyde Tombaugh were aboard New Horizons when it zipped past Pluto, but we lack the technology to drop anything into a Black Hole.
He should be encased in minerals or metals. Made into a statue. Standing up once more, forever. Looking towards the sky pointing towards the exact location of a black hole.
>pointing towards the exact location of a black hole.
user, I...
Someone should have closed his mouth while he was alive.
He is all crooked, stiff and joints that used to move seized in place, as if more bone grew around the joints shutting them forever in the positions he was in
They would have to break all his bones and cut pieces of him off to make him look like a normal human carcass
They will probably launch his ashes into space or something.
What did he invent anyway?
They already bought a customized coffin.
>but we lack the technology to drop anything into a Black Hole.
More like we'll never have the technology to not fall into a black hole.
Eventually we'll all be in a black hole. Including the particles that once were Stephen Hawking.
All it takes is time.
Why do brainlets insist on posting on this board
Holy top kek.
>Calling people brainlet
>Doesn't use punctuation
Why are you so stupid, boy?
This is socially acceptable schizophrenia.
>Cartoons (some quite cruel, like showing him unable to climb the Golden Stairway into Heaven) have already appeared
The good news is that at least he didn't climb them to find the doors closed at the top
>we lack the technology to drop anything into a black hole
just shoot it toward the center of the Milky Way. it'll get there eventually
>this is your brain on pop-sci
>He was an atheist and having your atoms usefully recycled is more sensible than locking them in marble or feeding worms.
how feeden the worms is not a useful recyclation?
>pointing towards the exact location of a black hole.
we make him spinning around?
>Eventually we'll all be in a black hole
That's not how orbits work
no, they'll just cut him in pieces at the waist and knees and nobody will know because you can't see it through the clothing.
Stephen Hawking didn't sleep in his chair you know.
wrong. it was reclinable.
do you really think someone was going to want to get him out of that thing every night?