Picture of a single Strontium atom

Attached: photo_2018-03-14_15-44-00.jpg (1280x1280, 135K)

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Are you seeing an atom or recombination?

It's a single atom. I believe they used lasers to slow it down and a magnetic field to hold it. Then they shown light on it that it reflects and exposed the camera for a few hours.

Where's the wave bit?

That's a big atom.

I tought atoms were basically invisible
Is this one big enough that it can be seen
What's the zoom in that picture?

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fucking scam... you can never see a single atom because it is smaller than the wavelength of all forms of light.
you are just seeing a small speck of metal held in place by magnets and heated by lasers.

Attached: dr-michio-kaku.jpg (720x405, 28K)

Yeah, nah

>you can never see an atom
>things are made of atoms
>you can never see a thing

The reason it looks that big is because the single atom is confined within a magnetic well of certain size. Over many hours, the points at which it emits a photon average out over the volume of the well to make the dot we see.

We are seeing the shape of the well, illuminated by a single atom over many hours.


Attached: Neet.jpg (500x491, 28K)

Is that the electron cloud that we are seeing?


As far as I'm aware ion traps don't isolate single atoms, and I'm not letting a news site covering UFO babies tell me oyherwise.

The guy is a quantum physicist. (twitter.com/klickverbot) I think he knows what can and can't be done with an ion trap.

It truly saddens me when skeptic zealots miss out on great discoveries and experiments just because they can't understand them.

Someone please give me some insight to this. If that is an atom, is what we see in the picture the nucleus or the electron cloud? If it's the nucleus, then its electron cloud would be, comparatively speaking, huge, no? Maybe I'm going at this all wrong.

t. Very basic understanding of atoms in general

Attached: unknown.png (824x819, 1005K)


on fat juicy big atom

What you're seeing here is the glow given off by a single atom captured by a camera.

>The result, obtained last August, is an image. But it is not a photo. The difference is in how the picture gets made
>In this case, a laser is shone on the strontium atom, and as it absorbs and emits energy, we can see the glow, without actually seeing the atom itself.
So it's just click bait

>ackshually we cant really see things because we just perceive the light reflected off

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it's still not a picture of an atom you idiot. it's light coming off an atom, which isn't the atom itself it's the light. just because we can prove it's the light doesn't mean anything. we're not seeing the atom itself just the light reflecting off. all that does is prove it's existence not capture it's actual look on camera

Are there people that are actually this retarded?

how do we even know its an atom? it could be a big chunk of strontium magnetically captured in place.

Are you a literal dumb ass? Everything we see is light. That is the definition of sight.

does a strontium atom typically glow like the sun? no. youre just seeing the laser light that is illuminating the atom.

Attached: Just.png (650x480, 245K)

What about everything else we see?

are you actually retarded.
Can you see the moon? hint: it doesnt glow like the sun

lol people falling for this bait

I'll never get over the fact that strontium in my language sounds a lot like the Latin version of "stronzo", which means piece of shit

The moon definitely does. Otherwise you couldn't see it at night, you bumbling idiot. What do you think lights up the moon, if it doesn't glow on it's own?

lol, baitception

Oh clever one, why does the moon have night time?

>the moon isn't actually real, it's just light from the sun being reflected back at us

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Nicely done, could be cleaned up a bit though.

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