YLYL Veeky Forums edition
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Us mathematicians, eh ;)
two atoms walk into a bar
one stops and says "hang on i dropped an electron"
the other says "are you certain?"
the first replies, "yeah, I'm certain"
Holy shit I laughed way harder than I should have.
Wtf is happening to Veeky Forums REEEEEEEE
If I wanted humor, I'd ask for your GPA
I don't get it; I am not a physics belrqinlet.
OK that was not bad at all I admit.
Any more?
I wish I was as autistically interested in something as the people on numberphile.
But that is not an approximation, sin is analytic, so it's exactly equal to it's power series
>x*integral(dy) = xy + Cx
But that's fucking wrong and unclear.
x*integral(dy) = xy + x*f(x)
x*integral(dy) = xy + f(x)
Where f(x) can be a constant or any function of x, not a function of y. It should be written this way or made clear that C in the rightmost formula is a constant with respect to y, but can have x in it.
This was funny 5 years ago, but we need another level to it now.
Funny, but really sad, still funny though.
For you.
>cox-zucker machine
i only noticed it now, fucking lost
>top kekule
The fuck is this
This isnt Veeky Forums
How the fuck did I get here
welcome to Veeky Forums, it's like Veeky Forums but with more math
is that styx
Was this written by the black math woman?
A PhD thesis my dude.
lolllllll xD
im such a math geek
rip in peace stephen hawking :((((
that's the joke, faggot
Hardy goes to visit Ramanujan in the hospital and mentions the number of his taxi was 14.
"I'm afraid that riding in a cab with such a dull number is an ill omen," Hardy says.
Ramanujan replies, "No, not at all; 14 is a very interesting number. It is the only one which can be written as the product of 7 and 2 in two different ways."
two atoms walk into a bar
one stops and says "I have an electron"
the other says "no"
two atoms walk into a bar
one stops and says "hang on, i dropped a proton"
the other says "who the fuck are you?"
two potassium-41 atoms walk into a bar
one stops and says "hang on, i dropped a neutron"
the other says "are you certain?"
the first replies "yeah, I-"
two cadium-112 atoms walk into a bar
one stops, bends down to pick something up and says "hey, look at this neutron I fou-"
A horse falls into a black hole.
The singularity asks, "Why the long face?"
It's anti humor. You expect the atom that dropped the electron to say it's positive.
Is sqrt(-1) rational? Since 1 is prime sorta?
I don't get it
But C is not necessarily a constant, if you integrate a function on union of disjoint intervals, like tan x, you can choose different constant on each of the intervals
This picture perfectly embodies Veeky Forums. Obviously I myself (IQ of 112 verified) would be different and actually able to provide the people of the past with amazing and useful information.
sorry i don;t talk to sales managers
>implying you can pain infinitely small surfaces with finite size paint molecules
sin(x)=x is an approximation, it only holds for values close to 0
No and no hope that helps
Fuck you I liked it
hes talking about the series
Can't you do pi over 4
The user who asked the question is, but Moe doesn't call the series an approximation, only x
>implying i dont have super smol paint
>Not just travelling to the 40s-50s, taking all your money with you and becoming super rich due to inflation while still having decent hygene and living conditions
>It says here this dollar bill was made 50 years in the future, care to explain?
Just save up bills made up to the date you travel back to.
Fair point, actually didn't think about that. Though I'd asume that checking the date on the bill isn't most people's first reaction when getting paid.
Also might have a point, how easy would it be though? How often do you encounter say USD from the 40s? Where I live the currency isn't even as old as I am, so it's hard to judge.
Do they even have that old bills in circulation?
This is good. I'd wear this shirt.
Probe Uranus
Gender Fluid Mechanics
can some one edit the engineer panel to say "huge dildos" or something to that effect. whatever reflects the reality that engineers are gay
Mathfags love Real Anal.
What a great man, you will be missed for your work on Vermont's Last Theorem Michiu Cockgoo.
You learn how to make electricity in kindergarden though.
Fuck I lost.
Did you know Jesus was pro-choice?
>Try explaining the loaves and the fishes without Banach-Tarski
Why is scaruffi on here
Oi, there is nothing wrong with Socrates, you take that back
holy fuck what book is this from
What are Socrates, Jesus, Mahler, Bertrand Russell and Jorge Luis Borges doing there ?
Math made difficult.
The majority are pseuds but some absolutely aren't. It's Nietzsche in there for fucks sake. And Lynch never claims to be an intellectual as far as I know.