Veeky Forums BTFO

>Alex Jones isn't a scientis-

Attached: alex jones was right again.png (617x560, 277K)

>March 15, 2015

Fellow Veeky Forumsencetards, how many bottled water have you consumed over the past 3 years since Alex Jones published this article hmmmmm?

Well I get a letter in the mail every month saying that I have to boil my tap water if I want to drink it (Texas btw)

so yeah, I'll drink some fucking plastic over some bacteria and probably heavy metals.

or boil it maybe you fucking idiot

How dangerous is the water though?

must suck living in a 3rd world shithole where you can't even drink your tap water
tap water is all i drink

>tap water is all i drink

look at this fucking disgusting barbarian

you'll have to pay me before i bought fucking water
even if i thought it was pure water from the mountain tits, i'm not paying for that

This isn't fucking new, we've known this for years

I'm pretty sure I've had undergrads do little 2-week research projects about it

Fuck off, Alex Jones is either an idiot or entertainer (and his unironic fans are idiots)

-R, out

newsflash, you are still paying for tap water brainlet

like $1 for 1m^3 of water, that's basically free

fuck plastic
how come it keeps falling apart into nanoparticles and whatnot

Yeah like 500mls of bottled filtered tap water (which is what most of bottled water is) vs. 5L, for the same price. You can even get a filter installed if you want. Resulting in cleaner water than bottled.

Not sure why you wouldn't drink exclusively reverse osmosis or glass bottled sparkling mineral water unless you want to shave your body and wear thigh highs and panties.

Plebes... filter your own urine for purest water!

Attached: we_are_delicious.jpg (477x449, 79K)

>Americans don't have pure mineral water from the mountains in their tap
>they instead have to buy it for 20 bucks in a bottle

lmaoing @ ur country m90

Attached: VossWater.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

New York City tap water is actually some of the cleanest, best tasting water in the world.

And tap water has metal in it from whatever pipes it comes from, so what?

>And tap water has metal in it from whatever pipes it comes from, so what?

Not really, the pipes develop a coating of natural minerals that prevent metal contamination.

You'd take in various minerals from dust and mud in your water living a primitive life to which you're adapted to, so some pipes might be health neutral actually.

You're not really designed to guzzle so much xenohormones. That shit can and will get through the lining of your upper digestive tract and whatnot. Its usually not a problem individually but then you look at epidemiology and realize a tick towards any abnormal living condition will result in ___% more of some disorders and pathologies in those that are already vulnerable for whatever reason.

Likewise getting 0.5% higher chance of cervical cancer (I think that was one of the effects of plastics as well) might not be a big deal but considering the thousands of extra lives ruined by that within society yearly you ought to still fix it if the cost of doing so is similarly negligible.

This shit kind of reminds me of lead piping in Rome. We should be smarter at this point.

Ever heard of the broken clock? And a clock running backwards is right even more often

Yeah the man that brags that his supplements have more sand in them than the competitors is a scientist. Sure.

>This shit kind of reminds me of lead piping in Rome

Not as big a problem as you would think it was, the minerals in the water formed a seal between the lead pipes and the water. The PROBLEM was that Romans used lead as a sweetener in their diet and in their makeup.

This is stupid. Why is a bird eating other bird considered funny or unusual? People, mammals, eat other mammals all the time, but you won't see an image of a man eating a steak captioned "damn, we're so delicious". The pigeon is as related to a chicken as man is to a pig, or as pigeon is to a man, so how is this image supposed to be funny?

it's funny because it triggers autists

>The PROBLEM was that Romans used lead as a sweetener in their diet and in their makeup.
they didn't use lead as a sweetener, they boiled their sweeteners in lead pots