Hello Veeky Forums, what do you think of pic related?
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I don't really care about your thinly veiled /pol/ shitposting. Yes, race is a predictor. No, it is not a determinant.
Not Veeky Forums related
A good thread died for this, you don't belong here
>Yes, race is a predictor. No, it is not a determinant.
Also the myth #8 "debunking" was clearly written by a tremendous faggot.
To think you sat here 30 minutes before bumping yourself on an incredibly slow board. Pathetic
so everything here is true?
>Veeky Forums SJW are not able to accept the truth
I'm going to give you one more reply because I'm a compulsive person and I can't help it.
You aren't wanted here because this isn't science related. What did you even want? Validation? That's all I can guess. You want to validate your racial beliefs with some semi-reliable evidence.
No one is arguing with you. I said earlier, race is a predictor but not a determinant of many things. From that point onwards all you're arguing is what we should do with that information, which is inevitably a topic for /pol/, not here.
And just for reference I'm quite conservative and I don't care what you think about race or what evidence you have to show me. I know black people who are twice smart and competent as you will ever be, so go back to /pol/ and make sure you get enough sleep for school tomorrow.
tl;dr : Veeky Forums SJW use moral appeals instead of real scientifical arguments
I thought "Veeky Forumsentist" would destroy all the arguments of this image, especially Lewontin fallacy, I'm disappointed
Stupid picture that's been posted a hundred times.
1. If you read the sources, they do not say what is claimed in the "Fact:" sections. They are all lies that rely on you not being able to go in and read the sources for yourself.
2. The papers are not connected to each other in any way. The idea is that the infograph is showing a connected narrative, but none of those papers actually mention race or intelligence. It's meant to trick the reader into connecting the dots where this no connection. This is called and ad hoc.
There is no such thing as "Lewontin's fallacy." This is just a parrot response you learn when someone tries to explain anything about human genetics that you don't like.
You're a Veeky Forumsentist right? So apply the scientific methodology! Your post is just an hypothesis, you didn't show me anything that proves that any "fact:" section is "ad hoc", show me 4 examples, or even better, show me that every "fact" is using the ad hoc technique.
Ok. Just read the sources on the infograph. They do not say what is stated on it. The "fact" sections on it are just assumptions made by someone who does not understand science.
Let's take the Witherspoon 2007 paper as an example. It does not have anything to do with race. It does not say that anything about genetic variation between groups. It's a paper about being able to match one individual, statistically, to a group. it does not say those groups are distinct or different from one another.
The paper even says:
The fact that, given enough genetic data, individuals can be correctly assigned to their populations of origin is compatible with the observation that most human genetic variation is found within populations, not between them. It is also compatible with our finding that, even when the most distinct populations are considered and hundreds of loci are used, individuals are frequently more similar to members of other populations than to members of their own population. Thus, caution should be used when using geographic or genetic ancestry to make inferences about individual phenotypes.
You can apply this same method to each source. Just go in and read the source yourself (if you can) and you'll notice the entire infograph is just one incorrect personal interpretation after another.
The original source is fraudulent statistics generated by a eugenicist shill Richard Lynn for political purposes.
In the 60's, liberals made a big push for blacks to be able to go to the schools their tax dollars helped to fund. There was a strong conservative pushback. It became important to prove that blacks are subhuman to justify their disenfranchisement.
See pic related, from the following metastudy:
Jelte M. Wicherts, Conor V. Dolan, Han L.J. van der Maas, The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers, Intelligence, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 30-37, ISSN 0160-2896, dx.doi.org
>In light of all the available IQ data of over 37,000 African test-takers, only the use of unsystematic methods to exclude the vast majority of data could result in a mean IQ close to 70. On the basis of sound methods, the average IQ remains close to 80. Although this mean IQ is clearly lower than 100, we view it as unsurprising in light of the potential of the Flynn Effect in Africa (Wicherts, Borsboom, & Dolan, 2010) and common psychometric problems associated with the use of western IQ tests among Africans.
Read the whole thing if you want, it's pretty illuminating. Basically with Lynn, high IQ = unrepresentative, low IQ = representative. He even contradicted his own stated selection standards at times. Lynn had responded to other critiques of his studies, but he went silent after this one.
>But even if average sub-saharan IQ is 80, that's still really low, right? Ha!
Of course. The average IQ (read: a measured value correlated with "intelligence") should obviously be lower in underdeveloped, famine- and war-torn nations.
But if you took those people and raised generations of them in London, what would their IQ measure?
This is what "The Bell Curve" tried to answer. They did some statistical wizardry using Lynn's base figure of 70 and arrived at a calculated mean of 85. And that's where those curves originate.
Of course, if the more accurate correct base figure of 80 is used, the american black IQ might have come up to 95 or higher, which would contradict the agenda of the organization funding all those studies (as well as the book), a single group called the Pioneer Fund. So if we have to take some IQ samples from hospital-bound malaria-afflicted children, so what?
The Asian curve also used Lynn's studies as a base, including a body of studies that have also been debunked. Especially notable is a study that placed Japanese IQ at 111, later debunked by Japanese researchers who found it based on extremely biased samples. But the eugenicist and segregationist agenda desperately needed these results as well, to promote what they perceived as racial "purity".
Thank you, I feel dumb now, I've been manipulate by an image.
I know the critic of Wicherts, it doesn't change the fact that sub-saharan are dumber than everyone else in every single studies.
The useful idiots of /pol/ can't even imagine academic dishonesty when it comes to racial IQ studies, but accept it quite easily in regards to other issues (e.g., climate change). They simply believe whatever suits them at the moment.
Dr. King actually talked about this concept:
>...it may be said of the Reconstruction era that the southern aristocracy took the world and gave the poor white man Jim Crow.
>He gave him Jim Crow.
>And when his wrinkled stomach cried out for the food that his empty pockets could not provide, he ate Jim Crow, a psychological bird that told him that no matter how bad off he was, at least he was a white man, better than the black man.
>And he ate Jim Crow.
>And when his undernourished children cried out for the necessities that his low wages could not provide, he showed them the Jim Crow signs on the buses and in the stores, on the streets and in the public buildings.
>And his children, too, learned to feed upon Jim Crow, their last outpost of psychological oblivion.
They're just addicted to the idea of being a master race. They really just can't help it at this point; they need their fix. Just smile and nod at the brainlets.
>it doesn't change the fact that sub-saharan are dumber than everyone else in every single studies.
But that's exactly the lie under dispute.
>Thank you, I feel dumb now, I've been manipulate by an image.
Damn son, do better. I thought for sure you were trolling earlier.
that's some sick roasting on king's part lol. how will white trash ever recover
Imagine being such a sad brainlet the only way you can ever feel good is to look down at your half-brown amerimutt skin and think to yourself "at least I'm not a nigger."
What about the clusters, that proves that there is significant genotypic differences by continents.
>You're a Veeky Forumsentist right? So apply the scientific methodology!
Are you gonna pay my scientific salary? Because if not, you can blow me. Science doesn't fall out just because you want it.
Race is definately real. There are too many genes that show a difference in expression based on race. Too many allelic variations. Too many phenotypic differences. Why the fuck would people base all other life classification based in genetic variation but ignore it when applied to humans
You quoted me yet I posted Did not say its not true, it isn't Veeky Forums related
Stop deleting threads for /pol/ / Veeky Forums edgy middle school shit, read the rules, and fuck off to a containment board brainlet
all humans are the same species, the difference between human races aren't distinct enough to classify them into breeds like cats or dogs
It's politic, SJW and post-modernism mane.
Imagine being such a low level thinker that you actually claim moral responses that didn't exist
And cultural marxism.
>It's politic, SJW and post-modernism mane. And cultural marxism
Please go back to
To be fair all we have are predictions thanks to QM
So niggers are not that dumb?
"fst" is used for genetic distance measurements is what they do for saying "there is more variation within than between" and it is completely dishonest.
So the image is the truth? especially the myth #4?
/$ci/ I need a conclusion, niggers are dumb or not? Is this image the truth?
Funny thing is they don't respond to his posts at all. They just let the thread slide and then repost the same tired argument. Much easier than defending their bullshit
Pretty much. They don't actually have any substantive arguments or they would welcome the debate.
They'll just repost the same bullshit and hope someone with the correct information doesn't see it.