Are electricians scientists?

are electricians scientists?

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They do not use the scientific method, so no.

you shut your whore mouth

No they are engineers - they use pre confirmed methods.

I have a stem degree from an ivy league school and im unironically sitting for the electrician's apprenticeship test in my city next month. The perks of having a non-marketable degree!!!

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technicians aren't engineers.

Engineers use CONFIRMED methods
Scientists discover NEW methods

Engineers APPLY & USE theories
Scientists DISCOVER NEW theories

Electronics tech here, from what I've seen electricians make a good living.

yea so have I. If I get it I'll eventually start my own business. plus you earn while you learn which will help with my crushing student debt


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Why are you angry at electricians? Did an electrician molest you when you were younger or something?


Nah. It's better that way. Science in modern capitalistic society serves an ideological palliative that promises to save the masses from suffering but only sinks them further into decadent consumerism as a mean to distract them from their deteriorating condition

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Scientists discover
Engineers invent
Technicians service

Tradesmen aren't technicians

This is unironically a better choice than STEM

Wrong, The big bang theory.

they are mechanics, a far more noble profession than scientist

they're more knowledgeable than (((scientists)))

No, they are not scientist, the goal of a scientist is to further knowledge, often in irrelevant and pointless fields no one will ever care about.

An electrician applies scientific knowledge in order to build systems, he is not discovering any new knowledge just applying old knowledge to Problems.


Are electricians even valuable or have they oversaturated their own job market?

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These are all about electrical engineers not electricians dummy

if they decide to delve into the chemistry of the components they are using and the underlying physics, then yes

one dovetails into the other, the point is to not stop learning