Electrons, photons, mathemagicians and 4 dimensional space

Physics has become the laughing stock of science. With prolific figures like Bill Gaede ridiculing mathematical "physicists" and their convoluted, illogical theories of physics on the quantum scale. It's time to come up with intuitive explanations THAT MAKE SENSE. For instance, is it not possible that electrons are elements of 4-dimensional space and so can hop in and out of our 3d world? It makes a lot more sense than coming up with the most complex, clearly bullshit explanation possible. "Wave-particle duality", "string theory", what utter bullshit. Anyone that hasn't been indoctrinated by mathemagicians for years at a time knows instinctively how retarded this is.

Attached: 500px-Two-Slit_Experiment_Electrons.svg.png (500x350, 17K)

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>It's time to come up with intuitive explanations THAT MAKE SENSE.
You can come up with intuitive explanations that make sense, but the simpler they are the further away from the actual reality of what's going on you'll get. Also laymen tend to very badly misinterpret these sorts of simplified explanations precisely because they're skipping the boring mathematical details that would keep them from making those misinterpretations.

Explain how electrons work using your 4d space theory, go ahead

I'm sure some gay-ass mathematician with no real applied knowledge can come up with some gay-ass formula for you faggot

Weak bait
Sage report filter and move on

No physist things electrons are in 4D space. What are you even referring to? This is an awful bait thread. Diffraction slits don't have anything to do with "4D electrons"

>Bill Gaede
I just looked this up, thanks for the laugh OP

>prolific figure
Pick one and only one

It is not likely that a 4th spatial dimension exists.

1. Energy partition is split among degrees of freedom. A 4th dimension would lower this meaning all of our observations are wrong.

2. In 4d space, things would pop in and out of 3d view, unless they were symmetric about the 4d axis. Not likely.

3. Why is it that we don't see 2. Happening on any scale besides your theoretical quantum model? The reason why would have to be related to 1.

4. You would need to revise conservation of momentum so that these particles can randomly change momentum twice to be observed where they are.

Compare this with 100 years of observation that lead to a model with greater predictive power than any other to date. What's more likely?

Bill Gaede has unironically made me more interested in physics. I agree with his notion that our explanations should physically make sense, although his conclusions may be off.

>With prolific figures like Bill Gaede ridiculing mathematical "physicists" and their convoluted, illogical theories of physics on the quantum scale

Bill Gaede is a fucking retard. He claims that fields don't exist despite centuries of evidence to the contrary. In fact, matter is only solid because of electron repulsion. The chair you're sitting on is mostly empty space. You don't right through it because negative electric fields produce by the electrons orbiting the nuclei composing the chair is repelling electrons orbiting the nuclei composing your ass. There is far more evidence from mathematical physicists than Gaede's deranged rope hypothesis.

Oh he's also a commie spy who did a 180° and sold out to the CIA to save his own ass.

No seriously, he did do that.

From miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/cuba/article5311092.html :

"Once a self-described “fanatic communist,” Gaede for six years delivered to Cuban intelligence agents “trunk loads” of secrets from his U.S. employer, the computer-chip manufacturer AMD, by one estimate worth $1billion.

After growing disillusioned with the Cuban revolution, Gaede spent the next two years working against the Castro regime, passing its secrets to the FBI and CIA. (Hedging his bets, he also covertly photographed his American intelligence contacts.) And finally, believing he’d been betrayed by everybody, Gaede went completely rogue, selling the plans for the then state-of-the-art Intel Pentium microchip to Iran and China."

Yeah, I know I'm poisoning the well, but Gaede is a sonabitch so fuck'em.

But fields are literally mathematical objects and by definition not real objects. You dense fuck

Your mom's Diffraction slit don't have anything to do with "4D electrons"

Jump off a skyscaper and see if (gravitational) fields aren't real, you cocksucking faggot.

Out of all the fields available you had to pick the debatable one. Why?

there won't be much debate once you splatter on the pavement

>Gravity field

Attached: shad sparde.png (528x404, 53K)

Some 42 years ago, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking proposed that not everything that comes in contact with a black hole succumbs to its unfathomable nothingness. Tiny particles of light (photons) are sometimes ejected back out, robbing the black hole of an infinitesimal amount of energy, and this gradual loss of mass over time means every black hole eventually evaporates out of existence.

Known as Hawking radiation, these escaping particles help us make sense of one of the greatest enigmas in the known Universe, but after more than four decades, no one’s been able to actually prove they exist, and Hawking’s proposal remained firmly in hypothesis territory.


XRAY PULSES created a micro black hole, What do you call this? This is Electrons interacting with 4th dimensional and possibly 5th-dimensional planes. So now more questions arise, Is time the 4th dimension? if so then it is the bridge to and from the 5th dimension, since 5th dimension has not been proven.

That's not what Hawking's radiation is

jesus fucking christ

>gaede is the reason China has a fucking tech industry
Execution by nuclear explosion, which couldn't exist without fields, when?

"The world’s most powerful X-ray laser beam has been used to create a tiny microscopic “black hole."

The machine uses extremely bright, fast flashes of light to take atomic-level snapshots of some of nature’s fastest processes.

A single pulse stripped all but a few electrons out of one atom from the inside out.

This left a void that started pulling in electrons from the rest of the molecule – like a black hole gobbling a spiralling disk of matter."
This is clickbait describing a highly electropositive cation as a "black hole", when it reality it just has such a strong positive charge that other atom's electrons are being stripped off.

If you're going to demand everything you don't understand be thrown out until you find something you like, we're going to be here awhile.

Rule #1 of stepping out into the edges of physics: The universe does not work the way you want it to. The underlying mechanics will never be intuitive to a mind that has never had to deal with them directly and thus they will readily defy all common sense. It will be ugly, confusing, and even the most accurate predictive formulas of all time (such as the quantum physics you are alluding to, it's core precepts being testibly accurate to 16 decimal places), will look like illogical bullshit without sufficient research.

There's millions of scientists challenging the established theories every day, and yet they still hold on. Millions of undergrads reproduce the results you can bullshit, every day. You, who clearly don't even understand wave-particle duality as you still feel there's some mysticism behind it, are not the one guy whose discovered it's all a sham and have the one right idea.

It's all well and good to question, but first you must understand what you are questioning, and why. You must be ready to learn that any answer you may find yourself, is probably wrong. The fact that you don't understand something, does not mean it is wrong nor you are right.

Attached: you have achieved anti-intellectualism.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Physics is the bane of science.

Don't listen to these university cuckolds OP, they fucking run rings in their head trying get the fucking bare philosophy of science down.

>No physist things electrons are in 4D space
I know, I came up with the theory myself. Somebody's gotta do it.

>Bill Gaede
>an Argentine engineer and programmer
who the fuck? is this some kind of shitty bait?

also the experiments have been done, and the results are in, Nature doesn't give a fuck about your shitty instincts

Side question:

Has anybody tried the double slit experiment with a machine gun? I mean, are we just ASSUMIN that it only works for tiny little particles, and so make up all this weird shit about being waves and particles? But have we tried it so see if it works on macroscopic particles, like bullets?

Even if it turns out it doesn't work, it'd be fun to run the experiment.

the double slit experiment only works when particles do not interact with anything on their way to the detector, bullets are big so they would hit random molecules on the way
also the more massive an object, the smaller its wavelength, for a macroscopic object like a bullet it's extremely small, so no interference anyway

>the double slit experiment only works when particles do not interact with anything on their way to the detector, bullets are big so they would hit random molecules on the way

Vacuum chamber.

>also the more massive an object, the smaller its wavelength, for a macroscopic object like a bullet it's extremely small, so no interference anyway

Yes, that's the theory, and I am comfortably sure it is correct.

But has anybody tried?

Or are you such a beta that the idea of experimenting with firing a machine gun in a vacuum aiming at a wall with two slits makes you uncomfortable?

>Vacuum chamber
>he thinks vacuum chambers are perfect vacuums
aww, how cute

why don't you try it yourself?

You don't need a vacuum chamber to do the double slit.

if you try to do it with macroscopic bullets, you would need a vacuum

Oh I gotcha

>He thinks the 3d curvature of space is a separate field

Attached: 1521449944488.jpg (409x409, 116K)

it's still a field either way, doesn't have to be a "separate" field

Why does this suggest there's more than 3 spatial dimensions? I don't know why you brought this up.


Why the homophobia?

This thread is interesting. I like where you're going with this OP. I'm a chemist and always thought quantum physics smelled like bullshit mumbo jumbo. Mathematicians are elitists up their own asses so I'm sure only they could come up with those nonsense explanations to explain physical phenomena we don't understand yet.

Dont get too butt hurt about it OP. Real world applications will inform which theories have merit

You would probably like pilot-wave theories.


Fuck your trash bait sage

You have to have a very narrow frame of mind to immediately jump to "bait". Not everyone is of the same opinion as you. Quantum physics is the most disreputed "science" of today.

Data from LIGO shows that there are no extended extra dimensions.