>white people
umm try again sweetie
>Electrical resistor
If you take that list and invert it, do you get everything invented by white people?
>Playback disabled
>not stopping at the stop sign
>even fucking driving a car when it would have resistors in it
your link is shit, and so are you
Oh no, what am I going to do without peanut butter and malnutrition.
>not using a fully mechanical boiler operated car
I guess you are already living without black inventions
the level of idiocy over at buzzfeed is unmatched, all the facts they present are untrue or misconstrued, many of the things they bring are team efforts or modifications, lmao blacks should be offended they treat them like dumb fucks and need pats on the head
>black person made a contribution to the thing
>look guys black dude invented it
its actually quite embarrassing and they knw thats judaism for you i mean business
This belongs more on /g/. We here at Veeky Forums don't care about applications.
This is fucking cancer omg. The absolute state of the Jewnited States
All significant African discoveries were done in European cultures, by Africans raised and acting european.
ayo das raysiss eurocentric lies craikka gib me dem reparayshuns fo dem prorgamz
>if a black person hadn't invented it, no one else ever would've
Worse, they ignore the fact that ALL things have inventors.
You could do the same with whites or Asians and you would end up not being able to use 75% of stuff because a lot of inventions are then incorporated into other inventions.
Those elevator doors, for example, are just an exterior to the elevator and almost everything that involves electricity has electrical resistors in it, but also things like capacitors.
So, assuming black person invented carbon filament (which is not true, it was invented by some British white guy, or are history books racis and we have to trust cuckfeed), why they, when trying to avoid black people inventions, tried not to use incandescent bulb with tungsten filament? It's like "black people invented peanut butter, so I won't eat jam or regular butter cuz it's kinda similar amirite?"
So we shouldn't give credit to anyone, right? If Newton didn't invent apples somebody else would do it, if Frankel, Skolem and Choice didn't invent ZFC somebody else would
>Jews and Asians are white when we want them to be white
You're adorable, /pol/
>blackz made this
>white people started civilisation
Civilisation only independently developed in 4 to 5 regions at the very most, and Europe isn't one of them.
Black people aren't much more kangs than white people 2bh
But a black guy didnt invent the resistor. Just a better one.
Still it's very hard to improve a resistor.
Ill give all credit where its due but god damn why is buzzfeed so fucking racist... Of course black people invented things why the hell are they so surprised by that.
>Of course black people invented things
peanut butter is a recipe, not an invention.