Vintage TV diners

They looked way better back then



Nice packaging, where did you find this?


Mass production and cutting costs. Also, designing them to be microwavable hurt the quality as before they were made to be cooked in the oven.

I found them on a site that collects vintage packaging images cant remember the name





Birds eye is the tits

my dad still eats his daily meals off TV dinner plates he saved in the 80s


also false advertising laws were looser back then

These are flyover-tier but the rest look okay.

these are just frozen vegetables, dude
not the same as tv dinners

do you think in a thousand years anthropologists will uncover these and analyze all the knife marks and shit like they do now with old skeletons n shit

No humanity won't last that long I'm pickle Rick.


Less chemical preservatives available to the manufacturer allowed for a higher focus on quality rather then cheap quantity. If you look at the back of the box of any of these vintage foods, you'll notice the ingredients list is very basic compared to what you find today. Usually just vegetables + salt + citric acid with flavorings.

That isn't to say they tasted good either.


All these millenial retards thinking they looked better back then. Its a marketing photo.That's not what they looked like after being cooked anymore than what you eat daily

Dem fonts

WHOA!!! Check out that neon tomato sauce! It's like we were living in the atomic age! CRAZZZZZZZZZY!


they may have been looser then, but you're looser now

These aren't even tv dinners.