What are some foods do Veeky Forums avoid?

What are some foods do Veeky Forums avoid?

Anything that's popular.

Generally fast foods. A cheeseburger isn't worth 1/3 of my daily caloric intake. I'm not even a health nut, but 600 calories is a bit ridiculous for such a little reward that you still feel hungry, yet somehow gross as well, after eating.


any food containing soybean oil

>buzzfeed on Veeky Forums
Fuck this

where do you think all the vegan and racebaiting threads come from


racebaiting is exclusively from the shit hole known as /pol/

>tfw far-left socialist
>make racebaiting threads because they're funny

No. You fucking retard. Those are all false flag (You) farms. Whether the ironic shitposters there are /pol/tards or not is irrelevant, and unlikely. /pol/ shit will arise in threads like the one discussing unions right now.

>racebaiting is exclusively from the shit hole known as /pol/
saying this post-trump election is totally wrong

Pineapple on pizza

I like pineapple on pizza, never understood why everyone hates on it. It's the perfect blend of sweet and savory.

It would be halfway acceptable if they used actual pineapple and not this sickeningly sweet syrupy canned shit.

Agreed. This guy knows what’s up.

Fuck, dude. I never thought of this. I feel like a moron. Now I'm gonna make pizza with grilled chopped ham steak, and fresh pineapple. This shit sounds delicious now.

A burger is supposed to be a filling meal.
Yes, 1 burger should be 700 calories.
It's your fault for topping it off with 300 cal fries and 300 cal large drink + REFILLS.

Good (read: gourmet) hamburgers are a meal but aren't greasy and make you feel shitty it should be 1/3 of your daily intake as Americans usually eat 3 square meals a day so it makes sense but it should be more meat than fat by at least 20% of not a bit more (think 75/25 ground beef or more typically 70/30 but anything less beef to fat is practically garbage) and if the meat is quality (grade A, McDs stuff is grade D worse than Alpo dog food) it leaves you full without the shitty lethargy of having to digest and process all that far and low grade sinewy beef.

Tldr:burgers are cool, fast food is shitty especially fast food burgers

Thats why I never order pizzas with pineapple on them at pizza places, not only does their ham suck ass but the pineapple is sickeningly sweet and disgusting, but when I make homemade pizza, it can be a great combination

Cilantro, radishes (horseradish paste is good), and macaroni salad.

a fake news, clickbait, buzzfeed faggot hangs out here?

this is genuinely upsetting.

>What are some foods do Veeky Forums avoid?
Learn English.

t. buzzfeed

this is like the tamest the board, why would anyone avoid it

I know why Kyle Blanchard avoids it.

Because he doesn't know much about Veeky Forums and someone told him that someone he doesn't like hangs out here.

he's a poser

witch ones?

go back to buzzfeed

He's 86. How many 86-year-olds have ever posted on Veeky Forums? From what I've seen, he's made a few posts on /tv/ and isn't shocked by our culture.

I don't know what you're talking about. I feel pretty full after eating a burger. It's probably the one thing I like about fast food. You don't have to spend very much money to get a satisfying feeling of being full.

You don't get to have an opinion you fat unhealthy fuck.

racebaiting is actually exclusively from a place known as the united states

any cold "salad" with a shitton of mayo in it (macaroni salad, waldorf salad, etc), coleslaw, cilantro-heavy tacos, horseradish, seafood that isn't tuna, anything with a metric fuckton of onion in it, any food that restaurants serve that "comes mixed already"

>any food that restaurants serve that "comes mixed already"
What the fuck are you even saying here?

Obama, Sharpton and Jackson frequent pol? No wonder it's a shithole

>600 kcal
>A third of your daily intake
Jesus what a twink faggot. Go lift some weights pussy.


He wants his dressing on the side numb nuts. Which he should just ask for. So many dingleberries on this board

>He wants his dressing on the side
That's a possible explanation, but the comment in question seems to encompass more than this. If that was the extent, I'd imagine they would have said "when the dressing comes already on the salad".

For example, I've asked for a specific substitution or removal of a certain ingredient in something filled with a mix of meat and vegetables and they said they couldn't because "sorry, we get the meat and vegetables pre-mixed" aka it's some frozen pre-seasoned trash they throw on the grill.

try again without the twitter screencap, /v/igger.