Kitchen Scarf

Hey Veeky Forums, what kind of kitchen scarf do you use? Mine looks something like this, it's great because you can't see all the wine stains in it.

I wear a frilly kitchen apron.

oh man that's a great kitchen scarf. mine is a heather gray knit one, cause i bake a lot and the flour blends in

Ahahahaha this is great i need to try this one out!

I prefer sticking with the nehru jacket. Having extra cloth around my neck is suicide in 140F.

why do women wear these neck vaginas?

here i am in my fave kitchen scarf. are i not fabulous?

what a great idea. here's how i would look in a kitchen scarf.

I don't know anything about scarves but I damn sure wish I could find an apron that covers my 6'4", 220lb frame. The only aprons I ever see even labeled XL won't fit for shit. I may need to take up sewing and produce a line of manly men aprons to sell on ebay.

>He doesn't wear a chef's cravat and Hedley and Bennett apron with his white 100% cotton chef coat, classic chalkstripe pants, and black leather danskos.

Why even cook?

Buy a Starbucks/Costa etc etc one off ebay.

Does this count? lol

that cat has autism

Same. Also cook naked exclusively.

user that's a shibe inu

Yeah I have a separate baking scarf too. It's covered in flour, chocolate, and just the occasional beer stain (no wine) because I oby bake in the morning

I wear one of these peaked caps when cooking. I got it as part of a Halloween costumes a while back. Now I just wear it to amuse myself.

It's also my drinking hat.

i feel you, user. a good morning baking scarf is super important!

My mom knitted me a nice red one, I'm wearing it now

It really does, I've been thinking about getting a salad scarf too. I find my other kitchen scarfs aren't warm enough when I'm just dealing with the cold stuff.

oh shit, dude, i totally recommend a salad scarf. i have a nice deep green alpaca wool one that i open knit (knit one, yarn over, knit one, etc). it's nice and lacy and open, but is perfect for prepping salads in!