Thoughts on milk?

Thoughts on milk?

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>This thread again

>Author doesn't even wear a stethoscope

Y'know, cancer is an inevitability if you live long enough. EVERYONE will get it eventually. I'd rather just enjoy my life and eat what I want.


Camera here to post superior milk

God, I hate that guy. The china study is junk statistics. Milk is fine.

Soyboys think they can fool us

Soyboys can't handle the real thing


Their half and half is delicious too

The ingredients list looks awfully delicious.

>Minger goes on to reveal gaping logical holes in Campbell’s own research on casein, a milk protein that he believes causes cancer. He showed that casein was associated with cancer when given in isolation to lab animals, but he projects those results onto humans and onto all sources of animal protein. Other animal proteins have been shown to have anti-cancer effects, and the results of a normal diet containing multiple protein sources are likely to be very different from his casein-only studies.

>Minger concludes

>>I believe Campbell was influenced by his own expectations about animal protein and disease, leading him to seek out specific correlations in the China Study data (and elsewhere) to confirm his predictions.

Just like, another doctor goes off the deep end and starts inventing facts to support his worldview.

Shut up. Milk is the devil. Drink this highly processed sugar-grain-vegetable oil gel water with your grains and sugars, filthy dairy shill. I'm tired of you trying to give me only one fart and half a dick. I want a whole bag of dicks and explosive diarrhea for breakfast.

funnily enough generally for guys it's prostate cancer that effects everybody eventually

>Other animal proteins have been shown to have anti-cancer effects
Never heard of this, any examples?

>50% more calcium than milk
Whenever something does this, it always tastes like chalk and it's bad

>this study sucks just cuz!!!
Flawless argument

Name a single fact made up by nutritionfacts

>>this study sucks just cuz!!!
but he literally posted a quote explaining the reasons the study sucked. Correlation is not causation. This is the most basic fucking shit in any scientific study. Campbell proved a diet high exclusively of casein gives lab animals cancer. He did not prove this applied to humans, nor did his experiments take into account omnivorous diets where other elements may counter-act the casein. At least two more studies on both of these would be necessary to prove anything conclusively.

Remember the mantra kids: Correlation is not causation; Correlation is not causation; Correlation is not causation

You should probably avoid it because its liquid estrogen
Anonymous ID:DWj51Y3m Mon 20 Nov 2017 19:34:10 No.150256701
Quoted By: Why do dairy fairies keep getting triggered by soy? The hormonal disrupting estrogen in milk?

>Milk as risk for prostate cancer due to hormonal disruption from estrogen

>Estrogen in milk as risk for prostate cancer

>Estrogen like effects from milk on prostate and testes

>Milk responsible for male reproductive disorders due to estrogen

>female sex hormones in milk causing cancers

>milk raising estrogen and progesterone levels

>exposure to estrogen through milk

>Hormonal Effects of Dairy consumption from estrogen

Literally can't refute the argument.

How about veganism cures death? How about that claim? Why don't you Gregor cucks ever mention that when you talk about him?

"Death in America is largely a foodborne illness." - Dr Gregor

>some people evolve with the ability to continue digesting lactose past infancy into adulthood
>"milk is bad for everyone all the time, go vegan!"
Even though I disagree with vegans on how to solve some issues (cultured/lab-grown meat is probably going to solve more animal welfare issues than trying to convert everyone to veganism), I respect the ones who do it for moral reasons. Trying to convince people that being a vegan makes you healthier just makes me not want to listen to anything you have to say. Vegans can have poor diets and be unhealthier than omnivores. Vegans can be sedentary and overweight.

>we injected 3 gallons of milk into lab mice
>they all died from milk poisoning
>milk is lethal

>it's a "we somehow absorb estrogen from another species of mammal and this corresponds to our estrogen enough that it decreases testosterone production in the male human body even though estrogen is already naturally present in both males and females' episode

Why the fuck does this channel always have repeats on

Vegan fags love this guy whoever he is, see them mention his name a lot

He's a shill who makes up bullshit for clickbait.

>He cites a reference showing that “a plant-based diet of primarily whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes can completely prevent heart attacks.” This is a quotation from an article in the Food and Drug Law Journal, and the footnotes there only send us to Caldwell Esselstyn’s flawed research. Esselstyn studied only a small number of patients who already had heart disease, and he treated them with statin drugs in addition to diet, and their diet included skim milk and low-fat yogurt. You can read my criticism of his research here. It is ludicrous to interpret that research as showing that a plant-based diet can completely prevent heart attacks. A more accurate interpretation is that patients (only a few patients in one study) who had already had a heart attack did not have a second heart attack while being treated with cholesterol-lowering medications and a diet that was largely plant-based but also included foods derived from animals.

>who makes up bullshit for clickbait
Don't discount the idea he's legitimately insane and thinks he's right. It's happened before. There was once a famous nutrition scientist who won the nobel prize, swore up and down as he got older that vitamins could prevent cancer and let human beings live forever. It's largely where we get our idea that taking shitloads of vitamins is good for us.

He died of cancer.

>ill outline the argument in a sarcastic manner, thatll show em!!!

What argument? Its a quote lacking complete context

>veganism cures death
No one including Greger has said this. This is being a completely obtuse retard

Kill yourself vitaminfag.

"Death in America is largely a foodborne illness." - Dr Gregor

"Death in America is largely a foodborne illness." - Dr Gregor

"Death in America is largely a foodborne illness." - Dr Gregor

"Death in America is largely a foodborne illness." - Dr Gregor

>“We’ve known for 20 years that those who eat meat are 2-3 times as likely to become demented as vegetarians.” This claim is based on an old Adventist health study that has not been replicated. It studied two groups: matched and unmatched subjects. The data he cites are from the matched group. There was no difference in incidence of dementia between meat eaters and vegetarians in the unmatched study. Adventists are lacto-ovo-vegetarians who eat milk and eggs. And they are also a rather unique group with other healthy lifestyle practices. So it is disingenuous to claim this study as definitive evidence for veganism.

So saying food as a cause of death means veganism is a cure all in your mind? Its a ridiculously retarded obtuse extrapolation and you know it.

And you're still pulling non contextual unsourced shit from your ass as if it suddenly verifies your claims

Where the rats in these studies?

>What is his evidence that Alzheimer’s can be treated with a plant-based diet? He offers a phase II study from Iran that compared saffron extract to a low dose of a drug that has only a small clinical benefit. The authors only claim it provides “preliminary evidence of a possible therapeutic effect of saffron.” Not very convincing, and certainly not evidence that a plant-based diet can treat Alzheimer’s. Saffron extract was being studied here as an herbal medicine, not as a food.

>The lower mortality from ischemic heart disease among vegetarians was greater at younger ages and was restricted to those who had followed their current diet for >5 y. Further categorization of diets showed that, in comparison with regular meat eaters, mortality from ischemic heart disease was 20% lower in occasional meat eaters, 34% lower in people who ate fish but not meat, 34% lower in lactoovovegetarians, and 26% lower in vegans. There were no significant differences between vegetarians and nonvegetarians in mortality from cerebrovascular disease, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, or all other causes combined.

>I literally cannot stop sucking cocks due to hormonal imbalances from milk

how about you just stop eating so much sugar instead of blaming meat

Deliberately misframing opposing arguments while sourcing zilch of yours doesn't make yours valid.


Why are vegans so pale, annoying, stupid, angry, crazy and gassy?

>Gets everything backwards on both sides
"Morality" doesn't apply to non-bonded (i.e. not someone's pet),non-human level intelligences.
Deal with it.
Moreover, veganism can be very healthy nowadays depending on how its done and going out of your way like that puts you on a system, so even though its easier in some ways to stay healthy without going vegan, it also means that not as practiced in dietary restriction and shit.
So veganism isn't necessarily that bad, it's just that being vegan fucking sucks.

>Lab made meat will eventually at some remote point in the future solve an imaginary issue beyond the actual pollution issue
Kill yourself.

Meant e.g.


Fucking everything in this world is linked to curing cancer or solving cancer.
I'm so tired of this bullshit. Just fucking make a new measurement, we'll call it BSC for bullshit cancer levels. Everything in this world will be measured in BSC. This way, we'll save time by using ctrl+f BSC to ignore any articles which feature BSC discussion.

Fish and eggs.

reminder: vegetarians don't actually care about your health, they are just insecure from accomplishing so little and need something to feel superior to others about

legit, if you care even the slightest about the health of strangers around you, you have a mental disorder. Because that shit makes no sense
every 5 year old I've never met could get cancer for all I care, doesn't change shit for me

>what are health system costs that punish the healthy for being healthy
>what is MRSA
I'm not even a vegetarian but this stuff is real

I'm not reading this thread so fuck you, thread hidden

And supposedly both milk and soy have been correlated to it. But that's not surprising since so many men get prostate cancer you could literally correlate breathing air and drinking water to it. Most of these studies are just designed to be interesting enough to secure the next Grant and then the media acts like they're all groundbreaking because we have turned logical research into a cult of sensational pseudo science.

Soy causes cancer
Beef causes cancer
cooking food causes cancer
coca cola causes cancer
coffee causes cancer
vegetarianism causes cancer
milk causes cancer
processed food causes cancer
bacon causes cancer along with sausages and all preserved meats
alcohol causes cancer

Lets just agree everything causes cancer so you should really stop giving a damn and just eat what you enjoy your gonna die someday anyway and if your trying to live forever you have already failed. So why not just enjoy the time you have in life instead of worrying.

>being cucked by having socialized medicine
and people are unhealthy because of sugar and carbohydrate consumption not meat

let me guess, it increases the cancer rate from .001% to .0015%?
its always the same story with vegans

I'll drink to that

>Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
>Med Hypotheses.
>Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue.
>Med Hypotheses.
>Med Hypotheses.
>Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi.
>Pediatr Int.
>Iran J Public Health.

Med Hypotheses is just that, for random speculations, and the other journals are literally garbage tier.

Milk is probably bad for you because of the sugar.

>Soy causes cancer
That's wrong though you fucking moron.

>"Bro its just a little lead, who cares, everything is gunna give you cancer anyway, you know what I mean dude?"

>bro, its just a hypodermic needle full of aids - why not enjoy life fully - we're all going to die.

t. colin campbell

Isnt a lack of empathy characteristic of a sociopath or autist though?

>he doesn't understand what cancer is
user, I...

>half a dick
kek, this is basically every anti-milk infographic

"Don't drink milk guys it's bad for you just drink soy milk sure you'll get bitch tits but hey at least you're not hurting cows btw did you know I'm vegan?"

>"Food x is a superfood"
>10 years later
>"Food x causes CANCER
Studies can be bought and sold and mistaken. It takes decades for data to become reliable fact, and not something that's going to be trumped in a few years.
The entire idea of the scientififc method is experiment after replicable experiment to make absolutely certain something is true, not just accepting every study you read as "lol this is what the scientists say". In the mean time, I'm consuming dairy like a normal person.

as much BS OPs pic is, it's at least better than pepsi

This is a man that knows what he wants in life.

lack of empathy is a characteristic of successful people

Is this a JoJo reference?

Nope. You're just an impressionable retard

Go ahead and look at these human controlled dietary intervention studies

>not drinking crowmilk in 2017

>soy gives you bitchtits

Really? Human dietary intervention controlled studies say otherwise.

>No feminizing effects of soy on men

>Soy has no feminizing effects on men as humans metabolize soy incredibly differently from other animals

>Activation of beta anti estrogen receptors from soy nullifies pro-estrogenic alpha receptors

>Soy phytoestrogens BLOCK estrogenic effects

>Soy has no hormonal effect on post or pre menopausal women

>Soy has no hormonal effect on women, a 2 year dietary intervention study

Soy milk is gross.

So are you


>Milk, promoter of chronic Western diseases

>Milk consumption, aggravating factor of acne and chronic Western disease

>Casamorphin in milk, addictive and a histamine

>Early exposure to cow milk raises risk of diabetes

>Cow milk formula feeding raises risk of diabetes

>peptides in cow milk as risk factor for diabetes

>Dairy raising prostate cancer risk

>Dairy again raising prostate cancer risk

soy naysayers just got BTFO

>>No feminizing effects of soy on men
explain every "man" in Japan then pls.

Healthiest smartest people in the world, gaijin?

Gallon a day, do your uppercuts

>T. Colin Campbell

makes my lifts go boom
thanks based milk


>One of the country with the highest longevity?

>Implying longevity is the goal

Hope you remember this on your deathbed. Wish you could say goodbye to your family, loved ones and friends?
No amount of money is going to give you more time on this Earth.

But you're so manly though! Maybe when you're older your perspective might change. Being a "real man" stops being important after 30 years old.





I mean, Here is a meta anaylasis on milk, Vitamin D, Calcium and how it doesn't seem to have any harmful affects. If you want to throw random studies.

Whether or not I have time to say goodbye has more to do with the suddenness of my death not my number of years old.
>25 year old with cancer = plenty of time to say goodbye
>90 year old strokes out all alone = no time to say goodbye

And it's got nothing to do with a sense of machismo just doing the things I enjoy.

Remember when dishonest-vegans tried to make fun of atkins dying and lied about him having an heart attack, When it was clear he died due to trauma from a fall? Hmm, really makes you think.

This. Because other causes of death have been reduced (from heart attacks to car crashes) cancer rates increase.
In the end mortality is always 100%

A1 casein is the culprit here. You can get milk from cows that only produce A2 casein (the shit our ancestors drank) and it’s fine.

A study came out recently that shows that if you masturbate at least 21 times a month your risk for prostate cancer is reduced by 33%.

Didn't see that name option up there! Apologies. Only time I drink milk is with cookies. Any cookie will do, just want some of the cookie to fall into the milk so i've got a bit of a sludge going on heheh. I would like to try that first milk after the Cow births the Calf though.



What about 21 times a day?

>Thoughts on milk?
It's delicious, cheap and covers a huge part of your dietary needs. Dairy products likewise.

It's fucking expensive though.

I only drink Fight milk

I don't know if your odds of prostate cancer go down beyond that frequency of ejaculation. The system only works so well. It's like regularly changing the ATF in your car.

This is not how hormone receptors work.
If a hormone receptor is filled, it activates the chemical process attached to it.

It doesn't "block" it.

>Funded by the Soy Council of America