Heya Veeky Forums's, y'all got some unhealthy habits related to food?

Heya Veeky Forums's, y'all got some unhealthy habits related to food?
pic related.

if I bought a turkey fryer kit with the giant pot and the burner and a tank of propane and a 5-gallon bucket of oil then you're goddamn right I'm going to deep fry everything I can get my hands on

I dont think anything i will consume tomorrow will be fried.
Although you can't beat a DF turkey

Fuck off buckley

This desu

I don't have any unhealthy "habits" but I'll eat things occasionally that I know are bad for me.

lol. That's basically my family, except we're not white and add a dab of herbed sour cream to everything fried.

why this guy is still alive?
why didn't he eat a bullet already?


Next comic will be him acting sad and putting the kiddie table into storage


I came to this thread and expected a deep fried stillborn version. You let me down Veeky Forums.

I like how he adds a handicapped character in there, so diverse

This is exactly the reason I don't own a deep fryer, because I know I will start to deep fry everything, and then die of a heart attack in a few years.

Maybe on /v/

this is buckley, I guarantee it's because he's romanticized wheelchair cool guys in movies, not for a diversity quota. he's a massive manchild.

Don’t tell me vgcats still exists, too.

I'm at a loss here OP.

give it time

Is this loss?

I used to love VG cats, but it really is trash.
I'd smash Aeris tho.

The apron made me cringe.

It's gotta be said though, the art improvement is actually impressive.

Who the fuck puts breading on a turkey to deep fry it?

Stupid people, that's who.


Going from "Template copy-paste" webcomics to "Okay I actually drew some of these" isn't really "impressive", it just means he's decided to put in a tiny modicum of effort, like every other half-decent webcomic.

oh no, my baby shoes never worn are still in the fryer!!!

Probably the same fucks who fry on their apt. balcony, fill their oil container to within 2 inches of the top, drop the turkey in and burn down the apt. complex. Happens every year multiple places.

Someone had to say it.

When I eat fried salty foods I can't help but have it with sauce and soda. Having all three together at once is super bad for your health, but I just feel compelled to do it, like it feels incomplete to have french fries and chicken nuggets without having some honey mustard to dip and an orange fanta to drink.
Also I thought CAD was already finished in like 2015, is it still going?

same tbqh



I use a shitton of butter when cooking. Sautee a ton of stuff in butter, way more often than I should.

>he's decided to put in a tiny modicum of effort
legitimately impressive for buckley


Man I just started deep frying with a cast iron skillet. How the fuck do I keep the heat stable? It keeps going up and down and I'm burning the outside of my chicken while leaving it raw.

>deep frying
>cast iron skillet

You're either shallow frying or have a dutch oven, user.