duck appreciation thread.
ITT we talk about how duck is the tastiest bird
Duck appreciation thread
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it tastes like shit and i kick its ass
I've never eaten duck before.
sell it to me.
why shouldn't I buy a goose instead
bad taste
it's basically better goose. if you like goose you will love it.
And I say this as someone that absolutely loves goose and would take it over turkey and chicken every time.
I like to use the goose fat for roasting potatoes. does a duck have this.....its a deal breaker
duck fat is amazing for roasting potatoes.
goose is awful too
Turkeys taste good, won't give you the herp, divorce rape you or demand that rapefugees flood your country. They are objectively superior in every way to women
I'm in
you're crazy and I hate you
only fat ugly girls like duck and goose
so it's the bird of Veeky Forums?
What kind of duck?
you mean the species, brand, prep, or cut? specify.
you are homosexual
I love fried duck eggs.
never had it. chicken eggs are super bland to me, how are duck eggs different?
Slightly gamey, but has this very filling and savory (?) texture and flavor. Also they're a bit larger so portion is different.
I don't know just try it.
I'll pick some up if I ever see them.
In America, they usually sell duck eggs in 6, not dozens.
Not american, but might be the same here. I think it's more a question of if they stock it, I go to pretty generic grocery stores
Fuck, I fry everything using duck fat, whenever I have it on hand.
Wish they'd sell it in jars around where I live, I'd never use anything else.
I'd rather save up for confit. but after that I'll definitely use excess duck fat for that
Duck is probably tier 1 fowl.
Oh shit, I completely forgot about the existence of duck confit until this post.
Tried some duck sausage with cherries. Pretty good stuff, although the casing on one of the sausages exploded.
duck sausage sounds interesting. but I prefer harder sausages and I can't imagine duck doing that well for that type
good post
Can you?
This is very rude
Ducko is friend not food
why not both? I like feeding some of my duck to my duck
Duck is like the lamb of poultry.
I would say that's accurate, except even better
parents cooked duck once, smell was stuck in the oven for months. is that normal? makes me scared to try any other foul other than chicken or turkey
No. Unless they burnt fat or something and then never cleaned the oven
So anyone have any good duck recipes?
I've tried to make it before but it just ended up tasting like a gross fatty chicken.
That's impressive. That's like making lamb taste like fatty pork