>Haha! user, this wine is terrible.
>Proceeds to pour glass of $50 a bottle Bordeaux Blanc down the sink
>Fills glass up with ultra sweet swill from a fucking bag
pic very fucking related
>Haha! user, this wine is terrible.
>Proceeds to pour glass of $50 a bottle Bordeaux Blanc down the sink
>Fills glass up with ultra sweet swill from a fucking bag
pic very fucking related
reverse psychology shilling
smd communist
No one pours a $50 bottle of anything down the sink c'mon
It wasn't the whole bottle, just the glass he poured himself.
No one does that either, retard.
anyone willing to pay $50 for a bottle of fucking wine is a fool
If my enjoyment is made higher by the price and presentation, who cares if it tastes close to the 15/20 dollar wine.
Its well worth it to me and my taste.
Wine snobs are worse than beer and liquor snobs combined.
At least you know what you are doing. I guess that counts for something.
we /upstateny/ now
How does it feel to be bested in overall enjoyments by what amounts to an alcopop?
well he did i was there, retard. he didn't know how much it cost
spotted the poor faggot. I have bottles worth 7 times that much sitting on the rack right now.
I don't mind cheap wine, as long as its real wine. This shit is basically sweet grape juice with some alcohol added into it.
Maybe he just didn't give a shit about your over priced sour grape juice
$50 isn't a lot of money. overpriced is a pretty relative term, poorfag
$50 for fermented grape juice is, indeed, overpriced.
You have no idea the caliber of people who go on this board. Fuck yourself and your demerits of people who have money to spend.
Spoken like the nouveau riche -- plenty of money (or is that credit card debt?), but the attitude of a loser prole.
I like Red Cat because it's $5 for a bottle and gets me trashed. Mixes well with vodka too.
t. wine snob
>caring about what faggots do with a 7$ glass of wine
Nice try.
>t. average fast food poster, ie average Veeky Forums poster
When it's right before thanksgiving dinner and he just dumped a quarter of the only fucking bottle I had brought down the drain, yes I do fucking care.
$50 is a fucking lot to spend on a single bottle of a mediocre beverage like win. Its a low tier alcohol, you are just putting lipstick on a pig when you buy expensive wine
Its like those fucking hipsters who spend $10 a bottle on whatever random ass alkaline bottled water is cool now, sure $10 is affordable for anyone, but you look like a fucking idiot when you spend that much on something that isn't at all better than cheaper alternatives
If someone dumped a glass of wine that I've given them of any sort down the drain, that edges towards "physical altercation" for me. Brazen disrespect. Get the fuck out of my house.
And you look like a poor, bitter faggot when you complain about people spending their money on higher quality products.
Specific wine appellations are by definition limited by geography. A given region can only output so much wine a year. The better quality harvest for a high demand appellation makes certain wines semirare commodities. Combine that with EU export tax and then import tax here and you suddenly have a $50 bottle of wine. Sorry I don't enjoy drinking fucking arbor mist.
This. The price of the wine is not very important here.
no, I am saying you are spending arbitrarily more money on a mediocre product. Its just wine
I spend all my money for good quality ingredients to cook, I could give a flying fuck about expensive booze. Enjoy your Dom Perignon to pair with your potted meat :^)
>And you look like a poor, bitter faggot when you complain about people spending their money on higher quality products.
No one is complaining, but please continue to justify your spending habits to strangers since telling others how much you spend on overpriced goods appears to be the only enjoyment you get from life.
S-sorry senpai, I'll buy cheaper shit from now on I promise
Well the whole you calling everyone else poor when they give you shit for buying a mediocre product well known for being bought by people who are super interested in their personal image with little actual idea of quality
Thats when the daggers come out. You cream and bacon pasta lovin white trash goon. I swear if its green you wouldn't touch it. Drown in a bottle of ranch.
Buy whatever the fuck you want, but don't expect anyone on an anonymous Cambodian Palm weaving forum to truly care that you overspent on a product with the sole purpose of making yourself look good to strangers.
I'll admit that at a certain point there are certainly diminishing returns as the price of a bottle increases, that doesn't make it mediocre though. And wtf does a bottle of wine have to do with my personal image when nobody except the cashier at the wine store knows what I paid for it?
>thinking that a 50 bucks wine is such a big thing
>calls others plebs
>implying I can't afford good ingredients because I buy something other than $5 bottles of wine
>And wtf does a bottle of wine have to do with my personal image when nobody except the cashier at the wine store knows what I paid for it?
You were quite adamant about bringing up how much you spent on it like we were supposed to care and when people made it clear they gave no fucks and even gave you shit for that fact, you took it very personally and projected very hard, thus making it clear we damaged your fragile ego which appears to be dependent upon people being impressed with how much you spend on things. I'm gonna go ahead and damage you further and let you know that even outside of this place, no one actually cares how much you spend on things. They only pretend to care due to vapid materialism and strong desire to keep up with the Jones' rather than pursue true happiness. You can either accept that and move on from here or we'll just keep making fun of you.
Oh so you buy the brand name spam?
Who ever said "a 50 bucks wine" was a big thing? I'm just offended that I was disrespected, plus then he replaced it with shit wine from a fucking bag.
>Red Cat Party Pouch
The absolute state of amerishits.
bruv, I buy meat from a local butcher, produce from a local market, and don't use any premade or canned products aside from legit san marzano tomatoes. I'm not sure where you got the idea that you have to choose between quality drink and quality food, but it's completely fabricated. Sorry you have shit taste in beverages my man
No, pretty sure there's just one really assblasted poor faggot here. Have a bitcoin address? I'll help you out since your poverty is palpable in every post you've made.
Nice try straya, you can't pawn your goon bags off on us, counts
Did they also not like your Thanksgiving Day Irish Stew, OP? Maybe you can resolve your issues by driving to the nearest Wendy's and eating in your car.
So what? Are you the taste police? If its not about the 50 bucks, why mention the pricing in the first place?
>Still taking it this personally
Keep your money. Even if I did need it, you obviously need it more in order to keep up appearances.
Do you fart in your wine glass before the initial pour? I hear that helps bring out the true flavor of the wine.
>you brag about buying good ingredients, which somehow means I don't
>I say I buy good ingredients
>you imply I'm pretentious for saying I buy good ingredients
what other double standards are you harboring in that rotgut-wine soaked brain of yours?
I suppose I could have said a "fine" Bordeaux Blanc, the price was just a frame of reference relative to the $5 bag of swill he brought. Regardless, fine wine is meant to be enjoyed, not poured down the fucking drain. Instead of thanking me for sharing with him, he mocked my taste and wasted shit I or somebody else would have certainly enjoyed.
Well, you offered it, he kinda had the right to do so. Get over it, and dont give out something that upsets this much when disliked. IMO offering wine to someone always carries the risk of them not liking it. Thats why i only offer wine selected to the food im making.
The funnier part is how this cheap "swill" ended tasting better.
Well it did to him, he brought it so obviously he liked it. It's not real wine though, i'm pretty sure they actually add sugar to it. Way to sweet to just be residual sugar
I don't think these events transpired
why is that?
can't play slapbag with a bottle
checkmate atheists.