dinner Veeky Forums you?
Dinner Veeky Forums you?
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*breathes in*
Back to /pol/, you unoriginal Reddit tier retard.
thats terror
>tells someone to go back to /pol/
>then calls THEM the redditor
You do realize /pol/ is saturated with idiots from /r/the_donald, right?
>You do realize /pol/ is saturated with idiots from /r/the_donald, right?
i'm not sure whose point is what, but i'm the first poster and i've never been to pol and the only time i ever end up on reddit is from googling video game bug problems....
>reddit tier
>cant read
Why do right wingers are so butthurt about soy? The market decided, stuffing food with soy is cheap, so you can't be mad about the free market.
The only way to stop big corporations from killing you with soy is regulations.
Right wingers are the real soyim boyim.
I consider myself right-wing but I don't give a shit about soy.
>>so you can't be mad about the free market.
Nothing is perfect, user. You can most certainly be mad about something even if you think that's the best option or alternative.
>>The only way to stop big corporations from killing you with soy is regulations.
Nope. I can also simply avoid buying those soy-filled products. In fact, I do so pretty much by default anyway--not because I want to avoid soy, but because: I enjoy cooking from scratch. It's cheaper than buying premade food, and it's a lot tastier than premade.
More of a /v/ thread, although even that's a stretch.
>avoid buying those soy-filled products
it's pretty much impossible, when you start reading labels you realize its everywhere
the free market decided, get fucked soyim boyim
That's not how you greentext.
Fuck off, retard. You talk like a redditor and your shit's all retarded.
>it's pretty much impossible, when you start reading labels you realize its everywhere
Real food doesn't have labels on it, user. Where do you see labels here?
you buy only raw materials? I salute you then
but you know, majority of population still uses processed foods, even Alex Jones supplements contain soy, so much for super brain male power
telling people to go back to /r/the_donald is a meme in /pol/ I don't get your point
>is a meme
no it isn't, boomers on r/the_donald admit en masse that they lurk /pol/
>you buy only raw materials?
Not only, but nearly only. About the only pre-made things I buy are certain sauces and condiments that are impractical to make myself.
>>but you know, majority of population still uses processed foods,
I'm aware. But my point is that it's by choice. I only mentioned it in response to the claim that it's "impossible to avoid" soy in foods. It's not impossible to avoid at all--just cook from scratch, and/or go to restaurants that actually prepare their own dishes in house (as opposed to factory-made and reheated things like fast food, Darden chains, etc.)
ok, stop splitting hairs on trumps wig, son
>The only way to stop big corporations from killing you with soy is regulations.
Bullshit. Informing people would save a lot of them without having to enforce any laws.
I'd worry more about subsidies.
yeah, you and alex jones can save people HAHAHAHAHAHA
> soy contains phytoestrogens, some of which are anti-estrogenic, and none of which are the same as the type in humans
> (((FREAK OUT)))
> Drinking dairy and eating cheese that contains biosimilar mammalian estrogen, even though goat and cow milk both are more estrogenic than soy milk (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
> i sleep
> Being fat, which in and of itself produces more endogenous estrogen, whereas soy consumption correlates with less body fat
> i sleep
Alex Jones is a snakeoil salesman and I don't care if people destroy themselves, so probably not.
I just think that if you do want to save people, it's better to do it through education about healthy eating habits than through telling them what they can and can't eat, by law.
Calories are a bigger threat than hormones anyway.
soy is pretty much everywhere you look, trying to avoid it is very hard, just saying
the best way would be to just ban it, but I guess this is communism right?
It's statism.
I don't worry about soy anyway.
no it's called having a civilised country, because govt should have the power to ban big capital from selling you poison as food
>these are the people calling other people soyboys
>proceeds to chomp on his "vegetable" ration consisting of pure ketchup and a super duper XXL soda full of HFCS because obama was a muslim commie
heh... nothin' personnel... ZOG
As I said earlier; obesity is a much more pressing threat than estrogens in food. Maybe you want the State to tell people how many calories they can have each day?
Now it really does begin to sound a little like Communism.
Is that guy wearing an AnCom hat and an Iron Cross?
>obesity is a much more pressing threat than estrogens in food
The irony is that the biggest effect on the level of estrogen in your body is how much fat you have, not how much soy you eat, and soy consumption correlates with lower body fat.
>Is that guy wearing an AnCom hat and an Iron Cross?
the alt right in a nutshell
>Maybe you want the State to tell people how many calories they can have each day?
universal healthcare would help you because it would be concentrated on prevention and minimising costs, not letting you get fat and making you buy fucking meds till you die. Also taxing HFCS products would be beneficial.
Wow, the state can help you but that is communism, amirite? ;/ fuck!
I work in universal healthcare. It's not as great as you think.
me too, where do you work
no matter where its certainly less predatory than the private insurance business in the US
"civic nationalist" MAGApedes need not apply
what the fuck is that
ICU in Denmark. Formerly neuro-rehab, orthopedic surgery, and pulmonary medicine.
The staff are overworked to the breakingpoint, which causes errors of course, and the burden increases about 2% each year.
Waiting lists are atrocious and money is extremely tight. To the point where are nurse can get reported and reprimanded for using two towels when washing a large patient instead of one. And of course they don't get washed every day outside the ICU let alone shaved etc.
More and more people here are using their own money or insurance to check into private hospitals even though the public ones are entirely "free" i.e. tax funded.
I don't know enough about American healthcare to say if it's better or worse, but things are far from as rosy here as Bernie likes to claim.
well, still better for an average citizen to have public healthcare than for example get shot and go bankrupt. I guess fuck me for a utilitarian outlook, since my pay in polish universal healthcare is abysmal.
>all dose skinnyfat melon headed mutties
come fite me irl
>Veeky Forums falling to this soy meme
Make sure to only buy grass fed meat. Otherwise soy is often a significant part of the feed.
>That's not how you greentext.
[greentext]>don't tell me what to do[/greentext]
>tfw I was playing Deus Ex back then and wanted to be so future like and ask my mommy to buy me soy food, which I munched on all the time.
estrogen will take over the world
because * can only function when freed of pernicious Jewish influence (repeat for every instance of polack cognitive dissonance veiling their lust for genocide)
Are you surprised? The level of discourse and quality of thought here are abysmal, some of the worst on Veeky Forums. Not sure why a cooking forum of all places can't hold an on-topic discussion for more than a few posts before it devolves into slapfights about the /pol/lution du jour or milennials or tfw women don't want me or whatever, but Veeky Forums seems to have been colonized by teens on /pol/ and /r9k/, even worse so than most of the boards that actually deal with sociopolitical, cultural, and history topics. Fuck, even /x/ and /b/ can hold a popular threads without them derailing from time to time. But it's apparently too difficult for us.
Because is politics literally everywhere now. It's a good sign thing people are starting to ask questions.
90% of that is because people like you have such a difficult time not filling the thread with bitching about it
It was the best thing I had to express my feelings about a nazi ancom.
This is a fucking cooking forum. There are a billion other places to JAQ off on this website and elsewhere. Nobody on this forum gives a shit about your opinion on race and IQ aside from the other obsessives who can't help but bring it up every time there's an open comment box. You're not convincing anybody of anything; in fact, you're making it less likely for everyone who doesn't agree with you to shut you out because they're tired of hearing about soyboys and cucks when they're trying to talk about cooking.
That doesn't make any sense. Of course people who come here to actually discuss the topic are going to be irritated by the underage losers who can't help but sperg out about how much they hate niggers or whatever.
I'm not the one talking about politics, I was just making a point about why, but good on you for getting that out of your system.
The reason why the derailing happens is because /pol/lutants have to make everything about /pol/ topics. If they were capable of actually discussing something without doing so, then Veeky Forums wouldn't be as it is now, where a thread can't acquire more than a few replies before it devolves into muh soyboyniggerfaggottranny thread #25334485.
Holy shit you're mad lmao
>no argument to speak of
>resorts to "lol ur mad"
like pottery
Stay mad :^)
Geez the libtards who politicized everything from food to video games and inflict violence on old women in the name of tolerance get upset because people don't want to eat soy. You brought this on yourself.You real what you sow. There are plenty of places where your intolerance is celebrated. Please go back.
It's cute that you think that anybody on this website is upset about the spergery at this point; it's more or less equivalent to being at a family gathering and trying to have an interesting conversation while your teenage relative follows you around and won't shut up about maymays and video games. It's annoying to the person trying to have the conversation, and everyone is embarrassed for the kid who can't take the hint.