Fasting General

Day 5 of my fast.

Consumed nothing but 3-4 litres of water every day and I literally don't feel any different.

Why do you people insist of eating every day? Or even... eating 2-3 times per day?

No wonder North American society look like permanently deformed, sub-human monsters who will have a shorter lifespan than people 2 generations ago.

Most of you don't know what hunger is.

What you call "hunger" is really just your brain going through withdrawals due to sugar addiction.

Humans evolved eating little, and irregularly.

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Holy shit I didn't realize I took a wrong turn and wound up on OP's blog.

Tldr I don't eat like a normal human so that makes me healthier

>North American

>normal human

There's no way it's even physically possible to drink more than 25 gallons.

That’s a funny ass picture u got there

Name one omnivore or herbivore that evolved eating irregularly and little

I dunno, one time my buddy drank 25 gallons of the syrup that they pump into the soda machines at mcdonalds, and then he was able to drink 2 large cups of diet dr.pepper after, so 25+ gallons is feasible. He did die of eternal bleeding later that night but It was because he had eaten poprocks for dinner and forgot about them when he drank the carbonated diet dr.pepper, not because of the liquid. How is liquid going to hurt you anyway? Fucking pussies. Next thing you'll be whining about the air stealing for pansy ass lunch money. I swear to god liberals these days don't understand how to raise a child that can stand up for themselves.

>eternal bleeding

Because they make money off fatties. People who live a fasting focused lifestyle, do not make them any money drinking salt/potassium water.

All animal fast (except domesticated/captured animals). What is Hibernation, buddy?

>shorter lifespan than 2 generations ago
Citation needed.

>What is Hibernation, buddy
Fairly rare among mammals

Baby needs scientific proof...

Here's your proof! Just walk into any Walmart.

So bears don't count??? OK!

How did I know, you have none.

I'm not gonna waste my time for you, buddy.

Healthy foods will make you happier and I speak from experience. In this chaps personal opinion, three meals is too much.

I'll upload a pic of a good meal soon. Hang tight!

Michael Allen


Maybe that's fine if you're a shut-in who doesn't need a lot of calories to function, but since I burn like 2kcals every day on my job, I can't afford the luxury of fasting

If you have body fat you can fast, if you're lean you can fast, but not as long as a fatty.


tfw this isn't proof...

wut? i need to be careful i dont eat 2k calories in 1 meal. and that takes like 1 hour.

>humans evolved eating little and irregularly
yeah and they also used to have a lifespan of 30 years you mongoloid

I bike to and from work every day and don’t have difficulty fasting every couple months.

From infant mortality, not from later stage diseases.

I tried to go on a 5 day fast and I lasted about 47 hours. Maybe long fasts aren't for me, what I usually do is one meal a day, which is 23/1 intermittent fasting.

But do you binge when you break your fast?

Is this pasta?

Fasting is LITERALLT the natural state of humans.

You go hunting, kill the prey, feast, and rest until you go hunting again and eat another prey, but this doesn't always happen and you might go days without eating.

Humans are literally evolved to do this, that's why bodies nowadays look so amorphous and degenerate.

How do you expect me to believe you when you have grammar like that?

No need to believe me, I gain nothing out of it. He who has ears will hear. And he who has eyes will see.

Can't live just off water.
I just remembered I should begin the christmas fast

probably because we are smart and know how to satisfy our hunger unlike you vegan peasant

Bears have a very special mechanism for doing what they do. Their heart rate slows to down to only a few beats per minute and their brain releases chemicals that make them basically comatose. Females sometimes give birth without ever waking up.

This is not a normal thing for mammals to do. Let alone humans

It is now

Who ate these in the early 2000's?

You're an idiot who doesn't understand statistics.

Fasting is for cavemen. Feasting is for masterrace humans

>i have anorexia and i think i'm better than you

Wow you better be a 15 year old girl op

Humans aren't carnivores. We often ate fruits and nuts everyday as they're really easy to find. That's not fasting.

Many also died from consuming toxic berries and nuts. That is why meat was so highly valued.

You literally are making shit up, but okay, any smart foraging society knew how to use plants medicinally nonetheless knew how to not eat large amounts of poisonous shit, ie enough to Die

Meat was valuable only for caloric value and the bones, hide. Food poisoning was much more deadly to older cultures than fuckening 'poisonous nuts' because they had intimate knowledge of their flora

>Meat was valuable only for caloric value
Minor point, but it wasn't actually the calories that attracted early hominids to meat, but the protein. Meat is actually very uncommon in hunter/gatherer societies and the vast majority of their caloric intake comes from foraged plants. Hunting was a much more time intensive activity that gathering, and provides significantly fewer calories/hour than gathering does.

Doesn't change the fact that is the dumbest shit I've read all day though.

Humans would travel with herds and gather along the way. Light nibbles and moderate exercise all day until they camped and ate what they had, with feasts when hunts were successful. Then they would dry the leftovers into jerky and start walking again, nibbling and walking.

Plenty of plants are edible in small amounts, and most poisons are unpalatable to humans.

OP is a nu-wave ascetic without a monastery. Enjoy that sweet endorphin rush from your body panicking about you dying and all. You're right in that it's fairly harmless if temporary and good with a general caloric overload. Good luck on your journeys hungry skeleton blogposter.

>Humans aren't carnivores.
true. we are omn(nomnom)nivores. so please stop. also i kinda like squirrels

>yeah and they also used to have a lifespan of 30 years you mongoloid

Yeah, due to infectious disease, poor hygiene and exposure and infant mortality.

We're opportunistic eaters, like most mammals.

>eternal bleeding
Fuckin’ metal.