ITT: post food-JUST
ITT: post food-JUST
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I don't get it.
I felt bad reading that but then I noticed who it was.
Just a dollar a day folks.
>opening all bananas
welp, get the mixer, time to make milk shake
I wonder how he got gout? :thinking:
does he really?
how low Cooking With the King has fallen,,,, RIP in peace, big boy
woooooooooooooooooooow there was nothing i could do
am i supposed to live dsp ironically or unironically?
So his gf finally left him huh? Not sure if that makes him better off or worse in his case.
bugged body mechanics.
I thought dsp had a girlfriend?
His money ran out and she left. It really isn't that shocking. You didn't think she liked him for his personality did you?
>His money ran out
and so did she :^)
Never heard of him so he must not have fallen very far.
he fell through the bottom and came out the other side
This man deserves everything he gets.
Fuck you bich
Go to bed carlos y'ur not wanted here.
Well that's your fucking problem right there.
10 years ago I realized that particular hobby was morphing into a shitshow. Gaming became blatant cashgrabs (Delivering dubious quality products.) that made sure they had your money before you realized you spent 50 USD on non refundable garbage. People were and are lamenting this online but at the same time not realizing streaming content systems like STEAM have your money before you realized you got fucked. So the model is working great for them! They'll just keep cranking out half baked shit and you'll just keep buying it over and over. Now with (((DLC))) you just keep buying and buying and buying.
Why you do that? Why you do that if you are struggling?!!
>that disgusting looking bacon
>flips eggs instead of steaming
>american cheese
>3 egg, cheese and bacon sandwiches for one meal
>fucking chews with his mouth open while handing camera near face.
>pours bacon grease down toilet
>blue toilet water (WTF?)
>clock on stove and microwave differ by 5 mins, why not fix it you fat fuck
this fucking manchild
Just switch over to tabletop gaming, homie.
>complaining about cash grabs
>lmao just play table top
Far easier to pirate tapletop. Only problem is that you need some fucking friends
I knew someone who put orange juice in the spaghetti sauce. it became nice and sweet but this is acting for diabetus, gross.
Some people eat so much goddamn sugar, that they lose sense of it. My roommate cannot eat fruit without dipping it in sugar since he exists on a diet of soda, fast food, and chocolate bars. Guy is full skeleton mode and crazy malnourished too since he only eats once a day.
he pioneered let's cook videos on line
DSP life story is so funny. To me it is the classic 'zero becomes hero but ruins it because of how much of a zero he is' storyline
Lmao he got dumped by his psycho girlfriend? What a fucking loser
>t. touchless virgin
>posts smug anime
>calls others virgins
Oh that is rich
>defends dsp
>calls others virgins
O I am laffin
Yeah, it's pure pottery.
>"ayy fuk whitey dem cracka ass muhfugahs dey ain't cook fo shiiet"
>makes beetus pasta
lmao niggers
>Gotta have the sugar, especially if its baked.
I dunno whether he's talking about baking the sugar or the 'sketti but either way fuck him that's gross.
>not enjoying baked pasta
>We dindunuthiing it's le white man food that make we obeese
Fucking amerilards. Tomatoes are already sweet and the dish is supposed to have a tangy taste.
Wtf are those four slices? Imitation cheese? Sweet potatoes? Peach?
Awwww shiet fukk
>sugar bring out the sweetness in tomato
wouldn't that sweetness just be the shitload of sugar you just added?
thats mine, the chili didn't really go with the rice
how much do you weigh? that bowl is nothing but fucking sugar
/our guy/
damn why do they have to make it look like shit?
even the vegan pizzas i make at work look better than this shit
>blue toilet water (WTF?)
There are cleaning tablet things you put in the tank or hang in the bowl to keep it cleaner, which result in blue water.
>it bring out the sweetness from the tomatoes but thats diabetic spaghetti lmmfao