What does Veeky Forums think about Tea and Coffee? Do they boost test, or are they for soy boys? Which kinds of Tea and Coffee are best for test, gains, masculinity, etc? What do you drink and how much?
Tea and Coffee
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Just drink protein shakes brosausage
i only drink lukewarm tap water. there are no chemicals in tap water - it is completely clean. anyone who says there is fluoride in tap water is liar. i would never drink CIA mind control chemicals. tap water is great. you should try it too!
Only chinlets with already low test worry about this. I eat whatever I want (which happens to be whole plant foods) and don't worry about weak ass plant estrogens that get pissed out right away because I'm monogastric.
An absence of dietary fiber can cause your excess estrogen to be reabsorbed instead of shat out.
Tea gives me less diarrhea
They're both shit
yousa bantha poodoo >:(
recently ive had a heavy chest, hoping it isn't heart issues but anyways, coffee might have made it worse, tea sure doesn't though. maybe placebo though as i still get heavy chest even after having not drank coffee after a month, though it does seem to have improved
>current year
>not being on a well
>heavy chest
jesus christ how fat are you?
190 pounds, 6'1", i think that is considered obese though so i should cut back
youre autistic if youre having chest pains unless youre 60 years old
>having chest pains
you're definitely 5'5'' 260
im 21 so im probably fucked, very inactive lifestyle. hopefully it is just acid reflux or something else, that would at least fit coffee in somewhere
shit nigga start taking walks and shit
this soy boy shit is the "classy fedora'd gentleman" of today
you just know that everyone obsessing over avoiding "soy boy" foods and drinks are skinnyfat DYELs who are insecure as fuck and desperate to be seen as masculine
I like matcha a lot but that's really it.
Get the Japanese stuff.
I'm with this guy. Eating a particular type of food or obstaining from a type of food should not dictate who you are. I'm 27, fitfat, and eat whatever the fuck I want. I just had some soy cooked and chopped into a bowl of fresh pico de gallo. Shit was so cash.
I don't know about testosterone but pygeum africanum is used to make a drug for treating prostate, I used it for a porn scene and I came buckets, but I guess you can make tea with it if you find seeds somewhere
what's your dicks intake per day?
then you are doing something wrong
source: I am fitfat and I am doing a lot of things wrong
Water is for soyboys. If you don't eat the grounds or leaves straight up, you're a pussy.
Truth. Nobody is going to approach you with "yeah you look alright but what are your testosterone levels like?". If you look like a scrawny little beanpole or a butterball lardass, you won't impress anybody with the fact you don't eat soy.
Do some cardio. Seriously. Start light, but make it regular.
I'm 185, 5'11". That's not obese.
I just started lifting. Lost 15 pounds in a month and gained enough muscle to walk around in just a Tshirt comfortably. Bitch tits are almost completely gone.
For me it was acid reflux. Does it hurt more lying down?
It's called an anxiety attack, don't listen to these fags; used to have the same thing at about age 18, at roughly 183cm/70kgs, hopped up 24/7 on caffeine and later a bunch of other stuff. Still, do exercise and ditch the stims, you won't be looking back.
ah, you are in the starting phase, that's good
>Do they boost test, or are they for soy boys?
Stopped reading there faggot.
it never really hurts but yes, it does feel more prominent while lying on my back. i have to sleep on my sides
tea is much more primal. just leaves in water. coffee is much more complicated process. i know, leaves are aged. but still, really, tea is champion. coffee is a treat, but it overwhelms the palate.
>giving this much of a shit about diet when it has pissant impact on whoremoans anyway
If you want test go fucking jog faggot.
Actually it’s because of plant estrogens in soy that could be affecting male hormonal levels and probably female hormonal levels too but perhaps not in such an obvious way.
and red meat could give you cancer but nobody gives a fuck about that
people have been eating soy for centuries and been absolutely fine yet now people are acting like so much as touching it will cause their dicks to spontaneously invert
Yeah, reducing them.
You retards are using the same logic with quercetin in onions. It's a phytoestrogen! (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
You're all retarded.
Transgender surgeries and transition methods getting better is making people question gender identity and it's scaring them, so they're doing their best to hold onto what they think the ideal is for their gender
no it isn't, if your sex says male your gender is and always will be male. says it right on your birth certificate
tl;dr there's not enough of any toxic chemical in brewed tea to come close to killing you
pic related is you straight from 1954, arguing that transsexuals don't exist
anyway I drink tea, here's the pastebin with info
Matcha isn't brewed.
>soy boy
Wtf is this dumb meme and where did it come from
One cup of coffee every morning. Tea whenever else I feel like a warm drink with a little bit of caffeine
What happens if I put milk instead of water in my drip machine?
Brewing up some Anxi roasted oolong in a few minutes. First few infusions are very nutty and sweet, but it gets a lot more vegetal and floral.
You'd have a mess to clean up, best case. Worst case it would ruin it permanently and taint everything you put through it with nasty spoiled milk taste.
yeah that's great and all but it's entirely irrelevant to what he was saying you tit
Grween tee
Scorched milk
Coffee is just seeds in water. That's not really more complicated than leaves. Sure, they are roasted and ground up, but that's simpler than proper aging of tea leaves.
I have a piece of paper that says I am the pope. That doesn't mean that I can masturbate inside St. Peter. Your birth certificate means nothing.
It's from /pol/, naturally
>Do they boost test
shouldn't you be cowering over a toilet, shaking and repeatedly violently throwing up from trying to down a glass of onion juice?
all i know is I like both
coffee with some nice milk, vanilla and sugar
tea with just sugar or honey
good shit
Whats the general opinion on ninja bars.
My mom wants one for Christmas and I don't really know much about them.
Of course it is, shouldve known.
It's basically just a drip machine with a frother, right? What is it about it that appeals to her?
I would personally put the money towards a decent espresso machine instead, and maybe a electric milk frother to go with it.
I'm generally pretty skeptical of appliances that purport to do it all, but I don't have any experience with it.
Why can't /pol/ keep their shit on one board?
Because posting in multiple boards is legal, you whining fuck
: )
t. magapede
>implying I support the Israel ass-licking cunt
I think she just wants something to make fancy drinks with.
Ninja is all cheap shit, but so is your mom.
I know it seems pretty girly but I've been mixing cold brew with la croix.
It's like a coffee /SIP/.
I love La Croix and other sparkling waters, my man. But mixing it the coffee? Are you kidding me?
I did it randomly and liked it. I googled it and discovered it's actually a thing people do.
you'd still have to drink a serious amount of matcha to take any health risk, like 50g/day at least
>didnt boil quite enough water for my coffee and fill barely half my cup