Would you eat this for a million quid?

would you eat this for a million quid?

Yeah sure doesn’t look too nasty

Of course ?

I'd eat it for free m8

Iunno what a quid is but ill give it a shot

a million quid?

i would eat that with my Anus.

Why is Veeky Forums filled with so many obsessed Ameriboos?

Seems a bit pricy, but idk what backwards ass currency that is and why they don't just use American Dollars

Make it 2 mil and we'll talk.

Is that just a deep fried sausage roll sort of thing?
Sounds pretty tasty, even if the grease content would make me a bit ill.

Yeah. I'd eat it for free if I was hungry. I'd probably pay to eat it if I were drunk.

Battered sausage meals are actually my go to choice at the chippies. So yeah, I would.




what do i look like, a faggot?

quids not worth shit 1 mil euro maybe m8

Only if I can put a lot more garlic and chilli mayo on it lad

Quid = British pound sterling (monetary unit)

a quid is worth more than a euro you mong

Not for much longer though!

If you really think so you can make a fortune by betting against the pound via spread betting.

You're talking about a 10% drop or more, use 50-1 leverage and you can get 500% profits.

and for 5 quid, it's okay

After 375ml vodka mixed with 2 cans of diet Mtn Dew on an empty stomach, I'd pay $10 for that.

It's worth more than dollars

>eat thing
>make yourself throw up just in case
>get million potatobucks

>asking this question
>on a website where most people would suck dick for a hundred

>battered sausage

Sounds good. Throw in a battered burger too

>photoshopping the teeth because they're not particularly bad

You guys reach really hard with that shit

>durr wuts a quid, it's the queen's money that's all ah knoe

Expire you filth

Hello /cric/

>12 year old

A million quid? I couldn't afford it.

That's a waste of money. Just get a bf if you wanna succ

You only get 2 sets of teeth honeypie

it's not actually as bad as it looks. They're battered sausages. I'd probably eat it for a tenner never mind a million.

the british win that chart because they don't go to dentists, they just walk around with jacked up mouths


>falling for bait

To be fair that's the average age of this board.

Nah, I'd pay about £2 maximum. maybe £4 if I was very hungry.

Yeah why not
Nah, don't be a cheap cunt

I suppose so but you'll need to give me some time to come up with a Million Quid.

Shitty chips, crap battered sausage and regular shop purchased mayo, I have eaten far worse but would not pay for it.

WTF is quid and yes I would

Viandel and chips coated in mayonaise? Sure.

I'd do it for the pleasure uwu

>Be bong
>Have jacked up cavity filled teeth
>Walk around avoiding dentist
>Brag about lack of representation in statistics
Post a picture of your teeth Nigel

Lol at all the jealous Americucks in this thread
Friendly reminder
>We invented evolution
A man named Charles invented evolution and modern science

Americans have worse teeth.
Japanese even more so.

>evolution was invented.
Just stop.

>We invented evolution

We amerilards neither teach nor believe in evolution nowadays, bong. 6000 year old earth or bust!

Japan doesn't surprise me, a lot of Japanese smoke. Plus Ramune and Japanese candy is much sweeter than American stuff.