What are some banned, numale foods that Veeky Forums told you not to eat?
>screamin Sicilian pizza
>gluten free foods
What are some banned, numale foods that Veeky Forums told you not to eat?
>screamin Sicilian pizza
>gluten free foods
Other urls found in this thread:
>being called a fag
>being told you can't
These were never the same thing, fag. If you want to eat shit then open wide.
mm bologna cake
>soyboy trying to lump soy in with other foods in attempt to mitigate the justified rejection of soy
you might as well be a climate change denier
just like grammie used 2 make
>you might as well be a climate change denier
like president trump?
Fuck that, I get a pass since I'm Mexican.
wait what's wrong with Screamin Sicilian? I've never tried it but have wondered if it's worth the price
actually listening to the copious numale faggots on Veeky Forums say is a numale faggot move OP
avocados? WTF
they're ok, but avoid the ones that use meatballs as a topping imo
>gluten free foods
most foods dont have gluten, fuck you vegans who try to stop me from eating a steak
again, kindly fuck off, how else am i supposed to have my stirfry without soysauce?
Nothing wrong with it. OP it's just too much of an autistic faggot to roleplay as a greasy Italian.
>Veeky Forums is one person
>Veeky Forums is a hivemind
No, that's reddit.
Can I get a pass for being Texan?
I was always confused by the "avocados are a meme food" thing, they're just something I grew up with.
gluten is fun
>this soda is wheat protein free!
>this vegetable oil is wheat protein free!
>this seitan is super tasty
I agree except avocados. They are one of the most nutrient dense vegetables by a long shot and the only one with a high healthy fat content. They also improve literally any smoothie
Soy sauce is ok since it’s fermented which removes the xenoestrogens
I have been eating avocados since I was a little child, they are very common in Hispanic people. Not my problem that soyboys and tumblrinas love them now.
#notmypresident sweaty
Yeah sure you “get a pass” but you’re a gigantic faggot since you felt the need to ask Veeky Forums for validation of your life choices
copied from /pol/:
Daily reminder that you're sucking down an estrogen smoothy every time you touch milk (or dairy)
Phytoestrogens and Disease: tinyurl com/hfxu23q
Phytoestrogens and Heart Disease: tinyurl com/zg2nh7a
Phytoestrogen and Kidney Disease: tinyurl com/jtwyanb
High soy can result in 59% less breast cancer study: tinyurl com/j8ywsra
Soy yields 13% lower LDL/Bad Cholesterol Study: tinyurl com/hhf4weq
Soy and Men Hormones Study: tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: tinyurl com/ja5s9k2 30-50% of men get manboobs: tinyurl com/zb58cbs
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: tinyurl com/z3kpvsw 220 women over 2 years soy study: tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: tinyurl com/hsm6ctb Soy Men
Review/Final Quote on
Soy being fine for men: tinyurl com/zwddamh
>tfw bacon is numale food and can't enjoy it anymore because it is literal memefood
We have to take it back, bros!
>everyone I don't like likes trump
Why not. Tex-Mex is bretty good shit.
Add bacon and nutella
Well, l tell you. l'd swim through a lake full of water for these cakes. That's the only thing that would put out the raging fire in my belly for these cakes.
numales are vegan and don't eat anything that casts a shadow
>numales are vegan
Nah, numales are too beta to eat healthy and change their diet.
It costs $3 more than the other frozen pizzas. Theres a thread right now of some user butthurt that it didnt blow his mind despite some other user telling him it was pretty good. It include pictures of burnt to shit pizza to justify it being the most terrible, overrated reddit pizza ever made and if you dont hate it you are from reddit and possibly a soyboy. Foreally though, if you make your life decisions based on what a Norwegian woodstacking forum approves of instead of what you personally like then you probably have autism