Has anyone ever tried making mashed potatoes in a food processor? I want to try because no matter how hard I try, using a masher just makes the potatoes lumpy and shitty. I don't know if potatoes will make the blades stick or not.
Has anyone ever tried making mashed potatoes in a food processor? I want to try because no matter how hard I try...
boil the pot toes longer moron and then stop mashing until they smooooooth'n'nice. cooking takes patience and hard work. the care and energy you put in comes back out as quality. just like how a massage will relax one person, it takes work, dedication, and usually a little pain from another
Just cook them longer.
Food processor will most likely over process them and make them into a gluey paste.
Use a hand mixer or get a potato ricer or food mill if you want smoother mashed potatoes.
Boil them for longer, mash them with milk or stop being a weakling
They're made fluffy by a hand mixer after mashing. Food processor should work okay if it has enough tor-cue
Buy a food mill. A food processor is going to fuck with all the starch in the potatoes.
Yes, I just did it like 3 days ago. Came out fine. Potato mashers are antiquated, like trying to chop down a tree with a hammer.
This, food processor will either get you potato salad or potato glue
>like trying to chop down a tree with a hammer
No non-retarded person did this in the past. What a retarded example.
If you don't want lumpy potatoes, use a ricer or a food mill. It's the only reasonable answer. Boiling them a bit longer also will help.
(Only whiny faggots don't want lumps. Why are you afraid of texture? Be a man, mash with the skins on too.)
You need to over-cook the potatoes to use a masher unless you want to dedicate 30 minutes to get a proper consistency. I'd take properly boiled potatoes and a food processor over shitty potatoes any day.
Buy a potato ricer you poorfag
You can also run the boiled potatoes theough a sieve to get a really fine texture. A food processor is ok, but potatoes are so gummy you have to add a lot of butter and cream to make it blend.
I just use a mixer if i don't want lumps.
I use a handmixer. Works just fine and I can keep the potatoes in the pot instead of dirtying up a food processor.
Sounds like your potatoes are undercooked.
Also, you are slicing your potatoes before boiling, right?
Don't do it, you'll get glue instead of purée
The more potatoes, or any vegetable are sliced before boiling, the more vitamins and minerals are extracted into the water. It's best to boil things as whole as possible unless you're making soup.
I know Veeky Forums is mainstream now but I never thought I'd run into my mother here.
Are you really so strapped for vitamin C that this is a concern for you?
when you overmash potatoes, they turn into rubber, starches tend to bind together
kids are dying of malnutrition in africa and there you are, wasting like 0.00000003 cent worth of vitamins in the potatoes