Post your favorite fruit. Who /kiwi/ here?
Fruit Thread
Cherimoya is good, too. I found a large one on clearance today :D
Love em
Kiwis are up there with pomegranates as the faggiest fruits to eat. Fag.
>Who /kiwi/ here?
Asian pears or white peaches
Pomegranates are awesome. Fuck off
Very hard for me to choose just one, I love all stone fruits. It'd be a tossup between peaches, nectarines or apricots.
Made a blueberry milkshake just before. Good shit.
I don't know why bible thumpers in Jesusland don't use mango as an argument god exists and loves us all
Maybe they think mango is a commie food or something
Anyway, when this shit is ripe it's not only sweet, but also delicious
Because they didn't know about mangos.
Texture and balanced sweetness are key when it comes to fruit
4 masterrace
oh yeah
mah nigga
applefags need not apply
huckleberries are fucking delicious
Ian is my favorite fruit
raspberries are godtier in taste & nutrition
do you eat kiwi with the peel? I heard it's healthy to do so, but it looks disguasting. I also can't eat peaches with the peel, ew.
Pomegranates are the next onions though
I like your military uniforms with the little kiwi bird on it.
mandarin oranges and nectarines.
i like very juicy fruit
Avocado master race passing through
Kakadu plum
Nashi pears. But they're like three fucking dollars each here so I don't have them often.
Aldi had really good ones recently for 0.7€, but the asian stores around here have really big, juicy ones.
the cuck of fruits
Blackberry boys where you at
That is asshole in fruit form.
Anything riper than a 4 is a waste.
I remember a few years ago, this strain of apple called Opal apples. That shit was a golden yellow, the most deliciously sweet — it even bubbled a bit, like champagne. Then the grocery that sold them went out of season on them, and I can’t find them anymore. Those were the best apples I’ve ever had. I miss them.
The red ones are way better, I had some in China and they made my poop red
Do you ever eat the tasty almond inside the pit? 50 can kill you, but one won't. Humans are very efficient at pissing out cyanide.
They're too dumb/helpless to cut a mango.
cheap at Aldi right now.
I return the cart and leave the quarter in it. Would cost me $13 a year if I went every week. Should I just leave the cart in the middle of the parking lot to make someone earn the quarter?
I ate these like crazy while staying in Mexico. They call them pitaya there. They're like $3 apiece in the US, but you could get 6 of them for like 100 pesos - about $4 when I was there.
this shit right here is the fucking berries of the gods.
so long as youre not a lazy fuck and have no problems working for your food
Only on pizza
Snek fruit is the best fruit
mangosteen uber alles
those are good as fuck too, what are they called in english
>can never find ripe Kiwi
In China I had them for like 2 dollars a piece, in France they're like 14€ right now
Literally the same texture as kiwis but with no flavor, at all.
Mango, Peach, Cantaloupe, Blueberries and Apples are my favourites.
Any Fruitarians here ?
RIP pancreas
You are girl aren't you?
I love corn.
is kiwi the poor man's dragonfruit or is dragonfruit a glorified kiwi?
definitely the latter. kiwi tastes great while dragonfruit has the same flavor just not as nearly as potent
Snake fruit. Real name is 'salak'
my tongue starts itching if I eat kiwi
you can grow them sow easy even in colder climates just throw some on the ground and the next year you can harvest them
>controls diabetes
>a fruit with tons of sugar
Every time
How do people even eat anything other than 6?
Corn is not a fruit
>not posting the yellow golden kiwi
right now, its the SugarBee apple, a new variety, cross between a honeycrisp and an unknown variety, pollinated by random bee. very sweet, very juicy, very crisp, a few tart notes, could be tarter, but amazing fruit. like eating healthy candy. possibly its Apple in Plato's Cave.
me too, a little.
7 is ripe
Whatever's fresh and in season near me is the best fruit
Mangoes are god tier, nothing comes even close.
I loved these as a kid. We had a lychee tree, mango tree and a coconut tree in the backyard. Flying Foxes used to eat all the best mangoes but they never used to eat much of the lychees so got to eat them a lot.
I gave one to a friend one and he instantly spit it out saying it was disgusting. I didn't get it though I suppose the texture won't be for everyone.
I'd eat her fruit, if you know what I mean.
I'll eat 5 but it's kinda chalky. 6 is objectively best. There shouldn't be any debate about it
My nigga.
Nothing better than eathing this badboy in the middle of hot day.
where my cajá niggers at
Spondias Mombin if no one ever heard of it. Also called yellow mombin and hog plum.
Best juice