Males of Veeky Forums, what meals do you create to boost your test levels/lower estrogen?
We all know what foods to avoid but there are tons of foods that actively help men.
Males of Veeky Forums, what meals do you create to boost your test levels/lower estrogen?
We all know what foods to avoid but there are tons of foods that actively help men.
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Maybe ask Veeky Forums? Veeky Forums is mostly female
No need to be passive aggressive, lady. Its not a good look.
You should smile more.
If he's not consuming all the semen he can find for maximum gainz, he shouldn't ask Veeky Forums for anything. Fucking manlets.
is brocolli actually good for testosterone? I've been eating it a lot because I love it but maybe it's my brain trying to sub consciously make me more manly.
Do you feel yourself becoming less lethargic and passive?
Are you retaining less and less fat?
Dark leafy greens (chard and kale are best)
Garlic (raw)
Beef (grassfed only)
Salmon and other fatty fish
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Black grapes
Pumpkin seeds
Oysters & Shellfish
Get off my board /pol/fag.
lol wut
Inject testosterone directly into my penis. Then go an grope some womenfolk.
No I don't think so. I only eat about 2-3 brocollis a week though so maybe not THAT much.
>We all know what foods to avoid
Yeah, none because most of us don't listen to whacko, loony tunes talk shows whose sponsors are selling estrogen antidote supplements to retards like you, lol.
What are you on about?
I add chia, hemp, sunflower & flax seeds generously to my meals (yoghurt, bread rice etc). I also quit alchohol
If i dry my celtic salt will i get rid of most of the good stuff/
i want /pol/ to leave
>attributes /pol/ to testosterone
If you ever needed proof it was in fact you who is the faggot.
>the Veeky Forums is female meme
>Beef (grassfed only)
i find grassfed beef to have a weird taste. Regular fed beef is much better.
It's not your board, faggot.
yeah only retards take this seriously
Cut out all sugar, this will give a little boost to test.
Limit nuts and nut oils. Use olive oil instead.
Holy shit, fuck off, reddit.
>fell for the japanese pregnant cow milk research meme
Zero correlating peer reviews you are sourcing bs studies ISHYGDDT
1 raw onion every day
>people who take this water filter salesman seriously
Soy milk
oh hi there r/the_donald!
semen does contain the hormone tho
They're just going to tell you do an raw onion enema. That's what they're shilling right now.
Do not assume our gender, most of us are girls (male)
The majority of non fast food posters are female.
Eat a whole carolina reaper.
its because you are used to everything you eat being fed corn
flax is even worse than soy
Read this.
R..rrr....r...really? Or is it he she's?
eat shit nigger kike