
What's your favorite brand of eggnog, Veeky Forums? Or do you make your own? What's your favorite liquor to put in it? I'm sipping some with Christian Brothers frost white and it's surprisingly delicious.

This stuff comes into our area every year, already has brandy, rum & whisky.
Pretty darn good, you can drink a lot of it and don't have to worry about depleting your liquor supply.

If I was drinking darigold I'd probably ad bourbon.

This stuff right here is god-tier. Its mexican eggnog

Hartzler's, if you can find it.

Made my own today with this recipe

Turned out pretty awesome and everyone loves it. Only change was I added a bit of cinnamon and used all brandy instead of brandy and rum.

Who here nig/nog/?

egg nig hehe

Fuggen SAVED

Neat. Will try out.

Britfag here

When I used to watch Simpsons they always used to shit on eggnog, other American shows always made it out to be disgusting. But when I looked at how it's made it just seems to be a drinkable custard? Its seems to be made the exact same way but served like a sort of milkshake.

Is there something I am missing here? Does it taste eggy?

>But when I looked at how it's made it just seems to be a drinkable custard? Its seems to be made the exact same way but served like a sort of milkshake.

Yes, that's quite accurate, and no it doesn't taste eggy. The only thing you left out is that it often has alcohol added to it.

As an American I'm kind of surprised you took the Simpsons (etc.) as making it out to be disgusting. I don't recall any of that from when I grew up. Maybe they were making fun of its over-consumption? It certainly doesn't have a bad reputation, but it's one of those things that gets consumed during the holidays so it can be easy for people to overdo it and consume too much (no different than turkey @ thanksgiving).

eggnog is english

It tastes exactly like a drinkable custard. It's great with a little nutmeg on top, and maybe some bourbon if you want a buzz. It is hard to drink a lot of it though. It gets heavy on your system fast.

I really like publix eggnog

I've actually been planning on making a batch using eggs from my chickens, I was going to use Alton Brown's recipe (though sounds damn tasty), I figure the freshness of the eggs will make for a nice flavor (plus I trust my own eggs a lot more).

Most people in the states get their egg nog off the shelves which gives most folks their negative experience with it as we are known for quantity over quality industrialism practices when it comes to agriculture.

Essentially however it’s just a holiday custard that varies in viscosity depending on how you prefer your your texture. I personally like mine extra thicc with bourbon, but I’m considering adding a bit of fireball for cinnamon notes as well as some Hennessy to compliment the savory of the spices

I love eggnog but I don't drink, so other than alcohol what can I add to it (or add it to) to make it more interesting?

Drinkable custard is a really good way to describe it actually. Traditionally loaded with booze.

this shit slaps. so light and fluffy

where 2 cop

The Rochester NY premium eggnog. Expensive as fuck but worth buying a couple half gallons during the holidays.

I'm in school in Rochester, will check this out.

>Eggnog is english
>All my friends from the UK have never had it
>None of my European friends have either

I wonder why it was dropped so hard and picked up by the US

I like eggnog in my coffee

The Dutch have their advocaat. It's not the same thing but close enough.

I bet you could make killer pancakes with it.

British, not English. We were all British at that time in America.

Eggnog proper is American in origin but is based on an English recipe that is almost the same thing.
As an English colony that does make the colonies British, doesn't it?
It's literally drinkable flourless cake that you not only can but are encouraged to put alcohol in. Of course it's popular, right?