Hey guys. Just made the decision to go vegan a few weeks ago! Let's get a vegan recipes thread going and feel free to share your reasons and stories about why you have chosen to follow the most ethical and healthy diet.
Hey guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody cares about you or your diet.
my favorite vegan meal is a medium rare t-bone steak, who else likes vegan meals that include meat.
This is food and cooking. I never told you to post in this thread. If you don't like the diet then then post in the thread instead of being an insecure manchild about it.
Not vegan and not funny.
Anyway. My go to vegan meal is eggless pasta with a pesto sauce. Delicious.
ok what about a burger with a over easy egg on top? thats a really good vegan meal dont you agree?
Not vegan and not funny.
Vegans tongue my anus.
All this edge. Why would you post that?
Because vegans tongue my anus.
I went vegan about 2 years ago and it's honestly been one of the best choices I've ever made. It actually led me to really love cooking in a different way and launch a food blog which has had relatively good success. I think one of my favorite vegan meals to make is a big bowl of rice seasoned with furikake and topped with avocado, chickpeas tossed in smoked paprika and lime juice, tons of baby greens, and maybe some roasted sweet potatoes. If I'm feeling more junky I'll make what my family calls "creamy pasta" which is made with cashews, vegetable bouillon, a shit ton of nutritional yeast, smoked paprika (my favorite seasoning!), and a few other things.
I'm so excited to see other anons trying out plant based diets! I really believe we are in a vegetable renaissance at the moment and it's exciting to be on the forefront. There is an AMAZING restaurant in Philadelphia called Vedge (the chefs also run two lower price scale places called V-Street and Wiz Kid) and you should try and order their cookbook. They take vegetables to places that I can't even describe.
>hunting and killing an animal is edge in 2017
OP you’re going to turn into a soyboy and then eventually a woman. Enjoy being a faggot forever
What makes you think I'm male?
Fucking dumb stupid whore you deserve to be raped and forced to watch animals slaughtered on farms for fun. TITS AND TIMESTAMP OR GTFO YOU LIBERAL BITCH SLUT.
>most ethical
>Most healthy
Probably false.
Now that we have that out of the way, these muffins look pretty dope. youtube.com
Not OP but like....dude you gotta fuckin chill. You're on a forum about food and cooking and trying to act Alpha. Go make a cup of instant noodles before your mom makes you get off her laptop.
Why does Munchies have the best looking food?
I have never wanted to try something more than this vegan pulled mushroom sandwich. Looks fucking tasty.
A whiteknight appears
How is it debatable that veganism is the most ethical? One could make the argument about farm hands being treated poorly which is true but carnis eat fruit and vedge as well so ethically vegans are at least TRYING to be better. I mean the trauma that the butchers in slaughterhouses go through is absolutely insane!
That all being said, Waka makes a mean muffin.
\fuck off you stupid soy boy nu male KEK
this sounds terrible seek help user
not everyone is a fucking delicate flower that will wither at the slightest provocation
I can imagine your little virginal voice squeaking out "soy boy" and honestly it's pretty hot. Let me know when your cup noodles are done and I can fuck you with my soy boy cock.
Fucking liberal faggot
Physical and Emotional trauma dumb shit. It's not about how delicate one is it's just that the human body and brain can only take SO much. PTSD is a bitch.
Honestly....this is really getting me going. Maybe I can make a ball gag out of a beet and you can wear it while I slap you with a big piece of tempeh.
oh noes labor intensive work is hard
see my previous post
seriously if you get ptsd from going to work then the issue is with you not with your job
dont bother to invite me to your funeral. your body will be too emaciated,and will blow away in the breeze. eat meat, goddammit, even if you have to harvest Krill.
What do you do for work? Also, have you ever slaughtered an animal?
This is like saying to someone who had black lung from working in coal mines that "oh noes labor-intensive work is hard"
Regarding mental health: would you tell a soldier with PTSD that the issue is with them and not their job?
i particularly like lamb boiled in its mother's milk, mostly to piss off Yahweh.
Fried crispy bacon. Shit is so good. The secret to why everyone loves it is that it has bacon in it. Don't know how many vegans know about this recipe yet, but you have to try it:
1. take bacon
2. fry the fuck outta it
3. cream yourself
Haha! It's so funny because the joke is bacon is meat but vegans can't eat meat lol!
Because veganism promotes the idea that killing animals is inherently wrong, when that could not be farther from the truth.
Hunting animals which would normally be prey before humans came along is highly ethical. When we wiped out all real predators for our own sake, we also wiped out predators for animals. This fucked up the circle of life and has led to massive overpopulation and starvation of various species, especially deer and boar.
>comparing repetitive stress injuries with black lung disease
>comparing working in a slaughterhouse to being in a warzone
and you expect people to take you seriously?
You need to take in the factors of variability in human resilience and genetic markers of things such as PTSD. Individuals all experience stress and trauma differently. You could have one person go to a warzone and be perfectly fine after seeing someone get their legs blown off but have another person who is working in a slaughterhouse, involved in an abusive relationship or even get mugged fare far worse. Stop seeing the world in such black and white terms dude.
>only men have tongues
This is what a vegan diet does to your cognition.
>it's physically impossible for vegans to eat meat
Yep. There it is. That's the joke.
Are you stupid or something?
ya stooooping orrrr summthinnn?
Must be, especially in regards to the "or something" part. I don't watch Rick and Morty like you. I feel retarded all of the sudden.
Shut the fuck up Forest. God damn millenials these days.
yeah and the latter kind of person you described is exactly what I was talking about when I said delicate flowers.
stop trying to shades of gray your way into not sounding like an ass
>m-muh age and m-muh nigger tier millennials joke of a scapegoat
Holy, shit. I want to have ED and pop pills to survive now. I'm learning so much.
Wow look at you so hardcore and manly. How dare some people have genetics which makes them more prone to certain disorders!
No. Posting photos of dead animals on a blue board just to make other people angry or sad or disgusted. Fucking autistic faggot.
Thank you for helping flesh this out
ITT: autists getting triggered by food choices
Girlfriend is vegan and since I'm on rather tight budget, every ingredient less that I have to buy is great.
We usually go for something simple, middle eastern cuisine is nice and you can go a long way with cheap vegetables.
Pic related, it's nothing fancy, but it doesn't have to be shitty food
Looks tasty dude. My go to food is falafel really. Cheap, filling, tasty.
>girlfriend is vegan therefore I am vegan
>I love this choice because I love her
Good choice there, bud. Sounds like you made it yourself. Both your vegan thing and relationship is gonna last for sure.
Big ass bowls of veggies for days!!
>Cook together
It's practical. Why being such a dickface?
To plow through your pussyface before the rough wakeup.
This is so cute and nice!!! The hassleback potatoes look BANG!!
Some alkaline electric vegan chili i made from ty's conscious cooking website.
6 plum tomatoes, 3 cups of garbanzo beans, onions, tomatillo, bell peppers, and some vegan sausages.
Not the prettiest, but these are vegan sausages.
Made from garbanzo beans, mushrooms, onions, and garbanzo bean flour.
With a bunch of seasoning like basil, sage, and oregano, the flavor was very unique and tasty.
>hurr ptsd is a genetic predisposition
no it's not fagatron
if you have ptsd then it's likely because your parents raised a lilly livered nancy boy
Big vegan cheeze platter with Tofurkey sausage, pepper jelly, and a fresh olive loaf! Cheeze platters are one of my favorite dinners because they're so indulgent but super easy to throw together!
even still, nobody cares about you or your diet.
Ssshhhh....it's literal science that all humans benefit from therapy. Maybe you should check it out.
>vegan cheese
>vegan sausage
neither of these combinations of words make any goddamn sense.
You can make cheeses out of nuts.
And sausages with garbanzo bean and flour.
I think he's doing a bit of satire, at least that's what I hope
>You can make cheeses out of nuts.
Can you make cucumbers out of minced beef too?
>head shrinking is scientific and beneficial
except there's nothing scientific about head shrinking and it's not beneficial to everyone especially when they try to tell you that legitimate condition you have and are being treated for, is just in your head and you need to put in more effort to be social
yes I have a mental condition, and yes that means I'm broken and should not have kids
>implying I am vegan because my gf is vegan
>implying I am vegan at all
Nigga, I eat vegetables because I'm broke, not because I'm trying to impress my girlfriend. The meals I cook for myself aren't vegan and I do eat meat, I just happen to eat vegan meals most of the time.
Nice insecurities though. You been dumped by a vegan chick before or why do you seem so bitter?
>Hey guys. Just made the decision to go vegan a few weeks ago! Let's get a vegan recipes thread going
Would have been far less gay and retarded.
>follow the most ethical and healthy diet.
To me sounds like:
>bad goy! Stop practicing your culture!
Oven dodgers need to fuck off back to isreal.
But it's not cheese, and it's not sausage, it's a pale imitation desperately consumed in an attempt to remind yourself of what it was like when you ate real food.
>dead animals make you want to cry
Jesus fucking christ do you never leave your room?
>Nice insecurities though. You been dumped by a vegan chick before or why do you seem so bitter?
Kek. Because a vegan lifestyle is practical while broke. Nigger, get less retarded. Cheap food is cheap food, and you can find cheap meat. Vegan seems more expensive unless you eat the same shit every day. Going to be hilarious when you get assblasted for not wanting to stay vegan, faggot.
>nobody cares about you or your diet.
Have fun arguing with science you retarded faggot.
You need to fuck off back to /pol/
Literally 0 fucks given. I'm not even vegan I eat fish mostly but meat every now and then, I just think you're a fag.
Goose is my favorite bird to eat. Best fucking meat, far better than duck.
Yeah, goose kicks ass.
You're still a fucking faggot even if we both like goose
Not even vegans feel sorry for geese, you idiot.
Agreed, but duck is usually much cheaper for me. We have goose for Christmas.
Why, because i think kikes should get the fuck back to isreal? They're the only people in canada who are actively fucking with us Indians. They're fucking with you, too. If you're white, you probably got your foreskin sliced off and then eaten by them.
i see you're a transvegan
i'm a transvegan myself also
A literal torture chamber. Thats it im going vegan!
>follow the most ethical and healthy diet
>yeah, keep eating your soylent you good goyim
Why vegans talk like shills?
Ah, me too! I used to love t-bone, but now I'm switching to pepperoni. So I'd eat nothing with animal products except pepperoni pizzas! I'm trying soylent and raw diet now, but I'd have a pepperoni pizza takeaway now and then. So many people was inspired by my diet, but of course they don't know my little secret!
either you're serious or you're a faggot. either way go to reddit.
My favorite vegan meal is fish tacos. The fish are vegan, so it's vegan, and it's so yummy!
>this is what vegans eat
I failed to take down the namethetrait argument and I found myself struggling with a good justification for eating meat apart from "it tastes good lol". I just decided to go vegan since it's more aligned with my beliefs. Also I have a history of heart disease in my family so why not. I still don't really care about animals tbqh.
>persian cooking
>fries 'n beans with pork sausage
even though uk is being hit by pakis 'n shit, doesn't make british cuisine is now persian
Hey guys. Just made the decision to go get a PS4 a few weeks ago! Let's get a sony thread going and feel free to share your reasons and stories about why you have chosen to follow the most ethical and healthy gaming console.
Try 70% Fruit & 30% Raw Veg
The most ethical diet is the low-demand byproduct diet. See by only eating liver I am just making use of meat that would otherwise be wasted.
The most ethical diet is to eat a bullet but most people are too selfish
I can't do shellfish. I puff up like the driving instructor in certain episodes of the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants
>normies will recoil in disgust if you eat horse
get on my level fags. Maybe I'd try dog too
You're really a weak woman if you can't resist any opportunity to reveal your gender online.
Serious question: why go full vegan over vegetarian? Even if we accept that killing or harming animals I'd unethical, it's possible to get milk, eggs, etc without causing harm to any cows or chickens, you just have to source your ingredients responsibly. Cows need to be milked, chickens will lay eggs whether we want them to or not, and it would be a shame to let that go to waste.
To stay semi-on-topic, these black bean burgers are pretty good, even for a meat-eater like myself (the recipe does contain egg, full disclosure). seriouseats.com