>he requires electricity to make coffee
If your coffee setup isn't 100% manually operated, you don't know shit about coffee.
>he requires electricity to make coffee
If your coffee setup isn't 100% manually operated, you don't know shit about coffee.
Please tell me more about hipster coldbrews.
I'm kidding, just fuck off.
>he has a manually operated kettle
>drinking coffee
dude just take caffeine pills lmao
I know you’re just having a laugh, but why are some people so pretentious about hot beverages? It’s not difficult nor does it require any special equipment to make a decently delicious cup of coffee. Sure a well-made coffee from high-quality beans and equipment is especially tasty, but a pot from a regular drip-brew coffee maker with middle-quality beans isn’t bad either. Hell, even a Keurig-made cup loaded with a decent kcup or even fresh grounds in a reusable cup is delicious and invigorating.
only thing you need
Stovetop kettle is manually operated.
I bet you've never had a good cup of coffee in your life.
Not if you have an electric stove
Do people not have gas stoves anymore?
I've never been in a house that has electric hot plates in lieu of a good gas burner.
Are there really people who have never had to ignite a gas stove manually with a lighter during power outages?
Many many places have electric instead of gas. You must not get out or travel much.
The way you write makes it seem like you're smug about having to travel to other places because your home country is so shit and uninteresting.
What a strange thing to feel proud about.
>gas is manual
Nah, more like how I'm shocked that you think that electric appliances are rare. I can't imagine how anyone could actually hold that opinion in this day and age.
>>because your home country is so shit and uninteresting.
It was pretty shit, yeah. Thankfully my family moved when I was 6. But I'm not sure that matters at all. Surely you must have traveled at some point for your work, for school, for visiting friends and family, or simply seeing the great sights of the world?
In vast swaths of flyover territory the only gas available is the unregulated propane companies which means you pay a fortune in shekels for it in winter when (((they))) fill your tank. Fuck that noise.
I always forget that yanks don't use electric kettles
How do I start knowing shit about coffee?
Isn't flyover land ripe with fresh fracked natty gas?
Why is it every time someone starts one of these bait/shit flinging threads they use a title? Like /vegan general/ or /coffee/? If you've been here even one week you've likely already seen handfuls of those "generals" die to shitposting or inactivity. Is it just the same person or do people really think they're starting a general?
>If your coffee setup isn't 100% manually operated, you don't know shit about coffee.
>Anime poster
Post discarded
Almost all of the good burr grinders are electric. I bet you still grind with Hario Skerton you colossal pleb.
I'll stick with my espresso, thanks.
There's a lot of pretty good hand grinders now. Lido, Feldgrind, Aergrind, Helor, Kinu, Comandante, etc.
Although large flat burr electric grinders still dominate the top tier.
The poster you're replying to isn't the one who implied that
>he requires water to make coffee
if your coffee setup isn't 100% dry, you don't know shit about coffee
>requiring coffee to make coffee
If your coffee isn't 100% philosophy, you don't know shit about coffee
>be coffee drinker
>drink one flavour of coffee
>the coffee flavour
>grow heavily addicted to it
>can't function without it's bad taste
>lash out at anyone who criticizes the beverage who's spell you have fallen under
>later commit suicide after having a revirginization ceremony
Anyway, tea is better. Coffee has one flavour, tea has every flavour in the world. Iced tea and hard tea and hot tea there's teas for every type of day and tea people are happier.
>tea people are happier
>only one flavour
Man I know this is bait but jeez. Some people actually think this.
>go to coffee shop
>i'll have a coffee
>go to comfy local tea den
>I'll have a tea
>oh, what kind? We have black and green and roobios and earl gray and white and flower petal and dandelion and chocolate chip and mint and orange pekoe and bumblebee and korean and genchi and wildflower and lavender and english breakfast and darjeeling and maybe you would just like to look at our catalogue of hundreds of flavours?
>no that's okay you're such a nice and pretty cashier though, much nicer than those stinky soulless coffee cashiers conscripted concubines
>anyway I'll have the bumblebee chocolate tea and here's a handsome tip because I am a very generous and kind individual
>oh wow I could be a concubine of yours if you know what I mean
>Yeah, but I have to warn you my dick is fairly large and uncircumcised so it will take me longer to finish
>oh that won't be a problem, I'm already super aroused and we have a king sized bed in the back
coffee drinkers btfo
>he requires a grinder to make coffee
If you aren't just crunching up the beans or swallowing them like pills, you don't know shit about coffee.
I was going to write snark back but your alliteration made me smile. I love tea and coffee both, honestly, and while you can have espresso or latte or hard coffee, the basic idea of roasted bean doesn't change. Whereas teas... really honestly if it has a leaf and isn't inedible you could probably make a tea from it.
>he does grow, roast, and grind his own beans
>he doesn't take water from a nearby river
>he doesn't heat up his water over a fire with lumber from a nearby forest
>he doesn't mail all his Veeky Forums posts to his grandson because technology is too confusing to operate
you can't outsnicksnark the outshark
>use manual burr grinder
>use french press
>use stovetop kettle
>spark for stovetop uses electricity
Piezoelectric ignition, get yourself an RV stove
I just have an electric scale, and an electric kettle to boil water to use in a gooseneck because it's faster than stovetop
I'm not using a manual scale faggot
i've roasted my own coffee a handful of times, and it amazes me every roast the flavors a single origin bean can go through as it passes through the stages of darkness
but of course, if you go to any coffee shop that doesn't roast it's own (insanely rare these days, outside of say, seattle), you'll have a taste of generic overoasted colombian #37925 multi batch late harvest from no less than five (5) different farms all at elevations under 500m, which has been sitting for two months. meaning it will taste the same as the shit you had last week, because it's just stale burned coffee.
Why does coffee attract so many hipster douchebags?
This is a good thread for this, christmas is near and my dad's a coffee drinker, I wanna get him something related to that. I got him a beam grinder last year which he uses daily, what else is there?
>Living in the 1800's
Fuck off.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
Lads, recommend me some decent whole bean coffees to buy. Preroasted please, I don't want to roast my own coffee.
I like aldi's single origin peru and honduras stuff
What does he use to make coffee?
wass this m8? I like its "vibe"
its need to be copper tho.
>he requires electricity to make coffee
If you don't have a 100% manually operated backup coffee setup, you cannot sip deliciously fresh and awesome coffee during a natural disaster or power outage while looking out the window in smug comfort at your helpless plebeian neighbors who spent all their time worrying about stupid shit that didn't matter.
Some kind of strainer thing, not too sure.
even a gas stove requires electricity to start
>he doesn't have a mini nuclear reactor to power his coffee set up
Each and every one of you is so stupid. The radiation intertwines with the coffee perfectly for a real explosion of flavour every time you take a sip. Plus you can help your government by selling them your spare depleted uranium. If you do anything else you are literally chimp level.
No it doesnt.
Why do people become obsessed with coffee? Just drink it and move on what the fuck. It doesn't require more thought than that
Because they live meaningless lives lacking purpose
Is the Aeropress a meme or can it actually make top tier coffee?
What does ‘meme’ mean in this context?
All the reviews I've seen seem to imply it's better than a traditional French press, and I'm just trying to gather some more opinions because that is a lofty claim and I don't want to fall victim to some fad.
turkish coffee is shit. i've had tons of it growing up in a greek family. no matter where i have it or who makes it. tastes like complete filth. the most barbaric hamfisted way to brew coffee imaginable. literally the retard's version of espresso.
Same reason why people get more interested in anything, I guess.
>>It doesn't require more thought than that
The same could be said regarding anything else people enjoy: music, movies, video games, TV, sports, theater.... Some people get really into coffee. Other people don't care. Same with any of the other things I listed.
It fucking WORKS tho. Holy shit I feel like a Greek god after a shot or two of that mud
Why not just buy one and try it out? They aren't expensive. Any sort of significant research or "opinion gathering" is probably going to cost you a lot more in time. If this was some expensive fancy machine then I could see wanting to thoroughly research it before dropping big money. But an Aeropress costs what, $30? Buy it and try it. If you aren't happy with it then return it stating you were dissatisfied with the product.
I'm going to buy one. It's an interesting little novelty, if nothing else. I just want to hear the thoughts of people who are more into coffee than I am.
This is a bad argument. You're calling all different varieties of beans "just coffee" to insinuate that they are all the same, when even simply varying the roast level has a huge impact on flavor. That's like me saying all tea is "just leaves" and is all the same. I also really fail to see how adding chocolate to tea makes it something different or better.
This is all I need....
Why do people become obsessed with food? Just drink soylent and move on what the fuck.
>all different varieties of beans
There’s only two varieties of coffee bean, retard.
I bet he has. He's just a true addict like me. You see kid it gets to a point and all coffee tastes passable the way wineos think all wine is passable. You just have to be disappointed with life enough times to find that out.
percolators can make great coffee, you just have to regulate the heat and perc time and bean to water ratio down to a science
ya know, like any other brew method
>percolators can make great coffee
You're boiling the coffee through itself. It's a literal shitstorm of over-extraction
aropress is a sect
But percolator coffee has one of the lowest concentrations of caffeine. I don't believe it's also over-extracting.
>But percolator coffee has one of the lowest concentrations of caffeine
That's very likely because the ratio is weak.
Don't talk to me until I've finished my entire percolator.
I'm pretty sure the idea that boiling coffee makes it bad is an old wives tale. As long as you don't brew for a too long time, it won't over-extract. I've tried brewing coffee in temperatures ranging from 75 to 100 C, and while there are certainly differences, I don't think one temperature is inherently better than the other. Whether you want to brew relatively cold or hot depends on what the bean has to offer.
Of course the finer your grind and the hotter your water, the narrower the window of optimal extraction gets, so it's certainly easier to fuck it up at higher temperatures since the perfect total extraction time could be as short as 30 seconds, where being off just 5 seconds in one direction or another might mean an over- or under-extracted cup.
>I'm pretty sure the idea that boiling coffee makes it bad is an old wives tale
Jesus Christ, you fucking people
>blindly trusting dogma instead of doing your own experiments
You're one of those guys that only flip their steaks once, right?
than it's filđan, muslims use that. Also it has some allah akbar scribbles on it
it's džezva, used on balkan to make turkish coffe, even though real turkish coffee is made differently.
Uh, of course I have. Using anything over 205°F in any method creates noticably bitter results
Then brew for a shorter time. What happens when you take coffee and brew it at a boiling point for a duration of 1 second? Does it over-extract? No, it under-extracts. Now boil it for 5 minutes and you're sure to have over-extracted bitter coffee. Thus we can mathematically prove that somewhere between an extraction time of 1 second and an extraction time of 5 minutes, there exists a point where under-extraction starts to turn into over-extraction, i.e. the optimal extraction time. You can absolutely get a palatable cup of coffee even at boiling temperatures as long as you don't brew for too long. There's nothing magical that happens at 205 F, even though many call it the maximum temperature. This should be obvious to anyone with a decent knowledge of chemistry, and the understanding that chemical reactions don't just suddenly turn on at a specific temperatures.
My boi, am I supposed to burn wood to boil the water!!!?
What do you do when you got a batch of beans so bad you can taste them through creamer? Do I just throw these out?
Give them to the neighbor's dog.
i cant stand the drink but i love coffee icecream
You absolutely do extract undesirable compounds at boiling temp that you don't at 205°. What are you not getting about this
Like what?
Is there any way to make kcups taste good? It's either drink the free kcup coffee at work or spend $4 a cup at the Starbucks in the lobby.
What brand? I don't think they're all that bad.
Green mountain. They have breakfast blend, dark, double diamond and hazelnut
Oh, yeah, those are pretty mediocre. They're our source of half-caf. If I were you, I'd probably just get their dark and deal with it. It's roasted heavily enough that the difference in flavor isn't going to be that pronounced between it and another dark.
Cripes, the the caffeine cuckold is getting cantankerous we'll need countless CC's of coffee to get him back under control.
>and the understanding that chemical reactions don't just suddenly turn on at a specific temperatures
They won't literally turn on at specific temperatures, but in the presence of some activation energy barrier, I would imagine it's possible for the kinetics to be dominated largely by the reaction temperature rather than the time the reaction is allowed to run (at least for timescales that are human-relevant).
Digital thermometers, bitch
6/10 bait
Apply yourself
Anyone have a Kalita Wave 185? I need to know if it fits on a 12oz mug. Every photo on the Google just shows it on a carafe.
The minute they make a coffee anime, im switching to tea
Omg ' most barbaric hamfisted way to brew coffee'
Im fucking dying!! My best friend in high school was a Turkish foreign exchange student and she excitedly showed me the whole process only for me to spit the dirt right back into the lil cup hehe oops
Go watch gochiusa.
What branded coffee do you use?
>his coffee has a brand
>He buys his coffee
It uses electricity but you could use a match to light it.