>milk causes man boobs
>Soy causes man boobs
>Beef has growth hormones which fuck with your hormones
>Chicken has salmonella and parasites that are purposely used against you
>Vegetables are GMOs made for estrogen production
>Rice and pasta are carbs that make you squishy and fat
>Fruit is for chimps and non humans
>Water has (((fluoride))) and added (((minerals)))
Is it impossible to avoid being a soyboy in this day and age?
Milk causes man boobs
Other urls found in this thread:
How long until mods start banning these threads?
Arch is for fucks who can't into gentoo, and soyboys burn in hell
Eat onions only
>tfw man boobs
kill me
Mods will delete frogposts and porn but there's no way in hell they could be assed to delete shitposts with Alex Jones tier altright nonsense designed to derail threads, because mods and janitors don't give a shit.
>Veeky Forums has the reddit frog
>reddit has the reddit frog
>facebook has the reddit frog
is it impossible to avoid encountering with a dumb frogposter?
Those are pretty cute user ^w^
Underrated post.
OP is dropping some summerfag level shitposting.
There's this thing called exercise
only Chad is allowed to exercise. Ree.
enjoy your manboobs faggot
>not TempleOS
t. spook
I want a bf with man boobs (。>﹏
>Is it impossible to avoid being a soyboy in this day and age?
No, but it's impossible for you because the real diet redpill is a whole foods, plant-based diet which is technically a vegan diet, and just hearing that word triggers you out of your little mind. Even though the evidence in favor is overwhelming and continuing to build, you'll never be able to overcome the conditioning that makes you have a little fit when you hear the word "vegan" and, as such, you are doomed to live as a soyboy forevermore.
endocrine disrupting chemicals in pestisticides are sprayed onto plants, unless you farm your own vegetables and fruits.
That's why you buy organic, you silly shill. No, it's not perfect but it's the best you're going to get unless you're willing, like you say, to farm all of your own food.
And no, avoiding eating plants does not mean that you are avoiding eating those pesticides. Livestock are fed pesticide laden plants in incredible amounts and all those pesticides bio-accumulate and you get a nice shot of concentrated pesticides when you eat that hamburger.
umm, farmers still use pesticides on organic crops sweetie; and the only thing i've advocated is growing your own produce... if anyone is the shill it's you.
>a literal soyboi trying to co-opt the soiboie meme to promote his dietary fetish
fuggin sad
I bet you're also so bluepilled you date women instead of otters. You like soft things, Princess?
>being so conditioned by jewish propaganda that he's literally incapable of taking an unbiased look at the facts
definitely sad
>if I talk about tha joos and pills I'll fit in rite
>massive corporations and huge lobbying groups spending hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising to convince you that there's nothing wrong with eating pesticide-laden produce and factory farmed meat raised on that same pesticide-laden food
>just ignore these skyrocketing cancer rates
>just ignore these skyrocketing obesity rates
>you gotta eat lots of meat if you want to be a real man, right goyim?
>meanwhile literally every study done on the subject shows far, far beyond any shadow of a doubt that a whole foods, plant based diet is the objectively superior choice for long term health and prevention of disease
It's sad that you don't even realize how brainwashed you are. Do you think there's a broccoli lobby out to trick you, you fucking moron? Take a look around you. What kind of food are the corporations and the elites pushing for you to eat? Is there a big push for you to eat more spinach or are you being bombarded with programming that you need to eat more processed foods, more milk, more eggs, more meat? Do you really not realize that your perception of what types of food you should be eating in order to be a manly man is almost entirely propaganda?
I remain firmly convinced that the politicizing of diet is one of the biggest tricks ever pulled on the right wing. You're literally going out of your way to poison yourself because you've sucked down the "meat=strong, vegetables=weak" meme so fucking hard. It's sad. I know you've never tried to do any meaningful research, so here's to hoping that one day you'll grow some testicles and actually research your diet instead of basing it on memes and propaganda.
Get lipo
how exactly do you make prune juice? if prunes are dry plums, then isn't it plum juice?
Prune is also a specific fresh plum, but I think it's whole prunes blended with water, so not actually juice.
No, you can't. Better start cannibalizing.
>doesn’t want to be a soyboy
>posts Reddit frogs
I want to feel you up cutie
>Livestock are fed pesticide laden plants in incredible amounts
don't know what the fuck you're talking about. cattle eats grass and maybe some salt rations.
unless you're the kind of retard who buys meat from intensive and not extensive farming.
also "organic" is bullshit soyboy lingo.
You retard, cows are mostly fed soybeans and corn. You ever drive across a flyover state? 95% of the corn you see is animal feed corn.
>"Extensive farming"
Oh boy, here we go again. Any "extensive farming" meat you buy at a supermarket is 100% bullshit. Grass fed doesn't mean they only eat grass, it means that they were free roaming cows that had troughs they'd mainly eat from. You know how much grass cows eat? A fuck ton, you'd need about 5 acres for a single cow to have enough to graze on. This assumes that it's fully covered grass area that grass grows decently.
>also "organic" is bullshit soyboy lingo
That's true
>implying I'm a burger who only has access to intensive cattle
>implying I buy meat at a fucking supermarket of all places instead of directly at the producer or at a butcher shop
>troughs they'd mainly eat from
Nope. The bulk of their weight comes from grass. The trough is for salt mostly
It's cute how you think Veeky Forums has mods
Holy shit his manboobs got deleted. At the point where your toplessness is considered nsfw you should just give up on being a man
What is your conspiracy theory about fish, Amerifriend?
>grass fed cows eat soy and corn grains
>grass fed means 0.2 head per acre
Holy shit, I know its bait but its still fucking hilarious how retarded it is. Its like someone who's only ever heard of the concept of cattle farming in passing took drugs and convinced himself he knows what he's talking about.
People have been eating meat since the dawn of man, was that all propaganda too? We have only been eating heavily processed foods recently, and I agree that stuff is generally shit.
We do have mods, but they fixate on the goofiest shit.
OP, go organic keto for maximum manliness.
>she doesn't water fast with glass bottles and take hrt on the side
Lmaoing @ ur life
Think of it this way: An estrogen molecule is like a jumbo jet that attaches to the Jetway of an airport. It discharges passengers into the terminal, which is suddenly a busy, noisy place. Phytoestrogens, being weak estrogens, are like small, private planes with few passengers and no cargo, yet they still occupy the Jetway after landing.
When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms
Soy and Men Hormones Study: tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: tinyurl com/ja5s9k2
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: tinyurl com/z3kpvsw
220 women over 2 years soy study: tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: tinyurl com/hsm6ctb
Soy being fine for men: tinyurl com/zwddamh
fish is full of heavy metals and that's no conspiracy, it's a known fact
How fast will I stop being obese if I change to a plant based whole foods diet?
1 lb = 3,500 calories
1 kg = 7,700 calories
It really depends on how much you're eatting vs your TDEE.
Whole plant based foods are generally a lot more filling. It's easier to get less than your TDEE when you're sucking down fruit and vegetables. Swear away the meat and dairy will make what you have left a lot less dense in calories.
It will also get you into reading nutrition labels on everything you buy. Instead of just getting something because you're used to it- you'll now be looking at ingredients and nutrition more.
You won't feel so bad binging on canned beans, bananas, greens, almond milk, etc.
Almond milk has about a fifth of the calories as regular milk if you get the unsweetened vanilla flavor. It's cheaper than milk if you buy it at Sam's or Costco and it lasts literally months on a shelf.
Stop buying soda.
tl;dr a plant based diet is 10/10 for weight loss and health
No, you just need to get off your lazy ass and get some exercise.
>Having any impact on serum testosterone or serum estrogen levels whatsoever
You're as bad as the trannies who think downing a handful of pueraria mirifica pills every day will achieve anything other than slightly more expensive piss.
I kek'd harder than the Iron Giant's cock
>People have been eating meat since the dawn of man
Modern meat is a lot different from the meat we were eating even as little as a few hundred years ago. Breeding and cultivation to maximize profit has left us with far fattier cuts, on top of that, the sheer volume of production means we're no longer eating the whole animal - many people just pick and choose one or two specific parts and ignore the rest because "liver is gross!" or "X cut is too tough!".
Eating meat is perfectly fine and healthy, eating "meat" that's absolutely riddled with fat, has had the most nutrient-rich cuts and organs removed entirely and has been fed a diet loaded with antibiotics and pesticides? Not so much.
This info has been widely available for years, but leave it to The_Donald to willfully ignore a basic scientific fact so that they can have a new epic maymay to spam.
yw user
>not using Style: Tomorrow
>what are local farms? what are butcher shops? what are organic healthy animals?
Paleo diet is naturally the optimum diet for us, with local pretebaly wild fruits in the summer for the winter bulk.
Any paleo population live to be over 85 years old?
No, just those who calorie restrict and eat plants like the Okinawan Diet. More Japanese sweet potatoes please.
First of all that's wrong information, they eat a lot of pork belly which is a good source of natural fat, an absolute essential nutrient for us. We are made of saturated fat, cholesterol and some protein. That's literally all we need to eat.
We're also made of human flesh, should we incorporate that too?
I was talking in nutrition terms but you're obviously some emotional faggot.
Keep eating your "essential" carbohydrates and man-made food soyboy.
>"nutrition terms"
>thinks his body is made up of "saturated fat, cholesterol and some protein"
You seem to barely have a grasp on nutrition.
>"essential" carbohydrates
I don't think anyone is as retarded as you.
How old are you?
I always knew Veeky Forums was autistic but I never imagined they'd stoop to this level
>First of all that's wrong information
He says as he can't refute it
>g-guys countless studies and documentation is wrong cuz I said
>u need cancer and heart disease in your diet it helps u live
I hope I never meat someone like you in real life.
>natural fat, an absolute essential nutrient for us
Oh shit dawg. We require "natural fat"? I didn't realized that was a structured, well documented, actual nutrient that we need. Thanks for opening my eyes.
>We are made of saturated fat, cholesterol and some protein. That's literally all we need to eat.
So if you gave me those three "nutrients" I would live forever? I would need zero micronutrients, nothing but protein and cholesterol; I would then live forever?
Jesus fucking christ. Unironically I'm asking you to Kill Your Self.
Eastern European shitposters should leave