What's the deal with this Veeky Forums? I hear it's full of estrogen and will turn me into a trap
What's the deal with this Veeky Forums? I hear it's full of estrogen and will turn me into a trap
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Try distancing yourself from Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.
But you don't deny it's true?
>implying anything Jones or Hanniity says is NOT an outright lie
The research you did on this yourself... what conclusion did you reach?
I've been avoiding them so I don't know
Maybe you should start by doing some research that doesn't involve being spoonfed by a pile of misinformed idiots?
not op, but how do you go about doing this.
not just for water, but any subject.
how do i research anything without being misinformed?
you act like you know
My point is that you are off base if you think that finding out about a subject involves coming to this site. Here, this took 200 hours of research and about 10k in grants to complete this great study.
The BPA in plastic bottles is of some concern because of the possibility it can leach XENOESTROGENS into the water if left in the sun or in a hot area
It's generally regarded as harmless but human physiology is not an exact science atm
It's widely used in the manufacturing of plastics but recently there has been market demand for water containers without bpa, howevery this demand could be said to have been spearheaded by the insidious jew chuck shchumer
Tldr drinking water from a plastic bottle will kill your test almost as fast as soy, unless you are red pulled in which case you understand that bpa would only be regulated by Jews because they fear the power it will give the white man
water is deadly, avoid please
>how do i research anything without being misinformed?
Use google to find academic papers. Read the papers. If it's not an academic paper then pay it zero attention.
all the trolling in the world isn't gonna save Black Bear Coffee.
Deal with it, it's shit coffee and that jingoistic tacticool marketing failed
Wtf is all this talk of xenoestogen in everything lately? I drink tons of IPAs and haven't had any problems, have tons of body hair, can easily grow a beard, no manboobs. The whole thing seems retarded.
>Wtf is all this talk of xenoestogen in everything lately?
A combination of trolls and idiots who take the bait.
>>The whole thing seems retarded.
That's because it IS retarded.
>I drink tons of IPAs
I personally blame the veritable atomic explosion of shitposting known as the 2016 American presidential election.
My theory is that they are assblasted after the alt-reich brand of coffee got destroyed at leddit
>alt-reich coffee
What is this?
hes larping
>will turn me into a trap
And this is bad... why?