ITT: Bad advice people tried to tell you
>"Make sure to leave the turkey in the oven for a half our longer after the timer pops"
This lead to a 10 minute argument.
ITT: Bad advice people tried to tell you
>oh that meat looks pink even though thermometer states that the chicken is cooked through! better throw it in the microwave!
literally who says that?
his boyfriend
>it's OK for beef steaks to look pink or even red in the center
>pasta should be al dente
>you shouldn't let the pasta sit in the water after you turn off the heat
>you shouldn't put the sauce on top on the pasta on the plate
all terrible advice
>Oil in pasta water
le epick troll
>"you should kill yourself now and get it over with"
Lol great cat.
I’m so fucking mad about this one
Only because there was this snobby dude who cooked a meal for my friend group once and I didn’t call him out because he was feeding me
But seriously, it’s 2017, this shit need not persist
>put milk in eggs
>you should heat up the milk before you pour it into the roux to make sure you don't have any lumps
This one is weird because cold milk seems to be as good if not better for getting rid of lumps AND is considerably less effort. Do people enjoy washing pans they've heated milk in?
>xhe's pansexual genderfluid life partner
>Sear the steak to lock in the juices
Seriously we've known that's bullshit since like the twenties who keeps this going?
a little bit of water works better
Ahh the good old "I only eat my steaks well done or burnt"
he deserves cancer for that soyboy mozzarella picture
My mom lets pasta set in a pot of water and oil for 10 minutes after its done cooking.
>add a bit of italian dressing to give your spaghetti that nice kick
Yeah well your mom is a FUCKING BITCH
I fucking died laughing after noticing the chronological order of the videos
Cold water boils faster than hot water
When I was a kid, my cousin told me the best way to test if oil was hot enough was to splash some water on it.
im italian so clearly i agree but damn even some people like ramsay do it which should be a solid source for cooking, why are those people degenerates