>Starting to have mystery pains in your stomach and back edition
Al/ck/ general
Oh fucking cringe.
I yelled at the mail lady yesterday and I'm like 99% sure I called her a whore or a racial slur then a whore.
I just barely remember it
>using silhouette
>using thread title
I wish someone would break into my house and kill me, But only kill me when I'm drunk. I'm too afraid to die sober
The most common amount of alcohol to be in a person who kills themselves is the equivalent of about 3-4 drinks, the implication being they are too gutless to do it sober but if they drink more they forget about their problems and forget to kill themselves
And that's why I always roll 6 deep
I'm worried that the Asian skewer place near my home hates me or not
I often go by myself on a weekday although sometimes I've gone with friends. I try not to take up too much space and I don't go by myself if it's too crowded/busy. They have a cheap drinks special so I order a few of those, and some skewers. Probably comes to $20-30 on average. I leave like a 50% tip if I ordered just drinks, and I try to tip generously in general, but idk, some of them stopped smiling.
Like a pint of beer is $3 and I go if the liquor store is closed, and I don't want them to hate me because it's a nice drinking hole. Might splurge out and get some more expensive food after I get paid
Way to go. Good way to get your shit dropped, and by that I mean dropKICKED.
Wow really?
I could see that.....
I would want at least 6 shots within an hour before I was killed. That would put me right at the happy/carefree/courageous part I need to be at.
Yeah it's one of those weird things, like how consuming 1-2 drinks a day is correlated with lower mortality than total abstinence
Another unrelated fun fact: The most common height from which children fall and are brought to the ER is 3 stories. More kids fall out of 2 story houses but they don't hurt themselves enough that the parents take them in, ostensibly because they are scared their kids will be taken away for negligent parenting
>forgot to buy more alcohol before passing out
>only 2 beers left
>they don't allow alcohol sales until 8am
Based. I threatened to kill a census worker in 2014
don't expect to get any mail now
Woke up with a mystery abrasion on my elbow.
Where u live
1st beer of the day...what a feeling
>that feeling when the first shot hits your stomach
Guys come on 6 shots is like what you do to get ready to leave the house.
Some of the best feelings there are right here.
I woke up two days ago with the worst rug burn of my life, like I had to have had a running start or something. It hurts so bad when it pulses when I stand up, and walking is just plain annoying. I have no idea how it happened, but I did find two blood skids in my house that I need to clean now. Pic related is knees.
>waking up feeling like shit every day edition
fuck that looks painful
Took yesterday off. Didn't have a single beer because some user got me thinking about what the fuck i've been doing with my life as a father, gambling money away pissed up at the bar and forgetting about it until sober. I couldn't sleep at fucking all, i have horrible insomnia which is part of what lead me to daily al/ck/ crutch in the first place because i work 3rd shift and getting off after the sun rises makes it hard to sleep. So i didn't sleep except about an hr shitnap that fucking sucked. Went to work last night and didn't have much withdrawl symptoms but got my ass handed to me with my workload. Felt completely demoralized when i left an hour late this morning. Told myself all night i was going to go home and take a dab and go to sleep. Kid went off to Grandmas for playday with the cousins and i just went to the store. bought a half rack of ipa. just finishing the first one and i don't even feel guilty. just hope i can get some sleep today.
im very happy i managed to stop being an alcoholic and a smoker. it took my dad having a stroke for me to get it. i miss the ignorant bliss but i don't want to die.
>Get a a can of bud heavy
>Crack that shit open
>Pour it into a frosted glass
>Dat golden fizzy nectar
>Dat beautiful white head
>Dat sweet smell
>dat delicious beer taste
>Dat smoothness
>Dat warmth when it hits your stomach and everything is gonna be alright, just for a moment
Spoiler alert: you're going to die anyway
just go to sleep, bro
I had that on my knees once. I moved to a new place and got wasted, woke up mostly drunk and naked and forgot I had moved so I thought I'd broken in somewhere. I freaked out and went out a second floor window. The impact was enough to sober me up and realize I'm ass naked at 5 in the morning outside my place. Slept well for the rest of the day.
Havent had a drink for a week, instead ive been fucked up on pregabalin or speed.
i feel depressed as fuck, just end this fucking life now
Yeah my dudd it sucks to have huge scabs on the bendiest part of your body
That’s a little fucky m80, I’ve definitely had the “where am I”s, but I would always assess the situation before jumping out a 2nd story window.
Although I’ve never drunkenly burgled a place before, though. This post reminds me never to start.
That's how I felt since I fucked up my ankle. I've since fixed this by drinking some old Bacardi i have left.
In a blackout you called a handful of BBC's to come to your home and fuck your face. Its amazing that you're still alive and don't have missing belongings, tbqh
>Starting to have mystery pains in your stomach and back
jesus, im in pain right now in the same areas. don't know wether to freak out about it and live without knowing daily or go to the doc and find out im dying or some shit. haven't figured out which is better. i went once and it went like this.
>doc, i have pains
>do you drink alot?
>well stop it
>take milk thistle cuz its good for drunks and your liver
>liver starts to ache
im sorry
Day 3 without weed. The cravings are real, and without it I've been losing lots of sleep. Also been getting vivid dreams due to it. Had a few drinks last night to help me get to sleep, but even that does fuck all when my roommate is screaming at League of Legends all fucking night.
fuck m8 you got me. my sides
Face fucking doesn't give such marks. Doggy style can though.
>black out drunk and wake up passed out on the couch with another bottle of vodka next to me I have no recollection of going out to buy
I wonder what dumb shit I did to embarass myself in public this time, sort of glad I have no memory of it
>wake up and car is parked in a different spot and don't remember driving it
My luck will run out some day
How do I stop hating being alone forever? I turn 29 in December and I'll lilely die alone.
i play video games or watch shows/movies and get drunk enough to pretend i live that life. if you're looking for a way without being a degenerate who lives thru fictional charchters. i can't help you, hmu if you find it though
there's only one way
cheers user, maybe this shit will turn around one day
it's flexing
your piss will smell real bad for a couple of days
I heard of thitsle but are there any other supplements you can take to help speed up the healing process? Like vitamin c pills ? I heard those help heal faster.
Drinking already makes my piss smell like shit and too way too foamy.
what? my liver is flexing? wtf?
my piss has smelled bad for like 8 months
maybe he meant deteriorating like your are literally pissing dead liver cells.
dont fucken scare me
or is that a good thing
Can you live without a liver? I don't think it is a good thing.
I am being serious your dead liver or kidney cells have to go somewhere after you practially melt them to death with liquor.
self bump for vitamin answers
>Drinking already makes my piss smell like shit and too way too foamy.
isn't that a sign of diabetes?
>what? my liver is flexing? wtf?
I'm joking since milk thistle is supposed to strenghten the liver. If your piss stinks real bad you might want to have your kidneys checked out though.
>mystery pains
stomach issues caused by drinking
u feel it in ur back too but its all just stomach pains
t. genius
a genie grants you three wishes but only if you stop being an alcohol after the wishes are granted, what do you wish for?
I drink a lot of non diet soda to chase the liquor and just a fat lazy american so maybe its that but lately I use diet soda for my vodka because I learned you don't get anny headaches or hangovers the next day because it is not normal and crammed with sugar.
>death three times
>wishing for something that will happen to you anyway sooner or later
>wishing for it three times
He's trying to bring us with him.
I don't give a fuck about others lives to wish them death
>why would you wish it 3 times
>it is sooner or later
nah negroe I want death now is what I meant...
1. able to get drunk on water
2. over 9000 million dollars
3. dead mook
Actually shit myself. Haven't eaten in two days and chanced a fart at 5am and it was liquid shit. Time to get a grip of my drinking when I can't control my bowels.Tomorrow though. I'm drunk again. Wish me luck guys.
Are you fucking serious?
You actually sharted?
Not him but I do it at least a few times a week.
Get on shart level drinking, lad
Unfortunately I am serious. Wasn't even just a little squirt.
My shipment of alcohol is on its way. 4 cases of Harboe beer and 2 vodka bottles.
Haven't drank anything in almost a month by then.
I'm not judging because I like a drink but if you're at the stage where you can't control your bowels then you have no dignity left.
Time to seek help or come up with a solution.
That was the gist of my post m8. I was asking for wishes of good fortune in getting a grip.
You just smoke to much. I used to smoke heavy (blunts and bowls throughout the day, every day) and then I took a month off and now I only smoke every couple of days. Feels great cause you get higher and there are no withdrawals. Feel less depressed and anxious too.
What do you do in life? My lonelyness p much doesn't bother me anymore when I started working bc most of my time is filled up and I don't think about it
It can be a sign of protein in piss too, and it doesn't bode well
You can't really piss liver cells.
What is the bad smell like? What color is the piss
Please respond
>It can be a sign of protein in piss too, and it doesn't bode well
Not the same guy but explain further :S
This. If you're not leaving an oily film on top of the water after spraying liquid shit everywhere, you're doing it wrong.
distraction and refraining from thinking about women
Where do you think we are? Everyone here is discussing their substance abuse
I literally just want to know if I'm breaking social etiquette with alcoholism - their special starts when the liquor store closes so it's a pretty solid place to go
If the op of that pic isn't bullshitting then I know who he is. That is fucking mad.
Help him, user
He is a cunt and tried to bottle me once, he can go fuck himself.
There are certain types of protein in your blood plasma
If your kidneys work like they should, most is not filtrated into piss, and some are reabsorbed. When kidneys are sick/damaged more protein gets into pee so it's physical properties is different and forms foam when the stream hits toilet.
Occasional proteinuria is normal during eg fever or intense physical activity but is usually not this hard and passes with time.
Help guys, I want to throw a big party soon and I want the guests to get really drunk.
Does someone here know a good drink I could mix that will make them drunk for sure that doesn't taste too strong, so that normies can enjoy it too?
make a big batch of long island iced tea in a punch bowl
I suppose I knew anyway but I'm dying young. RIP me.
First of all thanks for the idea, but do you know a good recipe for that?
Most sources I have found list pretty different things to put into it.
It can still be beetus or something else
If you have insurance you could get some tests done, see what you're dealing with
I live in the UK so insurance isn't a concern. I'm just embarrassed to go to a doc. Haven't been in over a decade. Probably need to suck my pride up and get this shit over with.
This is why you keep drugs handy. I'm no druggie, just a drunk, but if I run out and can't buy more I'm going to down a couple percs or xanax.
you're a druggie lad
The pancreas doesn't grow back.
Source : haven't drank in a year, still shit oil if I don't take pancreas juice pills with every meal. And I have to take more and more until I have no more pancreas and diabetes.
Depends if they mind sustaining your alcoholism and wish to ban you to "help" you, if they don't give a fuck and only want your money, or mind serving alcohol that is literally killing you but know they can't do shit without worsening the situation.
Desert wines. It's way stronger than it taste like.
Or some punch like many normie party.
Thank you, but I meant moreso do restaurant/bars not like people who come and eat/drink alone?
I only go once every few weeks so it's not like a daily thing
One of the most drunk parties I went to (although that was back in school) was when the host just got a bunch of ingredients for Mojitos and caipirinhas.
restaurants are there to serve you. They want your business and don't care if you're alone or not. Unless you sit there for hours taking up space and only order one thing, I wouldn't worry about it
Nothing like a good vodka/hemlock mix to make the court session bearable.
Some restaurants ban singles, but you should be fine
>pain in upper right abdominal region
Liver pain is usually game over m8. You're fucked.
Probably ulcers. Taper down a bit and eat more nutritional fibres.