Lads how can I spice up this macaroni and cheese i made. My girlfriend picked really bland chedder. It needed something sharper. It's got a nice crust but it's just so blah. Need to serve it to friends tonight. Would putting a spoonful of sour cream and hot sauce into be crazy? It's lacking some zing. Any ideas?
Lads how can I spice up this macaroni and cheese i made. My girlfriend picked really bland chedder...
Serve it with Joe Rogan style (((over easy)) eggs and jalapeno slices
>spice up mac n cheese
>absolute state of american cuisine
Haha sour cream and hot sauce! Whoa user take it easy there!
I want to cuddle with that cute girl (male)
Don't forget Joe Rogan Brand™ Plate Water®
her eyes are really blue
I always put dijon in my mac. Really good stuff.
oh dear, it appears I have fallen into a trap
Good idea. I thought about that but my girlfriend is afraid of flavor
You don't have to mix it into the entire batch.
I usually go half cheddar half Chipotle Gouda
That looks delicious. I told her to get sharp chedder and she got the wrong shit. Women.......
Trans people are fucking hot
> how do I spice up this mac that my girlfriend made
> yeah but i can't do that because my girlfriend doesn't like it when i spice up this mac that my girlfriend made
what do you want
cracked pepper
NO she originally wouldn't let me spice it up. Now that we have made it she agrees it Needs to be spiced up.
shes cute
nigger, macaroni and cheese is the most boring and unimaginative dish ever. there's nothing to spice up, because else it wouldn't be the fucking boring ass macaroni and cheese diarrhea that it is. no pepper in the world would change the fact that it's just food that has the same consistency as mud
Wow, you're wrong.
ive tried just about everything in college and i still cant find anything better to put in basic mac and cheese than a little bbq sauce