*scoops out the vanilla*

*scoops out the vanilla*
*throws the rest in the trash*

You know i heard they started selling vanilla by itself

Wasn't that a joke on the simpsons like 30 years ago? Holy shit OP get with the times.

absolutely disgusting

>"vanilla" ice cream
>doesn't have vanilla beans in it

>vanilla flavoured diary product

We live in an age where everything was once a Simpsons bit.

What a shite thread

>Americans refer to "Fürst Pückler" as "Neapolitan"

>g*rmans are autistic and still yearn for world domination

If it has beans in it then it is not ice cream.

when i was a kid i only took the vanilla and strawberry and left the chocolate

nowdays i only take the vanilla and chocolate and leave the strawberry.

i want pol to fucking leave

I usually mix it all together and eat it that way.

>triggered by ice cream

I only accept and eat vanilla. Other colored icecreams should be gassed and trashed.




i guess i am a woman of patrician tastes then

Jesus fuck, stop living a meme-life, That was said by South Park ages ago, but it dosn't make it true.

pick one

Vanilla is expensive as fuck my dude

one of the best ice creams I had was some hand churned ice cream being peddled outside a strawberry farm made from fresh strawberries, not some strawberry flavoring. You could even see the strawberry chunks in it.

Fresh strawberries child in ice cream end up as little fruit rocks in my experience

Chocolate tastes bitter like ass.
Vanilla has no taste, same as eating water flavored ice cream.
Strawberry is the only option

Wtf vanilla is the cheapest flavor

>Vanilla has no taste
the absolute state of this board

I wish Haagen Dazs sold all three flavours together like this.

Anybody who thinks that mint chocolate-chip is a good flavor should be put down. I never got the excitement over toothpaste flavored ice-cream with luke warm solid chunks of ass in it.

put yourself down lad

no the joke was he only ever ate the chocolate out of it, and then put it back in the fridge saying "Marge, we need more of that strawberry vanilla chocolate ice cream" before he finished with "Mmmm, chocolate" The joke was he only should have bought chocolate ice cream in the first place

I think you meant to type chocolate, user.

And if you have a little of each every time, you are enjoying it as it should

Captcha: hell road

i agree with you lad ive always associated it with toothpaste and thought it was bizarre people liked eating toothpaste

thats not icecream

Ice cream isn't supposed to have vegetables in it.

So yes, this was a joke on the Simpsons 30 years ago.


the actual vanilla fruit, you failed abortion


>not scooping even amounts of each into your bowl and mixing it into a combination soft serve
the absolute fucking STATE of this board

Individual wise, chocolate is clearly better.

then just buy vanilla ice cream, retard

The vanilla is allowed to touch the chocolate, and the strawberry mixes well with the vanilla, but the chocolate with the strawberry is fucking nasty

those black specks are supposed to be vanilla bean, it's most likely fake vanilla, it could be real, it's not THAT expensive, and you only use a tiny bit to flavor a big thing of ice cream. Most vanilla ice cream doesn't even go as far as to have the black specks, that's only in French vanilla if I remember correctly.

*scoops out the vanilla and throws it the toilet bowl and takes a shit on vanilla*

You got a semi-home made neapolitan if you also have hemorrhoids

u wot m8?


agreed mint anything just tastes awful

have you ever tasted or even heard of tar ice cream?
its a rare gem that i haven't been able to find for 5 summers (Binland)
why even live

>local dairy swirls its neapolitan to prevent exactly this

>not mixing vanilla and choco for superior ice cream experience
fucking pleb

Good vanilla is $4-4.50 per ounce/bean


Off yourself faggot

How can eyes cream be real if vanilla isn't even mirrors?

This is why I hate strawberry ice cream. I enjoy the flavor but I want it to be as smooth as possible without rock in it.

When I make it I either vitamix the strawberries then filter the juice out or I roast strawberry bits.