Why don't we have caviar but from amphibians, reptiles, or mammals instead of just fish?
Why don't we have caviar but from amphibians, reptiles, or mammals instead of just fish?
Snail caviar is a thing however why you would want to eat it is beyond me
What's so bad about it? Just that it's from a snail so ew snails?
>what are eggs
I forgot marsupials, sorry.
Dude those salmon eggs on the left taste like straight fish oil. Not very appealing but I bet they’re hella good for you. What does real caviar taste like?
Reptile eggs come out fertilized. Typical amphibians are much smaller than caviar producing fish.
I think caviar is popular not really because of its taste but rather because it has that funny "pops in your mouth" texture. To be honest I had once that fake caviar made with seaweed, fish oil and something else and it wasn't half bad, still works as a bretty good spread.
Is this bait or do you not understand the reproduction of those organisms?
as a teen I just couldn't get enough of caviar. Can't afford it since I've moved out but it was definitely just as much the taste as the mouthfeel
You just cut open the ovaries on mammals and you got eggs, what's the matter?
Monotremes, not marsupials.
The real question is:
"Why don't companies start selling animal aborted foetuses to the liberal vegan consumers?"
By their logic, no animal death is involved, so they should be able to eat it, right
Kys yourself anytime
This guy gets it.
Nobody cares about your special snowflake terminology, Nancy.
Where the shit is my mammalian caviar?
Caviar comes exclusively from the Beluga Sturgeon.
Anything else isn't caviar, people who use it as a general term for fish roe are imbeciles.
FWIW I don't like caviar.
Ooh another user offended by my species-neutral usage of "caviar". You don't own words, you know. Just for you, I'll rephrase this:
Where the fuck is my roe from non-fish sources
It's as bad as people referring to all sparkling wine as Champagne.
This should be close enough for you. Heck, you'd probably prefer it.
I'm not offended, I just don't like ignorance.
Imagine if everyone made the effort to educate themselves.
why does this word bother you? what would you prefer I use? do you have autism?
>semen and roe are the same
Please remove yourself from this thread.
Ignorance is bad, yes. Now stop being ignorant of my question without getting distracted with terminology. You win, caviar is technically only from sturgeon, champagne is only from champagne, congrats. Discuss the topic now please.
Pretty sure that's what he did.
>>semen and roe are the same
I never said they were the same. I said it would be close enough for you, and perhaps better suited to your tastes.
Perhaps you didn't realize, but I was calling you a faggot who drinks horse cum while simultaneously agreeing that semen and roe are, in fact, different.
>having to explain his cunning ruse
>uses Reddit spaces
To be fair, it's probably you who is the cum gargler around here.
Seemed to me like the user just corrected the usage of caviar and explained that it's a specific thing, like champagne is. That's more like some helpful information that, while it added to the conversation, doesn't really address my question other than explaining that my word choice was poor, which I will grant. I apologize.
Cool, thanks for your insightful post.
Now, what's up with roe from non-fish? Frog roe could probably be a thing, for sure.
Roe refers specifically to fish.
Only fish produce roe.
>Now, what's up with roe from non-fish?
Isn't the answer immidetely apparent? Obviously non-fish species have eggs, and humans have known about that for thousands of years. We eat just about any part of an animal that's edible. But we don't eat frog, snake, etc, eggs. Isn't the logical conclusion that they don't taste very good?
Frogs aren't fish so they don't produce roe, they produce spawn.
>using the correct word
>somehow special snowflake terminology
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
Excuse me again, I'm sorry I didn't use the appropriate word, I hope you're not too offended. Just imagine I'm using the word you'd want me to use.
>Isn't the logical conclusion that they don't taste very good?
I was equating it to mis-gendering with pronouns for a laff m8.
I swear, no matter the board, daytime in the US is the worst time.
>why don't we have pork but not from pigs?
You are just painfully unfunny.
Good thing I'm not trying to be funny for your entertainment.
What do you think frog eggs (spawn) taste like? Frog itself is chicken-esque so I wonder...
>>Isn't the logical conclusion that they don't taste very good?
What other explanation could there possibly be?
I feel like the logical conclusion bit isn't right because surely there have been other foods throughout history that people said the same thing about, right
a lot of angry ppl itt
Right? I never wanted to upset anyone. Veeky Forums is my home board, Veeky Forums is a board of peace. I just had a question about roe-like things from other animals. I wish it was later. Daytime US is interesting.
So you're saying that's a bad theory because there could be an exception to it? That sounds ridiculous. There are exceptions to everything. Do you have a better explanation?
No. I would say that if there's no reason to think it may be poisonous or dangerous, there's no reason to not try to eat it. That's how things become food.
This is the most autistic fucking thread, holy shit.
>he doesn't eat his lover's ova
Right. But we know those things aren't toxic, yet still nobody eats them. Therefore there must be some other explanation, like them tasting bad.
One could also posit that they might require some unusual or complicated preparation in order to be edible, but that seems like a bad theory because countless foods people eat require elaborate preparation to make it palatable and/or safe.
>yet still nobody eats them
I don't have enough data to agree with this claim.
I've heard that horse jizz has an actually kinda pleasing bitter, grassy taste that you wouldn't expect from an animal that eats trash and smells worse.
I've tried dog jizz and it was actually okay. It was sweet but metallic. I wouldn't drink a pint of it, but a champagne flute would be a good serving. Actually, speaking of champagne, I think it really would be like if you could somehow make champagne and de-bubble it without making it go bad, but then watered it down. That's exactly what dog cum tastes like. Watered down, flat champagne.
>That's exactly what dog cum tastes like. Watered down, flat champagne
So if we took dog cum and simmered it for a bit, cooked it down, chilled it, then carbonated and bottled it...
>I don't have enough data to agree with this claim.
Then do some research and find out if there are any dishes along those lines. It should be easy as fuck to google for it in a few major languages and see what you get. I'd start with the Asians, especially Southeast Asia like Thailand, Vietnam, etc. They eat more frog and snake than most cultures so if people were eating their eggs I'd think you'd find evidence of that there first.
Given that we know all sorts of abhorrent things people eat you'd think we'd have heard about a frog or snake egg dish. After all, things like maggot cheese (casa marzu), fermented icelandic shark (hakarl), soured fish (surstromming), chinese deer-penis wine, etc, etc, are all well known. So surely other egg dishes, if they existed, would be too.
Good advice. If I wanted to simply know whether this was a thing, I would have done that. I was hoping to have discussion in a thread. This has happened.
unironically i imagine it tasting and looking and feeling like pic related but much sweeter
iirc snake eggs are pretty normal and people eat them. but snakes are dumb to farm when much more docile and more prolific chickens and quail exist
i imagine that frog eggs have a similar story. it's probably just easier to farm fish eggs than frog eggs so why eat frog eggs when theyre probably similar to fish eggs?
>but snakes are dumb to farm
I bet you could probably fit a lot in one space though. Just a writhing pit of egg making sneks.
For when their is no juicy muh cow around.
What do yoghurt soda and piss have to do with each other? Totally different.
source: have had a yoghurt pepsi
>Just a writhing pit of egg making sneks.
snakes dont fuck very often and i dont think they lay eggs without fucking, unlike birds that lay eggs when literally anything happens. bird is healthy and happy? maek egg. bird is sick or stressed? maek egg. bird is fucking constantly? maek egg. bird is sex-starved? maek egg. bird is gently caressed in just the right spot by owner? maek egg. Birds are stupid and maek egg literally constantly just because, but snek has to enter mating season and successfully fuck.
ive tasted a lot of awful things in my life but yoghurt soda is the worst of the worst
if i had to slam a pint of dog piss or slam a pint of yoghurt soda, i'd pick the piss. i've had both, i can make an educated decision on this
>snek has to enter mating season and successfully fuck.
Then the problem isn't that snek is bad for this, it's that we don't have gud snek for this. We can science this. We have the technology.
>it's probably just easier to farm fish eggs....
That only affects whether or not the dish is a common staple or not. It certainly doesn't affect whether or not the dish exists.
A great many foods we eat are huge pains in the ass to get yet are still in high demand. Hell, even classic sturgeon caviar is that way. But it tastes good enough that people are willing to go through an awful lot of hassle to get it, hence its high price. Difficult, complex, or lengthy preparation has never stopped humankind from eating other things in the past, so why now? Answer is: it must be a different factor. Like them tasting bad.
>Carbonated joghurt
pakis are an adventurous bunch
Not that guy, but if you just say texture then people will stop calling you a faggot irl.
>Answer is: it must be a different factor. Like them tasting bad.
I'm gonna need data from more than just a random user on a Malawian fertilizer enclave. You are not the arbiter of flavour.
Also available in glorious Nipponland.
i found an answer in seconds of DuckDuckGo-ing
>Frog’s Eggs
>Pepes Telur Kodok is a traditional Indonesian recipe that involves mixing frog’s eggs, larynxes and vocal sacs together inside a fresh banana leaf and grilling until cooked. Don’t be fooled by kid-friendly sweet summertime “frog’s eggs” popsicles and smoothies made from crushed kiwi fruit, which is in all likelihood the closest anyone outside of Indonesia will ever get to eating frog’s eggs.
>Answer is: it must be a different factor. Like them tasting bad.
my money's on it just being impractical to acquire frog's eggs in a big enough quantity to make it a significant part of a lot of dishes.
>being educated and knowing specific information is autistic
Go and retweet some more 'fake news', Drumpff.
>roe Is a foetus
Call the 'tard wrangler, we got a live one.
>You are not the arbiter of flavour.
Clearly I am not. I'm not offering my own opinion, I'm offering the empirical opinion of the human race.
>my money's on it just being impractical to acquire frog's eggs in a big enough quantity to make it a significant part of a lot of dishes.
That factor alone isn't enough. It doesn't stop people from using all kinds of other "impractical" ingredients like genuine caviar, truffles, aged liquor...
We could say that the ratio of effort : benefit is far off. The effort far exceeds the benefit. Or, phrased another way, they don't taste very good compared to how much effort it takes to get them. Or rephrased yet again: they don't taste very good.
Texture and mouthfeel are not the same.
Mouthfeel relates to liquids not solids.
So in flyover terms that you'll understand:
The texture of your sisters clit is not the same as the mouthfeel of your fathers cum.
I hope that helps, Cleetus.
>I'm offering the empirical opinion of the human race.
[citation needed]
>if i had to slam a pint of dog piss or slam a pint of yoghurt soda, i'd pick the piss. i've had both, i can make an educated decision on this
Lmao you're pretty mad. Didn't get enough black cock today, huh?
>>I'm offering the empirical opinion of the human race.
The lack and rarity of non-avian egg dishes in general. The fact that they are very rare tells us something. We humans go to great lengths to eat all sorts of weird things, but not frog/snake eggs. That's telling.
I see that you are not an innovator. It's okay, the world needs consumers, too.
Facebook beckons
>pretty mad
Not in the slightest, ignoramus-user. I take great delight in mocking the retarded.
>all kinds of other "impractical" ingredients like genuine caviar, truffles, aged liquor...
those things are all pretty easy to get. nontrivial, but theyre available enough to get in enough quantities to make them consistently usable even if expensive
youre fucking autistic if you think the only thing that makes people not eat stuff is that it tastes bad. people eat plenty of terrible-tasting or otherwise unpleasant things for a variety of reasons including but not limited to cost or availability.
>The lack and rarity of non-avian egg dishes in general. The fact that they are very rare tells us something.
Yeah, that the spawning habits of birds and the fairly good nutritional value of an egg allow for extensive use of eggs in dishes, while fish eggs are a bit more tedious to collect and hold less value to a diet. Frog eggs are probably so tedious or rare that it's not worth even considering them as an ingredient. People already farm frogs for food, research, and pets; they're probably not valued for their eggs for reasons related to a long or hard-to-satisfy spawning cycle kinda like how people get chickens for eggs and company but snakes only for company.
>but not frog/snake eggs.
People eat snake eggs and it's actually advised in a lot of survival manuals that if you're somewhere with snakes, to be on the lookout for them, because snake eggs are pretty good eatin'. As are snakes themselves.
There's also the problem of snake eggs being pretty similar to bird eggs, and it just being safer and easier to raid birds' nests that are usually in nice dry places than snake dens (where you will have to deal with angry snakes) and swamps (which are just nasty)
birds lay eggs year-round if you stress them out and feed them enough calcium
snakes lay one clutch per year and only if they feel like it
>snake dens
Dude, snakes only hole up in crowded dens during hibernation. Those that lay eggs (many species don't, they live bare) lay them in the ground and abandom them much like tortoises and turtles. Btw, turtle eggs are goat.
post stories/pics
>those things are all pretty easy to get. nontrivial
If you mean you can go to a shop and buy them, sure. But think about the effort it takes to get them for their entire process. Not walking to the liquor store and buying a bottle, but the whole process start to finish including waiting 20 years. That's what I meant about humans being willing to exert a lot of effort to make/get certain foods. We don't care how much effort is involved. If we like it, we'll find a way. And it will be costly.
>>if you think the only thing that makes people not eat stuff is that it tastes bad
I don't think it's the only reason. But it's the only one that makes sense in this context. There aren't any cultural or religious taboos that I am aware of--Kosher laws, sure, but that applies to a small subset of the population. Toxicity? Nope. What else could there be? If you have an alternate theory to suggest then I'm all ears.
>> people eat plenty of terrible-tasting or otherwise unpleasant things...
Right. And in this case there seems to be NO reason why anyone eats them. There is not a single motivation for it, even lowly flavor.
>>Frog eggs are probably so tedious or rare that it's not worth even considering them as an ingredient
1) Tedious or rare has never stopped people in the past, so why would it suddenly stop them in this case? See: caviar, truffles, etc.
2) Frogspawn is amazingly easy to find and collect. After a good hard rain frogs will be spawning in every lake, pond, and stream. The spawn is just sitting there, you can scoop it up. Didn't you ever go to a pond with a net when you were a kid to catch stuff?
>snakes lay one clutch per year
Yes, and? Why would that stop us from collecting them and selling them if we wanted to? What you mention only makes snake eggs ineffective as a diet staple. It doesn't stop them from being a delicacy.
>What else could there be?
>But think about the effort it takes to get them for their entire process.
>It doesn't stop them from being a delicacy.
>Yes, and? Why would that stop us from collecting them and selling them if we wanted to?
just because its not at your local grocer doesnt mean it doesnt exist
fuck youre a dumb cracker
Sounds like we agree then. My point was simply that being rare or hard to collect has never stopped us from eating a myriad of other foods, so why would it stop us from eating frogspawn or snake eggs? Instead the reason must be something else.
I have no idea what you are trying to imply.
oh no dude, snakes absolutely find cozy places to lay their eggs and then incubate them
see pictured. a rat snake, very common in north america, incubating her clutch. she's chosen a decaying log because snake eggs are particular about humidity and warmth, and decaying plant matter provides both, as well as shelter
>why would it stop us from eating frogspawn or snake eggs?
But it doesn't. We just went over this.
>I have no idea what you are trying to imply.
I am shocked at this revelation.
>Instead the reason must be something else.
frogs are fucking tedious to get the eggs of, dishes involving frogs eggs have been shown to you, and frog farming is an actually underdeveloped market for how many uses frogs have
you clearly started this thread just to troll with LOL GROCE FOODS XD but your autistic ass is still failing to realize how many sorts of egg people eat, and why certain kinds of egg are more prolific than others
>you clearly started this thread just to troll
As the actual and real OP of this thread, I find this slanderous. Please do not confuse me for this imbecile. Also my intention was not to troll.
>frog egg dish has "pepes" in the name
That we are.
abs savage m8
snail eggs don't require the whole sperm thing to be fertile due to asexual reproduction/every snail is a hermaphrodite thing, so all snail caviar is fertile, and thus has a messed up shelf life where eaten at the wrong time, snails can then grow inside you and cause serious damage.
Caviar is popular simply because it's hard to obtain and expensive. It tastes and feels disgusting. Anybody who says otherwise is a butthurt faggot who wants to look "cultured" to his rich friends. Same story with lobster; it used to be literal peasant food and served in prisons, now it's considered fine dining. I would bet my god damn house that as soon as someone figures out a way to farm caviar in massive quantities so that everyone can eat it, rich snobs will put their noses up and go "well caviar wasn't very good anyway." But you know they'll just say "it's not REAL caviar, it's not farmed in the right temperature and it was obviously not spring-fed water melted from a glacier and served in a golden tin, so it's not GENUINE caviar."
Are Slavic snails the same way? I ate some on Wednesday is why is ask.
I had caviar once. It was just salty i think.
So its like fancy salt.
All I've learned from this thread is that I wanna guzzle horse-jizz.
What are the culinary applications of horse semen? Is it a replacer for milk or eggs? Does it thicken or thin what it's put into? I wonder if it'd be good in a mint julep if it has a bitter, grassy taste. Does fresh taste different than frozen or chilled? Is it better warm or cold if you drink it by itself?
I'd test these questions myself, but horses are almost as expensive as cars and I don't have a barn. I'm also not going to go fencehopping at night to get a hoof to the brain by Secretariat, or get filled with lead by farmer John.
>Not knowing that roe is practically the same thing as caviar and still isn't considered trash food desite being half the cost
Prison lobster was unseasoned and literally just pureeed meat with a splash of cream it wasn't ever dipped in butter or served next to filet mignon like lobster is today it's like claiming kale is shit because once it was only bought for salad bars by sizzler as if that being it's utility is the exact same thing as it being served in place of romaine on a ceasar or wilted along with some quinoa and red pepper coulis on a fish dish it's like you are pissed people recognized the potential of the ingredient and adapted it into finer cuisine instead of keeping it as gruel
>Chicken breast is served in prison now as is jello
>Guess terrines and any chicken dish is shit tier peasant food and don't belong on a fine dining menu
>Beef is what lower income people of America eats fuck steak it comes off the same animal they make McD burgers our of (or at least a percentage of that meat) fuck putting steak on the menu)
>Pigs are notoriously unclean animals in many cultures fuck chops on your menu pleb
>Game animals are hunted by duck dynasty rednecks is your clientele redneck Hicks? No venison or rabbit either
Enjoy the vegan menu soyboi all your major proteins we're once are ate now eaten regularly by commoners and gone through trends and supply and demand changes faggot
shit, why did I never think about eating those. can you eat those? I wanna taste one
Generally speaking nobody eats semen of other animals as a meal. Eggs fuck yes but not jizz
Mild salt water taste with a squishy texture we add it in our raw ahi tacos at my place or with creme fraiche as a palette cleanser shit is a bit off putting stuff first but by the third try it tastes
Are you retarded? Caviar is smoked fish eggs, non smoked raw fish eggs are roe. Caviar doesn't refer to one particular species it is general culinary term. Iranian shit is just the most expensive due to political reasons.
>fish oil
>Not very appealing
Well yeah chicken now lay shit tonnes of eggs constantly because we genetically engineered them too be that way. If we bred the snakes that pop out more eggs than average over a few hundred years I'm sure we would get the same result.